FLMM -> Open-Source?
Did you try to extract the application from the setup using 7-Zip or WinRaR?
I actually used WinZip Pro and the following files were extracted: FLInstaller.exe and tags.txt.
When attempting to run the installer I get a mfc100.dll file is missing and the install fails. mfc100.dll is in the System32 folder. At that point I stopped hoping Adoxa wouldn’t be away too long but that was 6 months ago now.
Na, I mean, try to extract from the exe file, it might be some kind of archive itself.
Operating system is Win7Pro_64
I tried opening the exe with winrar but got a ‘The archive is eithter in unknown format or damaged’ error. -
Did you try out this one?
Some exe files can be extracted with winrar but not opened by them, if they are of the self-extracting type.
Already did asked but here is again:
- Does anyone know where in FLMM 1.3 I can manually change “Choose a different Freelancer directory” while its off? Registry?
- How FLMM knows which mod is activated? By .flmmbak?
- Didnt tested but what if I delete FL directory where is FLMM set to use?And one suggestion for next release (if already isn’t planed).
Prior any mod deactivation let the FLMM check is Freelancer.exe process still active in Task Manager and if so, forbid deactivation or force End Task of Freelancer.exe.
Current solution if this happens lets you fix it by Restore Backups, but all/some new files/folders that are placed with mod in addition stay there. -
sumanuti wrote:
- Does anyone know where in FLMM 1.3 I can manually change “Choose a different Freelancer directory” while its off? Registry?
- How FLMM knows which mod is activated? By .flmmbak?The current FL directory and the activated mods are stored in the registry.
i’m not sure how useful it would be for other games.
who to contact? you could try Louva-Deus. -
Hey Rimshot, whats happening dude? As I remember you used to be on the Void modding team? What happened to the server man, its pretty empty these days!
hey Zyos, i don’t think this story belongs here but i’d say different people had different visions. i’m tired of talking about it but if you really want, msn or pm me.
No my friend, I won’t drag it up if you don’t like to talk about it, no worries. People always seem to have different visions, it sucks that our modding community can be so diverse in opinion about one game!
Its why I’m not even going to ask for help with my project I’m just going to do it on my own for now, but ask on here when I inevitably get stuck
Open source FLMM would be an interesting development, it’s kind of hypocritical screaming about the sourcecode for FL, but we can’t even opensource community projects.
It will be released to the Forge once I finish it (still quite some time, sorry). It’s basically finished, but it’s had limited testing and there’s no doc and I really can’t release it without one (although I would if I had a mod, but I ended up updating robocop’s server rather than client). If robocop still has FLMMv2.zip, perhaps he can attach (for some reason I don’t have tags.txt any more) if you’d like to test it out anyway (in addition to mfc100.dll, you’ll need dbghelp.dll, msvcr90.dll & msvcp90.dll). As a small example, the v2.00 SpeedMod script is below.
@robocop: FLInstaller.exe is FLMM itself, not an installer. Which system32 were you checking, 'cos the 64-bit one’s not going to work.
SpeedMod’s v2.00 script.xml:
Ahh, I’m running Win7Pro_64bit edition.
Here’s a link to the one you sent me.
FLMM v2If you like I’ll try to upload it to TSP. That way my ISP isn’t throttling me for too many uploads.
Thanks robocop, but you might like to remove it now.
I have attached a zip containing FLInstaller.exe (the new FLMM), tags.txt (a very brief description of some changes, but probably not very helpful without the scripts as reference) and the FreshStart & SpeedMod mods. Here’s some comments in the email I sent to robocop.
Here is the preliminary version of FLMM v2. As mentioned, it’s basically
complete, just some more fine-tuning and testing to do, as well as
allowing XML/RDL stuff to use the more friendly FRC format.It’s called FLInstaller.exe, don’t know why, I think Crazy called
it that when he switched to VS2010. I would have renamed it, but
probably best not to, actually. You’ll need the VC9 runtimes, but
VC10 MFC - msvcr90.dll, msvcp90.dll & mfc100.dll, as well as
dbghelp.dll from the existing version. That should be it.There’s probably lots I should mention, but I didn’t actually keep any
notes on what I changed… Oh, one thing, there’s an entirely different
backup structure. Backups are created off the main Freelancer folder,
as flmmbak\modname. Later mods can be activated and deactivated without
affecting earlier mods.
The actual release will be built with VS2010 (which unfortunately means it won’t work with anything pre-XP, although I have the info that should make it work with 2K) and statically linked (i.e. no DLL dependencies).There’s a new “Hard link” option, which means if FLMM and Freelancer are both on the same NTFS partition, hard links will be created instead of copying files. This greatly improves speed, but with the side-effect that modifying files in Freelancer will also modify the files in the mod - this could be an advantage (don’t have to worry about copying it back) or disadvantage (an experiment will still change the mod).
The section tags require a header line, so some mods may fail (that’s part of the testing I wanted to do), but otherwise I think most mods should still work as they are. There’s better error reporting should they not.
It’s been so long since I’ve done anything (at all), perhaps I’ll get back to this now, after all…
Am i right that the redistributional package for ms vs2010 must be installed then?
Here is a link to the download page from M$: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5555
And will it work on Win7_64bit or is that still not available?
@Huor: This version is a mixture of both VS2008 (the runtime) and VS2010 (MFC). (At the time I only had 2008 Express and Crazy gave me the 2010 MFC files.)
@robocop: It should work with 64-bit, but I can’t guarantee it. I’m guessing you have \windows\system32\mfc100.dll, but that would be the 64-bit version; you probably do already have a 32-bit version floating around, otherwise use Huor’s link. (And that’s why I didn’t want to release it until it was ready. :))
Hello togehter
I have a problem.Have no infos and ids in game