Weapon platforms question
Solar pilot data governs how fast a solar object will fire
No idea about the rotation… set the mass lower maybe? this maybe also in the pilot data block
Your answers… and many more answers to common AI problems can be found in… DATA/MISSIONS/pilots_population.ini
And if auto_turret = false, weapon platform doesn’t work, of course.
Looks so weak…
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/1578/rvmsmoktua.jpg -
Í think your problem is the used pilot, since most pilots at set to fire in intervals, to fire slower than the gun’s max, to shoot at low accurace and to shho at the position you had 1 or 2 seconds before.
For example, the platform ‘Li01_small_wplatform_1’ in li01 use the pilot ‘pilot_solar_easy’
[Pilot] nickname = pilot_solar_easy gun_id = gun_solar_med_style_a missile_id = missile_solar_med
Now look at that gun_id, same file:
[GunBlock] nickname = gun_solar_med_style_a gun_fire_interval_time = 0.100000 gun_fire_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000 gun_fire_burst_interval_time = 2 gun_fire_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000 gun_fire_no_burst_interval_time = 1.500000 gun_fire_accuracy_cone_angle = 4 gun_fire_accuracy_power = 1.100000 gun_range_threshold = 1.100000 gun_target_point_switch_time = 0.300000 fire_style = multiple auto_turret_interval_time = 0.200000 auto_turret_burst_interval_time = 1 auto_turret_no_burst_interval_time = 2 auto_turret_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000 gun_range_threshold_variance_percent = 0.300000 gun_fire_accuracy_power_npc = 6
So, for auto_turrets, this platform shoots this gun 0.2 seconds slower (or 20% slower, don’t know exactly, but at least slower than it could) than it could and in bursts, shooting for 1 second (50% variance) and waiting for 2 seconds (also with 50% variance I think). gun_target_point_switch_time is 0.300000, so it shoots the position the target had 0.3 seconds before.