New Frontiers Mod
Chill out DVDMan, it’s not worth getting all het up about. We all know the score, we all vent, rant, piss each other off from time to time, wouldn’t really be much of a community if we didn’t allow each other to express our thoughts and opinions, whether positive or negative as the case might sometimes be.
If you need to let off a little steam then carry on, just do it in a gentlemanly fashion. Getting yourself banned doesn’t help anyone and it’s a cop out, how are you supposed to contribute to FL if you’re not part of the community you nutter!
TheDvDMan wrote:
Do you want me to ruin your global reputation or not? Youre just not worth it…Will you stop threatening people already? So far you’ve succeeded in derailing the thread and making everyone on here think you’re a dumba**.
Seriously, some people just don’t know when to stop.
We’re all really sorry for this mess, aquablue. We don’t take too kindly on people looking down on others, so we felt the need to defend you, but apparently things went a little further than anticipated
Back to our standard news program! Did anybody try the mod yet?
Thanks everyone for sticking up for me and my innocent little mod.
I didn’t take any offence as this kind of thing always happens on the internet. All I want to know now is if DvDMan can make some excellent graphics for me to put into my mod…oh and maybe some new mission types…and a proper bounty hunting mechanic…
P.S. if people want to see the images bigger then right click and select View Image off the menu.
aquablue wrote:
Thanks everyone for sticking up for me and my innocent little mod.I didn’t take any offence as this kind of thing always happens on the internet. All I want to know now is if DvDMan can make some excellent graphics for me to put into my mod…oh and maybe some new mission types…and a proper bounty hunting mechanic…
P.S. if people want to see the images bigger then right click and select View Image off the menu.
Geesh, if he only knew about it… His graphics are not good anyway.
*Some of his stuff:
mohanadhassan wrote:
You have created a Freelancer Online Mod and i think it is very good Mod@ aquablue,
I agree. I have been running through SP for the past week + and I like it. It sticks to Freelancer and the updated New Items are right in line with it. I think the new additions are grand and I am having a ball with it. There’s a few twists in it that are good too.
Very well balanced.
Will send you an email soon. Good job, m8.
Just to add, everyone needs to quit dissing each other and like they say, “If you haven’t tried it, don’t knock it.”
I’ve played many of these mods here and from other places and I don’t go there or, come back here and dis them, even the few certain ONEs I don’t like, I give a good review of it. Many of them aren’t all that hot, imho.