Ship skinning via equipment
Due to the way FL handles textures/materials, changing the appearance of a ship basically means having to create a whole new ship. However, external equipment is visible, so I wondered if it was possible to extend that to include the ship itself. As it happens, yes, at least for a quick proof of concept; I don’t know how practical it would be for a full-on skin. I’ve attached a custom shield .3db (based on li_refractor_shield, so copy its sur, too) which simply uses the engine_grill material to cover the wings of the Eagle (or Falcon). Only the top is covered, the underside remains original. That’s one reason why I think it might end up being impractical, as it was supposed to cover both. Anyway, I was just curious - if it works out, great; if not, sorry for wasting your time…
Its an interesting idea for clan ships and squadron logos. You could probably make the lower skin visible by moving the skin down slightly.
For this example, just tweaking the HpConnect position should be enough. Indeed, the initial creation was the opposite (visible on the bottom, not the top); a straight copy of the Hardpoints node results in the above. I guess the move I made in Milkshape wasn’t precise enough. A logo just on the top of the wings, or the sides of the hull, would probably be a lot simpler. Maybe even have a “holographic” logo floating above the ship…
Author: Shaman -
I did it to make “realistic windows” on the li dread and or Osiris, I did imagine that before and I was supposed to test it, I never tested that and I leave this.
Isn’t that the camo texture from my Trident Corvette?
Maybe, but
adoxa wrote:
Maybe even have a “holographic” logo floating above the ship…Interesting idea perhaps linked to clan or a faction license? Would be even nicer to have it worked out so you need some kind of advanced tracking/targeting equipment to see them? It would certainly provide an advantage in large scale battles to know who’s who beyond your immediate target.