FLIcon - a quick-n-dirty tool to generate NN_ICONs
Hey folks,
Couldn’t find a tool like this, so I wrote my own. It’s fairly straightforward - drag and drop an uncompressed power-of-two TGA onto it (or invoke it from the commandline as flicon icon.tga) and it’ll create a uniquely-identified NN_ICON 3db out of it for use for commodities, equipment, ships, etc.
It only does one TGA per invocation so if you need to convert a whole bunch of TGAs to NN_ICONs I recommend writing an equally quick and dirty batch file to do it for you
No need to credit the tool in your mod if you don’t want to, as long as you don’t remove the Exporter Version nodes from the resulting 3db files.
Nice work Kazinsal.
very nice