Digga's Summer Project
Hey guys, just wanted an official place to post news about the game i am working on, and this is the perfect place.
Gameplay will heavily be inspired by Freelancer. I am trying to minimic the controls as best i can. Everything works great right now, except (I feel, anyway) that the camera is a little off…its very hard to get it just right… freelancer has such a specific feel. anyway, i don’t know if thats a good thing or a bad thing so i will let you guys decide.
please give me some feed back on what you think of it so far (again, mainly just the ‘feel’ of it but any crits will do). and you are welcomed to ask any questions you wish… i will try to answer them as best i can.
engine being used is Unity3 Pro.
current state of development: Setting down all the foundations…
web demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21307579/Showcase/WebPlayer.html
Exe: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21307579/SummerProjR2.zip
Dockbay Controls:
Click and drag LMB to move camera
N to spawn new ship
S to save ship
D to delete save data
L to load save
R to restart (preserves save data)
U to undock
Click on any component to deal 10 damage. Wings HP: 10, Body HP: 100
Keep mouse still for 2 seconds to activate ‘idle mode’ (Cycles through various camera angles every 10~ seconds)Flight Controls:
W A S D to move
Move mouse around to look
X to reverse
Tab for thruster
Space to stabilize. (This is active by default, press space to begin moving!)
Z for engine cut
Click on any component to deal 10 damage. Wings HP: 10, Body HP: 100
U to re-enter the dock
Automaticly saves your ship state when re-entering the dock -
Do you have an exe version of it?
All I’m getting on the web player is white and shades of grey, kinda hard to do anything.I assume that it’s on my end.
Had to drop the GFX to something lower than ‘Beautiful’, then it worked.
It seems like a good point to base from!
It’s a bit hard to get an idea of how the ship handles with that environment (needs more objects in space and different textures… or some at all
) but I realise that this is an early dev build, and that’s not a priority.
The only critique I really have for it so far is that the ship is a little twitchy. It turns a whole lot with only a small mouse movement, which is a bit difficult to get used to, especially when you’re used to FL’s method.
I very much look forward to your updates, I’d like to see where you get with this!
i understand exactly what you mean with the twitchyness. its overly sensitive. just had a brainwave, actually… i think the amount the player should turn exponentially increases from the center going out to the edges of the screen… thing that would work well… it gets more sensitive closer to the edge of the screen… haha… just talking to myself, this is what i’ve been doing to get the camera working the way it does…so much fiddling… argh!!
i will take the shaders off in the next build so there are less issues. they are stock ones that come with unity, and i am just trying to get some attention because a plain dev build will be alot less interesting than one with bloom etc haha
we are all suckers for it, dont lie! plus i wanted to give a taste of what can be achieved with it
also missing stardust hey
that will give you all the sense of movement needed. but all in good time…
might apply a ‘debug’ version of the stardust effect - just an effect i can slap on and delete after i am done testing…like the contrails…the contrails (when the game is complete) will be generated after the component scans its children and detects a contrail hard point…right now though, i just slapped them on to the wings for debugging
Controls feal good so far in my opinion, only thing missing is the leane you get when you turn in FL which is somthing I never got working myself with my unity project.
He means the ship banks/rolls a little when you turn in FL.
ah right… well i am installing freelancer now (i’ve been going off of youtube videos and memory up until now, just found my cd) and i will have a look into it. must just be a camera thing though, because i distinctly remember that in multiplayer, players only turned along one axis, they didn’t bank…i remember seeing players afk or typing, with their mouse off-center. their ships would just rotate on the Y axis, relative to the ship…
They do roll in a turn, it’s not a move that can be performed with a key, it’s part of the physics.
ok, stripped the demo of shaders, and implemented banking. thats it for me tonight i think…3 am here in the land of oz
new versions in the first post, links have changed.
i am personally pretty excited about how it turned out. it ‘feels’ really good now that the banking is implemented. it felt really light before but this sort of gave it a bit of weight, IMO. thoughts? the bank angle is fairly large (45 degrees) just to show what its like. its harder to spot at a lower value with nothing to compare to.
If you get the SDK and open the shiparch.ini file you’ll find these entries for each ship in the file:
max_bank_angle = 35
camera_offset = 6, 22
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.05
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 23
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 30
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1max bank angle dictates the physical limit of roll, everything else is camera related. Self explanatory really.
yep cheers for that. the way i have programmed it, some of those values are irrelevant. i did not want the camera being too fiddly, so it works out where it needs to be/how much it needs to rotate/move etc on its own, by checking how long, wide and high the players spaceship is.
these are the values the navigation class pulls from the players equipped engine…right now the values are hard coded in, but i’ll change it so it reads the equipped engine once all this is done…:
(ignore the /100’s. some values need to be scaled down - the players speed is actually capped at 0.1 in game, and it moves as fast as it does… but, for scripting/modding purposes (when it comes time to that
), it’ll make more sense to put ‘100’)
I have just tried it and have to say it’s quite good for a beginning. Are you still working on this project?
yeah mate i am. do not expect to see too much in the next few weeks or so though. i am working on it but i am working on back end stuff! i wont be able to show case much. to put it simply, i am working on items and inventory. first up will be engines, as that will link in nicely with what i have already. once i have engine ‘items’ working in the players inventory (to the point where he can store in inventory, buy from shop, sell to shop, or equip to ship) i can easily expand this to weapons, shields, turrets and anything else that can be equipped really.
currently i am also a little bit busy searching for a job. i live at home and have no income, so i have to jump through several loops to receive pay outs from the government till i get a job lol. ahh, melbourne…
I know what that’s like. xD
It’s a problem when your mum earns too much money for the Government to give you any money, but not enough that she can help you pay for things. And works for them so can’t even lie xD
Well, I eat and sleep comfortably, can’t complain.Looking forward to those updates when they do come, at least.
just an update to say there is no update but i have not forgotten or anything. gah! someone find me a job!
a lot harder to do than i thought…hey…
also i am working on getting my provisional license…dad bought me a car so thats awesome, just need the license!!
soo…very hectic life right now, despite leaving uni for the rest of the year. hopefully i can settle down sooooooonnn i want to get working on this
Prodigga wrote:
just an update to say there is no update but i have not forgotten or anything. gah! someone find me a job!a lot harder to do than i thought…hey…
also i am working on getting my provisional license…dad bought me a car so thats awesome, just need the license!!
soo…very hectic life right now, despite leaving uni for the rest of the year. hopefully i can settle down sooooooonnn i want to get working on this
Nice news about car/license
Look forward to seeing more whenever you have it