Caution: Returning Bittervet
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorwrote on 15 Apr 2011, 09:50 global:last_edited_by,
I recall someone, somewhere telling me that Freelancer was like a Heroin addiction. You can quit, but you’ll always end up coming back. This seems to be the case.
Out of boredom with work I’m supposed to be doing, I broke out the ol’ Freelancer disk and started replaying the SP Campaign. Not gotten to the bit with the Nomads yet, so I’m not in full bittervet mode at the moment.
So yeah, if no-one remembers/has actually met me, I pioneered a lot of the work on THNs with a few other good people (Who may or may not be still around?)
So yeah, what have I missed? Been at least two years since I last dropped in.
now there’s a name i recognise.
Welcome back
Yeah, Freelancer is just unforgetable! Even if you played it only once, you will always come back to it the moment you see it.
Welcome back!
I don’t remember if I met you… The nickname rings a bell though.
About your knowledge in THNs: What kind of scenes can you make? -
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorwrote on 15 Apr 2011, 14:58 global:last_edited_by,
Well, THN is actually LUA 5.1, so I can pull together pretty much anything, given time. Had Day/Night/Weather on bases at one point, as well as numerous menu screens built from scratch. It’s been a while though, so I’d probably need to refresh my memory before getting stuck in.
On another note, is Shattered Worlds still going? URL to the site I have seems to be dead.
Of course Shattered Worlds is still running! Maybe your URL is broken, try to google it.
About the THNs: If you remember it good enough, can you teach me how to create scenes for missions? Thanks ahead! -
Well hello there. I knew you’d come back eventually, even against your own will
Welcome back!
Uh, and there have been about 1 or more SP campaigns released and about two are in the works.
Welcome back, Ruppetthemuppet.
Welcome back, Ruppetthemuppet. It is good to see heroes come back. I learned a lot from reading your old posts. Thank you and have a good time again.
Hey Ruppet. Long time not see. Good to see you returning.
And, yes, we’re still around. Bas gave the addy above: