Phoenix problem
Hi all,
Recently I saw a post where a player was dying a lot where King and Trent had to take out a base in the Detroit Debris Field.
I cant find the post now, but I have the same problem.
My ship blows up really easily. One hit? Shield gone! Two hits? Ship gone!
So I need help here.
I placed the Anubis on Pittsburgh, no help. I tried the Titan. No help.
I even put a heap of hitpoints on the ships and no help.
Can somebody tell me what is happening here please?
The game is Phoenix mod 1.06.edit: Tried again with Anubis. Put heaps of hitpoints on etc.
Ship survives and mission is successful, but doesn’t end.
One Rogue ship keeps spawning over and over.
I presume this is another bug, but has anybody been able to fix it?In the meantime I’ll reload the autosave and see if that will bypass the problem.
Reload fixed the problem! Wish me luck!
Hi. The problem is i geared Phoenix for MP in all honesty and upgraded all the npc loadouts accordingly. That said, this is also where the fix is. If you put lower grade guns on the npcs, should solve your overpowered npc problem.
Thanks Gibbon. I realized it was your mod.
I imported the Anubis to Pittsburgh along with appropriate guns and shields.
That fixed the problem of dying.
I had to hack the save to allow enough money to buy it all though. (bummer)
Thanks again.
PS: I only do SP, so I probably miss out on a lot of good mods. -
You’re missing out on the cloaks for certain ships that i added in the last release, the dynamic economy etc. I should really update the mod a bit as i can certainly simulate a dynamic economy in SP.
That would be great Gibbon.
To explain in general why I cant hack (no pun intended) multiplayer
I had encephalitis as a child. I cant handle more than one conversation. I cant type more than real slow. I take ages to think out a situation that calls for action.Maybe not many of us play games all day, but stories or any improvements to this and other games will be greatly appreciated.
And thanks for Phoenix. So far I’m still on Liberty but even the small extras there have me all excited. Sounds silly I know, as I’m 65.
I guess many others are to be thanked as well.
Try difficulty_scale = 0.25 in Mydoc/my games/Freelancer/Perfoptions.ini.Tell me here if it works.
Sounds silly I know, as I’m 65.
And still playing Freelancer? I think that’s the coolest thing ever! Rock on! 8-)
Age should be no barrier lol. I will do one more update for Phoenix i think with a little bit more focus on the SP side of things as i’m pretty happy with the way MP works. I’ll add the simulated dynamic economy that’s for sure as it works differently in SP than it does in MP
Hi, Maverick and Gibbon.
I play Freelancer because it is one of the coolest games I’ve ever come across.
I also play the three STALKER games and look forward to more.
I’ve just bought Dungeon Siege III, and every so often I log off for a bash at FL.
And FEAR 2 and Scred Fallen Angel And NWN Oblivion.
Yeah, they all keep me off the streets and outa the pub.
Got another question.
Gotta move up a little.
See ya. And thanks : sorry I didn’t answer. I can’t try that till I start a new game, as I have hacked shields and engine stuff.
I changed the difficulty to .25 and reloaded the mission one.
It worked okay. I was able to kill the Rogues with the starflier. -
I think this mod is 4 time difficult as vanilla, it is a realistic rebalancement, so you must be an expert of dogfight, and I don’t think your one of these, you’re probably good on it but not enough to play this mod, reserved for (V)HF only.
I have placed the Anubis in Pittsburgh!
I have made the Deathbringer guns more powerful!
I have used the SaveEditor for lotsa moola!
I can buy the Anubis!
Watch out if you have a red box around you!
He he he!