Freelancer: New Eden
Welcome, this post is to inform you all of the work-in-progress mod for Freelancer, New Eden.
Now, currently, the team is quite small. We’ve acknowledged that it may take a while to do this, but we are going to keep at it. It started out as an idea to mod a mod, in this case DiscoveryFL. We were going to take the basis of Discovery and expand, edit and generally make it into a different mod, but this died somewhere and we have begun making an entirely new one.
The storyline so far is this:
Tired of all the conflict and inter house wars, a group of disenchanted individuals from all the major houses and some criminal elements pool their resources. With the backing of Lord Winchester Billington, an extremely successful entrepreneur, the Pioneer is born.
With a first generation FTL drive she is a colony/exploration ship the likes of which Sirius has never seen before. With a small flotilla of support ships she departs for destinations unknown, the Pioneer able to extend it’s FTL “bubble” around the flotilla. After several months travel they come across a Hypergate that is fluctuating between active and inactive. Taking a chance they enter the gate, but for some reason the wormhole generated by the gate reacts badly to Pioneers FTL drive, spitting the colony ship out into real space while the flotilla carries on and reaches the gate at the other end.
The Pioneer, trying to make the best of a bad situation, detects a system at the very edge of it’s scanner range. Upon reaching the system the discover an abundance of mineral wealth in various mining fields and one planet that can be described by one word. Perfect. Lush vegetation, large open prairies, oceans teeming with life, an optimum atmosphere for human existence. They call the planet Eden and begin establishing the first ever truly unified human settlement and name themselves the United Eden Alliance.
Meanwhile, the remainder of the flotilla emerge through the gate and encounter a civilization so ancient yet so advanced it can only belong to the Daam K’Vosh. After an uncertain meeting, the Daam K’Vosh reveal that their civilization has ascended to the next plane of existence and those that remain are like a rearguard that stayed behind to watch over their interests. Because they have not ascended, they are not as powerful as their more advanced counterparts, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. They reveal to the flotilla the fate of Pioneer and explain that they have discovered a world that was to never have been found for it holds the key to possibly the most powerful artefact in the universe, a device that can create life or destroy life in it’s entirety, that can re shape the universe to the wielders whim and that the presence of the UEA may well have revealed it’s location to various other races and that, should it’s location become common knowledge, it could well be the end of existence as they know it. Thus a race begins with the Daam K’Vosh joining with the flotilla to try and rejoin the Pioneer and prevent a catastrophe the likes of which the universe has never seen.
The storyline is a work in progress, so updates will be posted on our forum, the address of which is located at the end of this post.
Currently we are looking for staff, and in this department we need:
Storyline Writers
TexturersAnd we also need other members who will generally provide creative insight into the mod, and help with testing and whatever they feel capable of.
Current Staff:
NebraxisMOD TEAM:
GrimReaper (DiscoUK admin)
Josh (DiscoUK owner)
KaisSo, if anyone wishes to become a part of the team, or provide some insight on the mod, either contact me on Skype, hillsy94, or go to our forums here.
Damn, was thinking EVE mod.
Anyway, good luck!
Isn’t the expression “New Heaven” or “New Eaden”?
BTW did you ask for Igiss’s premission?
They don’t need permission from anyone to make a mod. Sounds like it has the makings of an interesting story.
Timmy51m wrote:
They don’t need permission from anyone to make a mod.Adamusa wrote:
It started out as an idea to mod a mod, in this case DiscoveryFL. We were going to take the basis of Discovery and expand, edit and generally make it into a different modFor this they do. Good thing it didn’t work, because that wouldn’t be so popular.
but this died somewhere and we have begun making an entirely new one.
They don’t need permission for that. You seem to be nitpicking on something that isn’t even relevant anymore.
Nope, we gave up on the idea of modding Discovery, and went off in a different direction. Some events in Discovery may possibly be referenced, but this is uncertain yet.
A small update on the mod’s progress:
One faction is almost complete, just requires diplomacy and some more ships.
Three factions in the making. Ideas and lore are being/have been written.UEA:
Two fighters complete.
One bomber complete.
One gunship (anti-fighter) modelled, but nothing else.
One destroyer complete.
One supermassive capital ship modelled, but unfinished.UEA lore is complete, only relations with other factions to be decided yet.
As always, we are looking for new people, so if you are interested, do register on the website.
We have a working copy of the first system, and we hope to have a working alpha by the end of the UK half term.
Some screenshots can be located HERE.
Simple and nice
I wrote:
…Good thing it didn’t work, because that wouldn’t be so popular.In your face FF!!!
Pardon me?
Small update:
Unfortunately, due to our main modder being voted out of the team, due to his being unstable, we are now DESPERATELY in need of faction editors and system modders. So once again, if anyone wishes to help us out, please visit our website
On a lighter note, we now have several factions with lore and ship concepts, and our main faction, the UEA, have been made up to capital ships, with a supermassive ship in the making.
We are also considering changing the name of this mod to New Frontier, as New Eden implies that it focuses on the planet and those near to it, rather than the sector (Pegasus Sector) as a whole.
We are also considering changing the name of this mod to New Frontier,
dont want to get you down or anything, but there already is a Frontier mod. Peeps might think you were making a “New” Frontier mod if you know what I mean. If you dont want to called it Eden, how about “Call of Paradise”
Very nice background story. I enjoyed reading it!
Adamusa wrote:
our main modder being voted out of the team, due to his being unstable:lol: Usually the mods are unstable, not the modders…
Thaddeus wrote:
We are also considering changing the name of this mod to New Frontier,
dont want to get you down or anything, but there already is a Frontier mod. Peeps might think you were making a “New” Frontier mod if you know what I mean. If you dont want to called it Eden, how about “Call of Paradise”
I agree “New Frontier” might get confused with Mace166’s “Frontier Space”.
Thaddeus’ suggestion would be a nice alternative. Or “Paradise Found”, as a pun on John Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost”.
Wow, it’s been a while since the last update. Anyway, I’m here to inform you that the mod has undergone MASSIVE changes.
Previously, it was just a conversion branching off from the vanilla Freelancer storyline. Now, it is a total conversion, with it’s own storyline and ships. Alongside this, we intend to implement features such as faster-than-light travel, a dynamic frontline, destructible stations, and a storyline that, after a pivotal point in the game, will be guided by the player’s themselves.
The name of the mod is now Pegasus, and the mod will split into sections, or chapters, whichever you prefer to call it. The first chapter, Pegasus: Dark Prologue, starts off with two factions at war over a resource rich system, with a few other factions dotted around. The mod will start small, with only about 15 system, then eventually expand to encompass the entire Pegasus sector.
The forums have moved to, and you can check our ModDB page for some updates at
So many interesting mods and none seen the light of day. What a shame.
Neb disappeared right after I pledged to become a modder… figures.