Question Mark For Player Rank
Hi. I set up a play server for me and a couple of friends to mess around with. I’ve got it running good but I have one problem. The player ranks on Ioncross all show as question marks. Also, the player list is empty even though there have been several login/outs. Any ideas?
If you’re using FLHook and the option to not encode charfiles, Ioncross can’t read them afair.
Nah, I have a pretty basic setup. I’m using the patched (v1.1) FLserver and Ioncross on a vanilla FL install. I did use the Quickpatch. I’m not sure what’s the problem but the players list has 0 players no matter how many log onto the server.
I read somewhere, a long time ago, back in the Evolved days, something about the rank issue but I can’t recall what it was or find any info on it.
Here’s an interesting error:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(463) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6] not supported/equippable!
This is from the console of FLServer. Any idea what it means?
Does your Ioncross say ‘Good to go’ at the bottom under ‘Program Status’? If not then it hasn’t activated properly, hence no players.
Also on the front screen check the box that says ‘Autoupdate Players Online list’.
A common problem with Ioncross is synching the date/time stamp. Under the Configuration/IFSO Settings tab there are two date formats you can choose from. Make your server match one of those.
Yea, “good to go”. We can log on and play together, but nothing is saved on Ioncross. There is no players list and we can’t edit players.
The date and time format is good to go as well…
Ioncross was built for XP. Vista and Win7 may not work with it (but try running as administrator).
Oh! It wasn’t set right. But it didn’t work. I fixed the setting but I still can’t get Ion to list the players or give a rank.
You could try this
it is a newer alternative to IonCross.
Sledge wrote:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(463) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6] not supported/equippable!
This is probably from the Battleship Missouri. Battleships used as stations aren’t apparently expected to have engines (or tractors). The SDK removed these, but QuickFix put them back in, to improve vanilla compatibility.
Sledge, your IonCross isn’t set up right.
Check the Configuration - IFSO Settings screen.
The path to the FLServer.cfg (player files) (the Account folder path) must be wrong in yours.
Your Server Name may also be wrong, it must match the title in the window that your FLServer.exe is running in.
Here’s a screenshot
Cannon wrote:
You could try this
it is a newer alternative to IonCross.
Cannon, can you tell me if DSAM can run more than one instance, to control multiple FLServer sessions in the same PC login account?
Each session is a different mod, IonCross can’t differentiate between them and if any session is still running, it doesn’t see that the session it is controlling has crashed.
And are there any plans to add timed banners to DSAM that IonCross has?
StarTrader wrote:
Sledge, your IonCross isn’t set up right.StarTrader! You’re a genius! You get 20 points. The FLServer.cfg path wasn’t set.
Everything works great now, thanks everyone for all your help.
Heheh… there’s quite a few farts still left in ol’ ST! lol
Cannon - any info on my DSAM query above please? Thanks.