Mod suggestion
Just googled it and found version 1.9 available for download but also found somenews from january 2012 saying they’re working on version 2. Has that been released yet ?
Version 1.9 is the latest release. CF2.0 is not out yet… modeling and texturing work still takes some time. More info at
Yeah, I did but I quit after a year or so. They started changing too many things up to the point where it stopped being the game I first joined to make and I can’t make a game which I don’t like, so I left.
Cheers, hope I’ll be around for a while.
I guess some of your models found a good use in some mods:
(just ignore small bug with the right dome; fixed that ages ago but cant find the new pics atm; final version has better uv mapping and a working docking bay ingame)
Indeed. Looks sweet
Hiya Swat, SolCommand - good to see you guys around again.
I know what you mean SolCommand, I got the same hankering recently too. And there is nothing out there as satisfying as Freelancer, even after all these years and new developments.
I played the original Single player again, and it brought back a few hours of fun, but my connection keeps dropping so I can’t play online again.
Soldier shoot-em-ups aren’t my thing, I’m a fly-boy at heart.
So I guess I’ll just have to grow out of it slowly.
Is there a tutorial anywhere that explains how to take the SolCommand models and make them Freelancer compatible?
I’m mostly looking for bases and asteroids, not ships.
StarTrader, you spoke my words there. Somehow this is precisely what happens to me, too. Just 5mins ago i activated the DKV artifact and just thought “Yes! Back in business!”
@robocop: they are no different from any other models really, at least not from a technical point of view. just see that you can read the format in any way and go the way you would export any other model. if you haven’t yet, then have a search, there is sure enough information on that around. also, afaik, many of Sol’s models are converted, so you might ask around if someone might share.
technically only a few are different as they have a pretty high polygon number which might be problematical for FL
but most of then can be used in FL…
creating a texture… uv-mapping them…exporting them to cmp… building a custom sur… building a wireframe model and hardpointing themthats it