What is the size limit for a system
Hi all,
Using FLexplorer I noticed that for the creation of a system that is limited.
Seeking a little further, I find the line Universe.ini
=> NavMapScale
I deduce is that could change this value to enlarge the systems.
Now I wanted to do even more, but I get the systems. This is ensured explosionIs there something else modifi …
Thank you for your answer
There is no limit how big your system can be.
However, there is this auto-death as far as you are 725k away from the system’s center.There are 2 other things that could get problems:
1. The size of objects on your NavMap decrease with increasing system size
2. the further away you are from the system’s center, the more your camera starts shaking (very good visible on multi-part ships, as Freelancer’s standard ships).Of course you can remove this auto-death zone by hacking the DLLs or EXE file, and of course you can increase the object’s icon sizes on the Navmap, you can’t stop the camera shaking problem.
Looking at all these things, I do recommend not to go over 500k*500k in system size (NavMapScale = 0.544).
About the NavMapScale:
NavMapScale 1 = 272k*272k
The smaller, the bigger the map becomes. The bigger the NavMapScale, the smaller the map becomes.Btw: You can always locate objects anywhere. The Navmap size doesn’t limit the systems real size. It is always endless.
when making systems (or attempting to anyway, i usually do not go above 500K from center point. which is a HUGE system. i have gone to 1mill from center but as mentioned it gets wiggly after a certain point. Camera shaking, hard to control ships, eventual death, ect …
In System.dll DLL in the exe, is there something that changed little