Interaction Decline
Thought a bit about this post some will not like my views others may encourage them but it needs to be said.
Over the last few months i have visited most of the servers around including server owners servers registed here.
My point is this interaction in freelancer is on the decline not players or members but actual interaction between players,Gone are the days when a friendly welcome to the server was sent via private message when you join servers,Also police interaction is down with new players i have flown the top servers and nothing zip everyone avoids you or they dont want to chat anymore.The reason i have no idea players are probably happy content in there own way .Now how do you fix this ? check files logs to see which player talks the most then stick him\her in a police ship to greet players one way i suppose.But in my own opinion it should be the players on the server"s that welcome players make them feel wanted there.You could have the best mod out ever but without players interacting you have nothing to be honest.
These thoughts are mine alone or are they ?
feel free to post positive thoughts upon this (ps) Yes i probably been to your server also
It’s an interesting subject matter.
I presume you have been to TFL and I would like to hear your feedback regarding the ‘reception’ you had there. Would you mind dropping me a PM so I may take this back to TFL as something to possibly work on?
I am sure some of the other Server Owners/Admins would like to recieve similar PM’s from yourself also.
Hey Sandman, your nephew alrdy talked to me and told the that u think i ignored u when tryed to contact me ingame.
Please don’t take it as a unfriendly act, i did not ignore u i just wasnt on the pc or maybe on the desktop busy with other stuff.
If u come back to NU at one time and i dont answer u again just try it a later again pls, i’m very often busy with other stuff than playing the game or helping players.
Again sry for “ignoring” u, talk to wolf he may tell u how friendly our players where to him.Its sad that u feel that the interacting between players is gone and u may be right its not the same as some years ago.
But i personally don’t feel that there is no more interacting at all, i see lots of post on our forum saying things like: “Ty for the friendly welcome and helping me to startup.”
Maybe u where on NU in the wrong moment when anyone was busy or it was for another reason but it never was bad meaned.Greetings
Mindhunter -
Thought a bit about this post some will not like my views others may encourage them but it needs to be said.
Over the last few months i have visited most of the servers around including server owners servers registed here.
My point is this interaction in freelancer is on the decline not players or members but actual interaction between players,Gone are the days when a friendly welcome to the server was sent via private message when you join servers,Also police interaction is down with new players i have flown the top servers and nothing zip everyone avoids you or they dont want to chat anymore.The reason i have no idea players are probably happy content in there own way .Now how do you fix this ? check files logs to see which player talks the most then stick him\her in a police ship to greet players one way i suppose.But in my own opinion it should be the players on the server"s that welcome players make them feel wanted there.You could have the best mod out ever but without players interacting you have nothing to be honest.
These thoughts are mine alone or are they ?
feel free to post positive thoughts upon this (ps) Yes i probably been to your server also
I can see your point on the background that there is no more large influx of new players that just bought the game and so on… but I wouldnt say it on a general level.
On our server, we have a universe chat channel for players that is always pretty active and where you can often also get general help about the game itself.Point is, you cannot fix this. The only thing you can do is make the players on your server think about how they act towards other players, in the end its only a game.
Just speaking about it is already a good way into fixing it. Most likely, people didn’t even realize they did that. It all started getting repetitive, then they slowly stopped without noticing. A little heads up can work magic in those cases, if the community has already proved it can do it.
I would say then that you didnt visit MU because all of our staff welcome every new player and if there are no MP’s or admins around there are some very friendly memebers in our community.
I saw one in the chat logs yesterday welcome a new player to the server take him to gert a ship some decent weps and gave him 25 mill to help him on his way as well.
Hey Sandy
good to see you’re hangin’ in there. Gotta say I do see what you’re talking about, sometimes it’s impossible to get a response even as you watch someone fly right past you or transition from system to system. As for myself, only time I don’t reply is if I’m not actively in-game at the moment (checking e-mails, catching up on posts here n there, etc). I’d speculate with the more powerful computers today, most multi-task more now as well. A few players I’ve run into have dual monitors as well, and as far as I’ve seen when clicking another window, the FL screen just kinda freezes in place. Delve into a meaty topic on a forum and that can cause considerable delay in reply time.
I know that’s not the only cause, but it all adds up. Microsoft pulling the plug probably doesn’t help matters either -from the rare new player perspective- I imagine it’s a bit disheartening to load up the game, click MP and see a nice blank screen on the server list. So we’re left with more players who have been in FL a while now and know the deal on cash usually ends up being long hours of trade runs -which fosters boredom-alleviating measuresDefinitely a tough nut to crack though, and ever more-so as time progresses. Prospective new players see a release date over a couple years old and think the game is outdated -though we as Freelancers belong in more of a niche category than say… Doom III or Halflife 2 or WoW. There still are not many other games of the same type floating around out there, which should make it easier to get some free advertising on other game’s sites. New blood = inquisitive players working out the game play and exploring new territory = more interaction generally.
Eh anyways most of my comments likely lead nowhere, but … “heya Sandy” still applies
@ Roo avery yes i was invited to TFL by [R-39]Spirit i have a few chatracters there and was well greeted there and also good pvp"s plus deaths lol “you"s try and pvp spirit lol”
@ Mindhunter long time no see i understand completly new server new mod of course your going to be busy lol
@Dragnite yes i played your mod also was well greeted and helped when i was there as Mr Sinister
@Mini Me hows you my old friend still killing people i hope lol very gld to see your still active in Freelancer had some very good experiences flying with\against you lol
The object of this thread is not to point at servers \ mods but to fetch to the server\owners attention that a growing number of players visit different mods servers and do not interact with the established communitys there,This is most likely caused by players creating characters and the community just thinking it is someone they no there, for genuine new players do not get a welcome because of this practice of “mineing characters” so the established communitys dont no if its a brand new player to the mod or a established player makeing a new character.
Thank yous all for the positive replys
@ Roo avery yes i was invited to TFL by [R-39]Spirit i have a few chatracters there and was well greeted there and also good pvp"s plus deaths lol “you"s try and pvp spirit lol”
Ahhh… now it’s fitting together. I remember her talking about a friend ‘Sandman’ she had invited to the Server.
I am glad to hear you have had a good experience on TFL. I will definately take this back to boost morale.