So, Minecraft…
How many people play it? How many have played it since it was nice and cheap, or play it now?
How many don’t play and haven’t heard of it?The best thing I can think of to explain Minecraft is in a generated world where you are like a Settler… you build, you mine, you gather resources/food… and at night bad things come and kill you if you aren’t safely sheltered
In about a year the creator (Notch) has gone from creating and releasing his first pre-pre-alpha, to owning a £30 million business (from what I read, it may be even more).
It’s addictive. It sounded crap, looked crap, but gameplay is awesome and addictive for a good amount of time
So - who else plays?
My stepson plays it, often for 24 hours at a time, then collapses in a large sweaty heap. I haven’t really looked at it myself, but “looks” okay, if that’s the word. What makes me lol is he says Freelancers looking old and dated, quite something coming form a Minecraft player.
I love this game, but can’t play more than 30min a raw, cause that make me sick (not because of graphism, just it’s often like that with many FPS games for me). But really interesting game, and addictiv.
Been playing it for a while lol, brought it when it was like pre alpha and play it fairly regular
not so much lately, been busy.
Me and FriendlyFire got a little project (I say little lol) undergoing but thats on hold =P
Do you play on any servers Chips or do you just single player it? =]
Used to admin on a semi-rp Survival server, for over six months, since during early alpha.
An amazing game for the 12 bucks I paid for it back then, but not without it’s horrible, horrible issues (like being coded in Java).
If only there was a man willing to create an open source version, who wasn’t afraid of turning it into something awesome. Who said ‘you want to do that, you CAN do that!’. Who would let me build, and fly, the greatest Zeppelin ever known. Who frequented this very forum!
I play online, on a server, with a group of fellow gamers
However, it’s been out for about 8 months so they don’t play as often as they did either
As for the game, it sort of reinforced how good “indy” games can be to their creator. I paid £10? Bought it back in November, and think I clocked up about 30 hours gameplay in the first week (I was that addicted). I still play it at least once per week - believe it or not it has taken until now to start using redstone circuits
So building drawbridge type entrance (trapdoors block off entrance through water), doors and more with complicated circuit diagrams
I have recently seen a great mod, which does kind of make you think “If Notch got off his butt, there is so much more potential”, and I regularly watch the Yogscast youtube videos as well (they do adventure maps etc).
Actually, if you’ve not checked Yogscast, you should do. Their humour may not be to everyone’s taste, but I got hooked on their channel through their Magicka videos with TotalBiscuit, and then their Portal 2 videos. They’ve always done Minecraft too
(recommend going to their channel, and sorting through their playlists!)
FriendlyFire has been trying to get me to buy this… I am putting it off for as long as I can!
Not for long…
Wow. Just found this thread. Freeport2 has had a minecraft survival server going for a couple of months now. In fact, 1.8 has just released so now I’m probably looking at a server wipe.