Box surrounding ship not around it
We have a serious problem with two of our ships. The coding is right and they are working fine but when you click on them the lighted box surrounding the ship is not placed around it, it is behind it. Therefore also the cross-mark doesn’t fit and the ships can only be hit when you judge by eye and guide your tracers into target.
I’m totally clueless why this happened, we naven’t encountered this problem before. I guess it can be related to the .sur but the first glimpse says, the sur is matching the model allthough it is borrowed from a vanilla ship.
I know it may sound stupid, but is the HpMount on the center of the model and is that model’s center on or very close to 0,0,0 in the CMP?
HpMount is on the centreline, but like many is a bit below.
Centre close to 0.0.0 in CMP, not 100% sure how to read these.
Using the FLModel Tool the data is
Center :
0.059589 0.356242 -1.361100Is that it?
And if yes, is that far enough away to be a problem?
and for the sur!!! lots of numbers, is this of use
Surface :
CenterX : 0.014450 CenterY : 4.513978 CenterZ : 16.408697 -
**It is most likely the sur file. When you target something, you are targetting the center of the sur file not the cmp. I would check it to see if the type is ‘SHIP’ (Type #4), typically you will see this when it is the wrong type.
As stated above you will also need to make sure the center of the sur file matches the center of your ship.**
heres the download