Custom Dll Problems, Plus some!
Alright so ive been messin around trying to make the .DLL for my Mod The BSG Experience. But i dont really know that much, plus i cant figure out how to make it were the ships are avaiable on planets to purshase. I tried working with Market_ships in the Equipment folder, but they just wouldnt show up.
So i could really use some help with FLE-ids, any turtorials, programs, links, would be greatly appreciated.
Custom DLLs are mostly strings, (Names, Etc.) and a bunch of other things I don’t quite get. (ask the clever people at FLWT)
Ship Sales are generally defined by a few INIs. but I don’t have them on hard at the Mo.
For DLL and string Editing, I would reccomend Reshack, which can be found here. It allows you to fiddle with EXE version numbers, as well as edit strings on a large scale.
Enjoy. -
ello david, FLDev has a decent IDS editor in it see here >>
also look into Freelancer Explorer, its good to start learning with
can be found here >
Thanks guys. Chese on toast im pretty fimilar with FLE. Ive got two mods that were bulit with it. Im just trying to get the Fraking .Dlls to work. ill try the FLEDev program. And thanks. I tried my hand at FLE-Ids and couldnt figure it out. So i appreciate it.-Starbuck
Also thanks Ruppet. I appreciate the links. Like i said thanks guys. I appreciate it.