FLSDCT Link Has A Virus
trojan horse downloader.generic7.OED
i was sent an older version 1.03 and AVG 8.0 didnt detect anything wrong with that ut as soon as i tried to update to the latest version it found the virus.
I just checked it with Avast Antivir, it didn’t detect anything. Maybe a heuristic problem. The coder that made the lasz update is informed and tries to figure out what it was caused by. I’ll keep you informed.
Anyway, it looks strange to me, that a discussion is started in public forums instead of contacting me/us for example using the email-contact-form offered in FLSDCT. Who do you think could help if I can’t?
Greetings, Max.
Edit: Please use ONLY the download linked to http://www.freelancer-foren.de and, if you’re offering FLSDCT at your site, please link only to that location.
I posted here because this was where it was being downloaded from and where we were getting the virus and i figured best to start with the guys hosting the link to see if it was something there end then when they tell me it is not i can then come to you
Just checked it, seems to me as they use the dl-location offered by me…
but just in case it would have been a real virus it would have been better I’d been informed at once to protect the FLSDCT-users from being infected, don’t you think so?Greetings, Max.
Yeah and if you bothered to read my post you’d see i was starting with the place i downloaded it first to do just that prevent others downloading it and had it not have been a problem here the next step is to bring it to you.
But i tell you what as you want to have a lousy attitude about it next time i wont bother at all.
lol dont forget to wear the gloves fellas rofl
no bitching here please
that includes you bobbeh. XD
Not from my side, Cheese, but now I know his real intention, it is exactly what I thought from the beginning.
Wodka, HHC was deleted by those that are (or have been) able to edit it. Someone told me about that long time ago, so I am sorry not to remember who told me. Perhaps you should ask around in your team. It was not deleted by Martin or me. Why should we anyway?
After I saw HHC disappear from the linklist, I just put the IP directly into the database. Maybe that’s why you can’t edit that. If you want to get HHC back to the linklist, just use the “join”-form and I’ll edit it for you.By the way, just in case you forgot about that, I speak your native language (as it’s mine, too) and you got my ICQ-UIN
This makes it a little surprising to me, that you ask me here. Same intentions?
Excuse me for posting 2 times, but I got a reply from Martin who coded FLSDCT and wanted the forums to show that there is something new in this thread.
FLSDCT contains a “download to memory”-command. This means, that FLSDCT wants to download data (the server list) without asking if it is allowed to. Some viruses use a comparable command to download further malicious data. Some heuristic detections can’t differentiate what it really is and does and start giving alert for nothing. That’s all.Greetings, Max.
Thank you for the clarification, Max. It is much appreciated.
FLSDCT has just been updated, virus warnings should not appear any more after you have let FLSDCT update itself. Contact me if you encounter any problems.
Greetings, Max.
I have sent i think…twice an email, if somebody can put the WTS server on that program to.
Hope somebody read and found my mail, and now with the new update put the WTS server also in it.If not, maybe it’s possible to ad it.
Thanks so far
Sry, can’t find any mail containing “WTS” or wicked witch but one from Predator from december 31st 2007 where Predator asked for help with putting his picture to the FL-Server-Ring from HavenAdmins, but due to a lack of time I am not active there for quite a time now.
Where did you send your mail to? Did you use the “Join”-form of FLSDCT? I get emails sent by that form about daily, so if there is some kind of bug, we should find out about that.
To get WTS into FLSDCT, what IMHO is at highest priority, perhaps send me a PN containing your server’s IP, forum-url (if available), your 88x31px minibanner-url (if available) and an url where your mod can be downloaded (if available and you want your mod to be downloadable via FLSDCT).Hope I could help…
greetings, Max. -
In the new update verstion it wasn’t in also.
So i sent another email trough that program.
In the past i wasn’t able to do that, and did it on another way.Hopefully you got the email now, and i also sent it to PM.
Only forgot to put a “subject” title.And thanks for your anser and time so far
Your data will be added soon, thanks for your patience. As you didn’t create a password for editing your server’s data in FLSDCT, I created one.
II just got a call that Avast Antivirus now is detecting “Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}” when you want to download FLSDCT. It’s caused by the same function: FLSDCT wants to download the serverlist to memory. We are working on that problem. It might take some time to solve that problem, as we need to test each new try with a maximum of different antivirus-programs. I hope, we’ll be done with that by the end of next week.
Max. -
Yes, we are there !
And thank you very much again -
K, that last problem is solved now, too, no Antivirus is reacting on FLSDCT any more as far as we could test it.
It was not caused by that “download to memory - command” I believed first but by a routine searching the registry to find Freelancer.exe’s location and if it’s not there (for exapmle when you got a copied instead of an installed version of Freelancer) it opens a window and asks you to locate Freelancer.exe manually. Not to have to do it again and again every time you start FLSDCT, it created the Freelancer-entry to registry. This was, what made Avast Antivir nervous, as several trojans try to make registry entries.
Now instead of making that entry, FLSDCT creates an .ini-file and wirtes the Freelancer.exe-location to it.Greetings, Max.
Thank you again Max for solving this prob
And once again…
I just got informed that AVG is detecting a virus in FLSDCT again, we’re already working on it, I’ll keep you imformed.I hate this paranoic shit.
Until we find a solution, you might help yourself by setting your antivirus-program’s heuristic less paranoic. Heuristics compare the all code they find to known virus-codes. In this example, it’s that “download”-command again as it seems. So what AVG says is a so called “false positive”. We definitely need a command like that to get the serverlist downloaded to FLSDCT.
We’ll contact AVG and tell them about that problem, maybe we’ll get help there. I hope so as I am not interested in having to rebuild FLSDCT each time an antivirus-program is being updated. ^^Thanks for your patience,
greetings, Max.