Here are my cousin’s YT-1300 pictures She shared to me.
I really like that piece of junk flying around Sirius. lol!!
Hope you like it… :lol:
Hooooorahhhhh bebe!!!
Nice planet you have there! Where is that texture from?
Let me ask my cousin first. I know I have that planet texture too but I am not sure what is the name of the mod & from where I downloaded it. The reason is that I already have too many mods so I don’t remember where I got it but thanks to the modders for this planet texture for making such a beautiful mod.
Wooohhhhwww!!.. After digging all my previous post… How should I ever forgot this… LOL! The modified YT-1300 Millennium Falcon and I miss her now more than ever…
Wherever you are cuz thx for the 3d model!!!
And it will be filmed again in Star Wars VII and I’m happy to see her again in action.