Equipment taking up cargo space? Also some engine questions.
Well - I just answered what was asked, guys.
Here’s more, hate to see unanswered queries.
Why485 wrote:
StarTrader wrote:
Multiple engines cause the ship to keep on accelerating to ludicrous speed!Is this a fundamental behavior or can an engine be specifically engineered so that these “addon engines” only boost speed marginally?
It’s a bug, any second engine causes this problem - players used to take advantage of it long ago, now I think all modders removed their additional engines.
Why485 wrote:
Adoxa’s plugin with the shield drag modifier should work well enough for my purposes. It’s mostly a speed modifier, but it does affect ship handling slightly. I was hoping someone would know a method for modifying the actual ship handling characteristics but that may be beyond normal modding.Any additional equipment mass does affect ship response. The problem is that mass is not high enough in most equipment. I checked for you yesterday by increasing shield mass progressively, the heaviest shield I set at mass=65 and the lightest at mass=15.
There was only a half second difference in turning the ship a full 360 degrees, on a Centurion whose ship mass is 120.
So it seems that the additional mass is not just added together to the ship mass. You will probably need much more mass to see a noticeable effect - have a go with mass = 300 for a shield, it’s fast to do and you will see it for yourself.
Why485 wrote:
On the topic of equipment taking space up it seems I might have been misunderstood. I am aware of how internal and external equipment is dealt with in terms of cargo space. (Although I’m not quite sure what denotes internal vs external equipment.) What I wanted to know is if you could make a weapon or some other external equipment still take up cargo space after it has been mounted. Internal equipment exhibits this behavior, but external does not. Can I force this behavior for external equipment?.OK, I did misunderstand you on this one -
No, I don’t know the answer to this. -
So one of the things Freelancer does right, you want to remove? :?
common.dll 053048 0000->E31F = include external equipment in cargo size PART 1 ~adoxa common.dll 05330E 0000->E31F = include external equipment in cargo size PART 2 ~adoxa common.dll 0A9BA3 18->00 = include external equipment in cargo size PART 3 ~adoxa common.dll 0AA904 18->00 = include external equipment in cargo size PART 4 ~adoxa freelancer.exe 0838AF 74->EB = consider volume when buying external equipment ~adoxa
Is it possibe to add this space-taking effect only to some equipment parts, e.g. shield generators (as I think it is quite strange that such a small part that is only mounted outside without any inner part can create a strong shield)? Maybe even only to some of them?
adoxa - ma super-cool man!
Each item has its own volume=xx and mass=xx
So - yes
What if guns are supposed to take up space only while they are not mounted, but shields always?
It’s not a problem for me, as I probably won’t use this at all, but just as question… -
The addresses listed are actually DWORDs, containing the equipment type mask. Set it how you want.
adoxa wrote:
So one of the things Freelancer does right, you want to remove? :?common.dll 053048 0000->E31F = include external equipment in cargo size PART 1 ~adoxa common.dll 05330E 0000->E31F = include external equipment in cargo size PART 2 ~adoxa ```Untested, there may be other areas that need to change.
Thanks for looking into this adoxa, but I tried it and it doesn’t seem to have any effect.
I realize this is a “have your cake and eat it too” type question, but is there some way that you could perform the same check that is done on internal equipment? A player can easily check to make sure that they didn’t just equip something they can’t hold. However, there is no interface mechanic preventing you from doing so in the first place. This results in a lot of uninformed people getting themselves kicked for cheating. (More cargo space used than available.)
The vanilla internal equipment (and cargo?) performs a check before letting you put anything that would cause you to go over your cargo limit. Is there some way to use this same check for when you mount external equipment?