Request: Enable Hail radio key button
I was able to restore the “Radio” option from the keymap option in-game by fixing it from keylist.ini. The “P” key is not the problem because I assigned it to other command (e.g.) Afterburner and it worked.
I think/guess the problem is that the Radio is not using the Hail command or it is not directed to the Hail command to be read/execute in-game and I guess it is also disabled. It only works by clicking the Hail button from the Contact List and its sucks cause you need to press the space bar in order to click the Hail button because if not, your ship will turn to the left side of the screen or I mean port side. So maybe I think editing .DLL and/or .EXE would solve this problem once and for all.
I searched the net about the Hail command and there were topics about it but none of them was able to solve it. But I might be wrong.
Enabling this feature is what I need because it is important to me and easy to use when you need to hail other NPCs. I don’t know others but I need this feature to be enabled. I read other threads about a person named adoxa who is the best FL programmer & modder, so I am asking his help to fix the problem. Please! Thank you.
Just out of curiosity, why? Hail has no practical use. It’s just repeating the same lines over and over that give you a tiny bit of information about what NPCs are doing and nothing else.
Why? because if you are a trader or using freighter ship you need to hail every NPCs espcially fighters and when you able to find or point out the NPC/s who is/are going to the place that you also need to go to. Of course, you will make formation with them in order to have assistance or backup when if pirates or enemies will attack you on your way/path.
That is why I am asking for the Hail radio key button to be enabled once and for all and make it easy to just press it and you can ask the NPCs immediately by just pressing the key in just a second of time and not always “space bar then click”.
I guess a simple hack for it would solve this issue. Or editing some file/s that might make Hail button be enabled to any key. Or maybe a .dll plugin to enable it.
I don’t care if you don’t like my topic FriendlyFire. But for other people who like this feature to be enabled, we do.
So it is practically has a use and FF you are right about NPCs giving tiny bit of information “about what they(NPCs) are doing” and that is what I need.
Find attached (since both my sites are currently down) a plugin to do it. Look at Hail.c for instructions.
ZOMG! it so fluffy I’m gonna die!!! lol!!! Thank you adoxa. That was fast. It is true that you are really the best.
I’m gonna try it. I will update my post later. TYVM adoxa!
I hope that your site will be back online.
If you could also attach the latest console.dll & engclass.dll, I will be grateful. Thank you again haha! cause I read a thread about your console.dll and I also want to try it. Keep up the best work adoxa…
It works just fine. But I don’t know if there are any bugs yet. So maybe the other 6 people (which I saw from attach “Hits: 7” right now) who also downloaded it should also share there comments.
can’t, I can’t connect to it on Chrome.
Works fine for me on Chrome.
Adoxa, the offer still stands, if you need space to dump your stuff, I can easily get you some on our webserver.
I hope my ISP is not blocking the site.
UPDATE: I’m from the US, could that be the problem?
Working fine here, though it’s redirecting me to this address instead: -
I cannot connect to the site for some reason, is the domain carrier down, is access to it from the US blocked by the ITC? I can’t even get a matching search instance on Google! I’m not even sure if is a relevant domain.
US here, I get to it just fine.
It can’t connect to a server says my SVN client.
Maybe I missed something… why is SVN involved in this?
Thanks for the update report adoxa!
Does the domain use any ports other than 80? I need to forward them to use them.
GeoCalibur wrote:
Does the domain use any ports other than 80? I need to forward them to use them.Sizer wrote:
Maybe I missed something… why is SVN involved in this? -
Still no go.
No, it’s because adoxa don’t know jack monkey squat about domain names!