Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Awesome info about the exe, thanks lads.
Here’s one more for you
I don’t really like the limitation of the contact list that it can only display 8 things. Sometimes I have to scroll to be able to see what I am targeting.
I have already tried tweaking the fonts in the ini files but that only made the letters smaller, the 8 item limitation stayed.
Is there an exe tweak to change this?
@ HeIIoween
It works. I have no problem for the moment.My Flhook code for update the “Rank” :
int Level=0; int iRepID; pub::Player::SetRank(iClientID, Level); //setrank menu Y pub::Player::GetRep(iClientID, iRepID ); pub::Reputation::SetRank(iRepID, ToFloat(IntToStr(Level))); //setrank menu F8
Diassembly listing.
starworld wrote:
…adoxa wrote:
Content.dll, 0A94D4, 04->39, disable money-based rank
But in this case what controls the rank? PvP Kills/Mission stats?
For me Flhook only, with various stats : pvp, pve, mining, mission, map, online time
Since there is a “owner_savetime” entry for mines I wonder if its possible to have a HEX-Edit or a plugin.dll to extend this behavior towards group members.
What i´m thinkin of is a kind of “booby mine” that has a very long “active-period” but only affects enemies like non-group-members and NPCs. This would enable some tactical varieties in warfare when it comes to huge server-battles.
Greetings J.R.
Is there any chance to do the above ?
OFF-TOPIC-P.S.: Pls can someone explain the use of this FlHook-Setting –->MissileDmgToMine (Whats the difference ?)
MissileDmgToMine: If set to yes then missile damage is changed to mine damage.
Change the message kill, exactly the same thing for :
TorpedoDmgToMine: If set to yes then torpedo damage is changed to mine damage.
AH… So it only changes the kill-messages regarding the weapon-types.
THX a lot mate.
J.R. wrote:
Since there is a “owner_savetime” entry for mines I wonder if its possible to have a HEX-Edit or a plugin.dll to extend this behavior towards group members. -
Simply AWESOME mate !!!
As I PM´ed you… will try it later…
Greetings J.R.
Moved the List to:
Greetings J.R.
According to my install instructions, ShipRange is server-side only (i.e. dacomsrv.ini, not dacom.ini). So yes, the ini is only needed server-side.
JumpOutPt depends on what you provide. If you have no SP option, you only need dacomsrv.ini and a server-side ini; if you do provide SP, you need dacom.ini and a client-side ini.
If a plugin is only loaded in dacom.ini, it (and its ini) is only needed client-side; if it’s only loaded in dacomsrv.ini, it’s only needed server-side; if it’s loaded in both, it’s needed in both.
THX alot to ADOXA.
Post edited and updated.
(ammolimit aswell) -
Ran a couple of tests and updated the LIST once more !
So far all statements there are VERIFIED now !
I just tried a lot with NPC’s dropping cargo.
There I noticed two strange behaviours:
1. Freighters always have 79,999% of their cargo space filled, not more. Transports etc. always have 100% (probably because of cargo pods?)2. No object (cargo pod, NPC etc) can drop more than 6 cargo crates.
I am sure this is an hardcoded limit.
Does anyone know where I can change it? -
It is in DATA\RANDOMMISSIONS\rmlootinfo.ini for random loot drops outside missions, do I remember correctly?
Mission dropped loot is in DATA\MISSIONS\lootprops.ini and there was a tute describing it somewhere.
AFAIK its vice-versa:
\DATA\RandomMissions\rmlootinfo.ini defines the Random-mission Loot and the factions who drops it.
\DATA\MISSIONS\Lootprops defines the Loot normal NPCs carry outside Missions aswell as the PhantomLoot.