CMP Import/export dll
I’m uploading the two dlls and some notes. If there any questions, let me know and I will answer best as I can.
Very many thanks, as always, P1p3r.
I will try to put them to the test asap.
Thank you !
Tested with a model base with 24 groups.
Problems are only 4 texture files (can be edited with a hex editor on the vmesh data and also when closing exporter ms3d crash . -
Hello cata,
Could you send me your model and textures that were causing the problem? I’ll try to duplicate the problem and find a solution.
Tested again .
My fault i didn`t put settings correctly, it gives full mat file sepparately or inside cmp and works fine.
However, i found some issues :- When open with hardCMP model is messed up .
- When open with latest UTF editor (the one with model view) it gives the “Exception when loading a meshgroup error”
It is important because when trying to hardpoint model i need Hard CMP or that UTF to view.
Ingame the model is working good.
Exporting was one feature I was actually hoping to get input about. I find it much easier to move triangles around in milkshape as oppose to hardCMP.
If you could try hardpointing with exporter and let me know what you think. Good , bad or otherwise, It would be much appreciated.
I would have to play around with hardCMP to figure out why the meshes aren’t being loaded correctly.
In the meantime, to add a hardpoint, I simply duplicate HpMount, or create a triangle in top view. Then I place it over the part I want it attached to. Rotate it to point in the direction I want the barrel to point to. Give it a name, and the the exporter will place it flush onto the surface of the mesh. Hardpoints are oriented from the center of the triangle to the second point.
If you import a cmp model using the new importer, you’ll see the naming convention I used.
i.e.: **HpWeapon01
the first asterisk tells the exporter to place the hardpoint onto the surface of the mesh.
the second asterisk tells the exporter this is a revolute hardpoint
i.e. ! HpRunningLight01
the exclamation tells the exporter not to move the hardpoint
the space tells the exporter this is a fixed hardpoint.It must be late, I think I’m babbling. Check out the notes file. It has more detail.
Do you happen to have a link to the UTF viewer? I can’t seem to find it.
Ok i`ll see with the hardpoints . I hate to add triangles to Hp-s since my first model ship, hard cmp was the fastest way.
And the messed up model on HardCmp appears also when splicing cmp-s to obtain models > 10k polys.
Anyway the UTF editor is on the forge , latest is compiled by FriendlyFire - -
Getting a crash when I try to export a standard model, as a test I imported the rh_freighter with your new importer (works fine, nice).
MS3D crashes on choosing export from the drop down menu, doesn’t get to the window.
Sounds like an incompatibility error, i’m using 1.8.4 on Xp Sp3 what version are you building on?
At P1P3r : I’ve tested the importer, nice work, I like the merge option and all the others! But the exporter needs to be more flexible… It could be good to tick boxes than choose in menus, it could be more intuitiv, if you see what I say. Though I didn’t try more than a minute, I will try the exporter more this evening. Like that I would see the things you could change if it is really difficult. If you don’t want, could you make a fast tutorial?
Please could you tell me how doing LODs? I don’t know how!!
1. Export Model for the High Detail LOD.
2. Don’t change the filename.
3. In Milkshape, I use the DirectX Mesh Tools. to reduce the poly count.
4. Go back to export dialog. In the Export Menu, put a check mark on LOD. or click on the multi doc icon. If you want to add WireData click on the far left icon.
5. click export.Just repeat steps 2 to 5 for more LODs
Thank you, it works! In fact don’t change anythings! That was the only thing I didn’t understand. I’m sorry to have argue you… That was a mistake. -_-’
Sorry but i didn`t received nothing .
Sorry about that. Try this again.
Hi P1p3r,
I’ve tried the importer and, for whatever reason, it does not pick up the .mat file within the folder regardless of it trying to find automatically or not. I’m unable to select it manually. Would it have to do with the version of my MS? It’s 1.8.2.
Unfortunately, this causes a fatal error within the importer and it MS crashes. Your older version works just fine, though.
HI Sushi,
Could you upload the cmp and mat files so as I could take a look at them?
Off the bat, there’s only two times it would not pick up the textures, and that would be- they already exist in the textures folder. and
- the hash numbers don’t match. However, there might be something else going on with your files.
I tested with new exporter :
- model is shown good in hard cmp & UTFeditor and exports both cmp and mat file.
- the model is exporting with a little higher value of Y axis (up), and a little negative value to X (to the left at front projection) compared to normal.
- when selecting wmesh wire exporting included, ms3d crash (tested on version 1.8.5 beta1).
P1p3r wrote:
HI Sushi,Could you upload the cmp and mat files so as I could take a look at them?
Off the bat, there’s only two times it would not pick up the textures, and that would be- they already exist in the textures folder. and
- the hash numbers don’t match. However, there might be something else going on with your files.
I think I figured it out. It has to do with the way the 3ds Max exporter exports the files, my bad. Hardcmp doesn’t read them correctly, either as we add tangential data to the model for normal/specular mapping.