Major fail on star infocards…
Hey! I have just spotted a thing that I don’t understand.
I was thinking about making a mod with realistic color temp behavior using my I1 Display Pro and
I tried some things and I’ve seen some BIG mistakes in star infocards.
New York : Color temp 5000 K
Spectral Type : G8
Color : WhiteColorado : Color temp 5000 K
Spectral type : G2
Color : Yellow…But in astronomy G2 > G8 in term of color temperature :
G-type main sequence starsAnd why the hell are they at the same temperature? Because G2 are 5800K and G8 are 5450K… -_-’
It’s quite obvious that Freelancer is wrong with stars.
It was done completely deliberately cause of gameplay that didn’t need to be boring and it was done to give the impression that stars are far away.
They should have done some effort with star color, that’s not a difficult task to see how works star colors. Green stars are also something that disappoint me, there is no green stars in the univers, it’s Wien Law related. The color temp which has its higher value on green is ~5500K and… It appears more or less white! I think the creators disclose wrong informations to the player.
Changing this can be in the to do list but I have to find a way to do consistant color temperature, change the infocards in order to give true info on the stars and find a good website where all the spectral types are shown.
Edit :
Here is the website I was searchingEdit 2 :
A better one -
Wait… Are you… are you complaining about scientific inaccuracies in Freelancer? Tell me it isn’t so!
Like, seriously man, this game is WW2 dogfighting in space, none of it is meant to be scientific. To get stuck up on star classifications OF ALL THINGS is hilarious.
Science in FL wasn’t the goal… It’s true! But that’s not the point that was making me hate this game.
I’m really fan of this game due to the fact of furious gameplay!I’m not as stuck as you say and we can so much mod this game that this inaccuracy can be not so difficult to change. Modding this part of this game is quite fun.
But you can admit that if the creators didn’t want to make this game scientific they should have given less information about stars. Infocards would have less informations and wrong informations wouldn’t have been shown to the player. Or sun wouldn’t have been selectable.
Edit : I shouldn’t have said that I was disappointed, I would have said that was doubtful.
The game is really beautiful indeed!!! ( # Scenery porn XD) And I really like it.Edit 2 : [d]I’ve just understood your point!.. Ow…
Sorry but I’m a color fanatic! No gods can save me… -
Woops!.. I have become a little bit stupide because “to be stuck up” seems to have a pejorative sens. But wait! You say that I’m arrogant… It’s very interesting. You dunno how I feel a piece of crap IRL. I was just making constructive criticism about an aspect of the game and not the entire game… Each game has its own fails and wins. That cannot be perfect… I was making this critic because it can lead to a mod and making things prettier. And also I have had a better knowledge of astronomy! And what is arrogant on criticize a game that you didn’t create.
I would prefer you judge me as a pedantic guy but before I made this critic I didn’t have the whole access to this knowledge and I’ve never said something as precise as pedantic people would have said. I just wanted to share something on one of my interest center.
Edit : I’m not really pedantic because of the fact that I didn’t say that this knowledge that everyone should know. Showing these websites was to allow you to watch it and I didn’t force you to do so. It was just to informe you of what I’ve found.
Edit 2 : And I would say Intellectual Quotient is here to divide the population and allow peoples to be arrogant against the people with lower IQ. I can’t say that I’m superior to another man or woman because we are so only and we are also so different that some peoples are strong in a discipline and others in another one.
I think your brain is going in a tailspin right now. I never claimed arrogance, just missing the forest for the trees.
This is a game where stars are a few kilometers large, ships have a top speed (and the same for all ships, no less!), a lone fighter can kill a battleship with ease, you use tachyon weapons (a theoretical particle that would have earth-shattering implications if measured, let alone manipulated), positron weapons (antimatter which isn’t stable in our universe for more than a few microseconds), you have jump gates allowing for instantaneous travel between distant points, you have magical shielding, you have weapons consuming no energy or mass and yet firing bolts of something, violating one of the most fundamental laws of the universe… And yet in spite of all of this, your complaint is that star classifications are somewhat inaccurate.
It’s just really funny.
I am a bit shocked.
Freelancer isnt a realistic simulation?What about Trent and Juni?
Fictional characters?sorry I couldnt resist
@ Friendly Fire : Ha! I thought I did something wrong and you was kinda upset of my behavior… Sorry!
I’ve already thought about some point you mentioned! I’ve just never talked about it. As for tachyon… O_O Imaginary mass… Hmmm… It’s complex. But I don’t remember of positron weapons.
I was just focusing on stars because I’ve never seen these sorts of inaccuracy in a game! Because of the fact that not so much game give the feature of selecting stars.@ SWAT_OP-R8R : That’s true! Their skins are too smooth… They don’t look realistic.
Edit :
@FriendlyFire :I never claimed arrogance, just missing the forest for the trees.
It’s me or you that is missing the forest for the trees? To know. Because if it’s me I can say that I really enjoy this game, the story is good, the battles are nice, the tiny looking univers is a strength because it makes the game less boring and dynamic.