Freelancer Beta 1
I had this bug as well. I think it happened because the "goto = " line wasn’t exactly matching the name of the gate on the other side.
EDIT: Not sure about that being the cause. I do remember that the animation was working in one system, but the bug happened to the airlock in another system. I can’t repeat the bug. This is my code:
[Solar] nickname = lair_airlock ids_name = 10907 ids_info = 10908 type = JUMP_GATE DA_archetype = solar\dockable\nomad_airlock.cmp material_library = solar\nomad.mat LODranges = 0, 20000 mass = 1000000 open_anim = Sc_open airlock01 open_sound = gate_open_sound close_sound = gate_close_sound docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 10 jump_out_hp = HpDockMountA solar_radius = 600 shape_name = NAV_jumpgate hit_pts = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000
[Object] nickname = St02b_tunnel_enter ids_name = 10907 pos = 0, 0, 0 rotate = 0, 180, 0 archetype = lair_airlock jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia ids_info = 10908 goto = St02, St02_lair_enter, gate_tunnel_bretonia [Object] nickname = St02b_tunnel_exit ids_name = 10907 pos = 1629, 0, -15052 rotate = 0, -30, 0 archetype = lair_airlock jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia ids_info = 10908 goto = St02c, St02c_core_enter, gate_tunnel_bretonia
On a related note, I can’t get the animation on the rotor in nomad_chamber.cmp to work. I have no idea why it’s broken, because the animation looks fine in UTF and I matched the names exactly in select_equip and loadouts.
There are also animated yellow glowmaps on the tunnel pieces, but the texture is missing. You have to add a new DcDtEc texture, lair_energyglow_ni to nomad.mat, refer to lair_energy.tga as the Dt_name and use a full white Ec node. This will cause the tubes to glow yellow and have texture animations too.
Its a Great News We Finally Got Beta
Can Anyone Mirror The File? I am Getting very slow Downloading Speed.
After You FL code Masters Fix All Crashes and Bugs of beta, can you Release a Stable beta? thanks
Freelancer-sp wrote:
After You FL code Masters Fix All Crashes and Bugs of beta, can you Release a Stable beta? thanksI forget, but, didn’t Microsoft/Digital Anvil already do that
Did you make another account to make it look like two people were asking for a mirror download?
Yes Because i cannot Download it in my 20 Download limits 20 Tries thats why i am asking anyone to add any good mirror
Got the Beta
i like when tradelane shaking effect, but something is weird when i attack ships as they hull power reduces i am getting an error each time and i have to press ok each time to continue playing it means for killing 1 ship i have to press ok many times when error appears, any fix of that?
(pokes his head in)
Well, this is a development. It seems like everything decides to happen while I am taking a break.
I trawled through the files, hoping to find something interesting that I could use, but came up disappointed. The music files, which is what I was really interested in, are of inferior quality in my opinion. The closest I found to something that I may want to use is the new (old?) Nomad Elite, but it would be a pain to wireframe that thing for little benefit. The original has a wireframe already, but it appears to not work in-game, and the new model provided by Thaddeus has changed sufficiently that said wireframe won’t work. So I came up disappointed…
Until I found something.
The gas miner.
It’s roughly the same (and is obviously a precursor) as the secondary gas miner model found in the Hokkaido system in vanilla, but unlike the vanilla model, it has working docking ports. It also features a large interior area that you can fly into, as well as a fully working SUR and wireframe. Quite a find, and I’ll probably implement it into my mod.
I’ll keep looking, but I’m not sure I’ll find anything else.
The gas miner is the most interesting thing, although it does shares the same .vms name with the newer gas miner and causes crc clashes. So you need to mod that if you want to use it in the same system as the others. It also has an animation, the exhaust ports extend out from the body ~for some reason~
Cargo pods are also interesting, they are the multi colored jobs from the beta screen shots. They are in the same early format as the No_elite, although they appear in game the wires dont show. One of these days I’ll get round to doing them. Already converted the textures to dds and cleared the texture crc issues with them.
I have since completed the Nomad elite to a vanilla standard - 4 lods, handwritten wireframe based on lod3 - working animations. On the back of that I also rebuilt the fighter, my own nomad freighter and 6 spike snub to the same standard. Drop me a pm if you want to use them -
What about that Nomad Elite working in todays FL with animation and sur?
All of Freeworlds’ models have LODs. It’s the only way to integrate high poly models without causing heavy aliasing from a distance (it also helps performance
Is there anyone who knows more about interface editing? I played around with the beta files trying to copy them to a vanilla install and hopefully reenable the mesh viewer for the player ship. The files are very similar, beta has an aditional mesh entry to a .vms file in the hud_showinfo. I really hope that it’s not disabled definetly from the game engine.
Whats about windows 10 and audio codec?
Finded in Beta and implemented in my mod. Any base in Beta has landing animation.
nice find