Couldn’t find another place to post this so I figured I couldn’t go wrong with the spam board
I’m working on a new site and was wondering if anyone would care to help me test it out? I’ve got some interesting software I plan to use on another site, but before I start working on that (the site is already live and gets tons of traffic, not a place to experiment) I’d like to put it through it’s paces and become intimately familiar with the script.
I’m looking for some fellers, especially old friends from the Freelancer days, to help me mess around with the site. If it works good, maybe we can keep it going for a while.
For now it’s a general FL fan site, nothing extravagant. No file sharing or anything, just friends getting together and BS’ing.
We needs users and moderators. If you’re an experienced (and vetted) admin on any FL site, I’ll set you up with global moderator status on FP2.
Hey Sledge, been a while. (You probably know me better under the username: Hobbes [Asgard, Shattered Worlds].
I like the site, clean layout and easy to read. I especially like the logo. very clean and crisp.
I will reg and mess around a bit. Anything i come across on the site will post there or send you a message there.
What software is this running?
Rules thread says:
5) No Piracy - This isn’t The Pirate Bay. Keep your stolen files to yourself, do not upload them here.And although I respect that you might not want to get involved in that sort of stuff, how is piracy related to stolen files?
Maybe I should change it to “No Warez”?
I’m using a script called Social Engine. I just bought a license ($250 plus $80 for a couple of plugins) to use on my political site but wanted to mess around with it first. I don’t think there’s a stand alone political social network either, but I’m willing to let the license stay with FP2 if it’s something people would enjoy using.
As for the logo, I wish I could take credit for it, but it was donated by a member of the former iteration of Freeport2. I can’t remember who it was (maybe someone here will recognize it and take credit).
signed up fella