[The Starport News]Server Switch & Site Direction
NeXoSE wrote:
And …… well, Xoops sucks. Article is difficult to categorize and read, download is not easy to use, only thing that relatively useable is the forum…
Lot of good web application come out those years: Wordpress is good one and not just a blog, and Forum application like VanillaForums, esoTalk, Discourse (SEO may sucks), Flarum (SEO sucks), every each one is far better than PHPBB.
Consider to move to another application if you want to change direction of this website maybe?This is good point and I think its a good mid-term goal to ditch Xoops completely and replace it i.e. with a vanilla forum. We can still have the Wiki and the Forge as seperate entities of the site, the only valuable thing we’d lose is the downloads module but that is crap anyways… I’m not sure if there are any good download database solutions out there though.
“vanilla forum” - mybb please
Very good. Good luck!
Yeah, I conform it feels little bit faster than the old server, but I think it’s because Cloudflare node is changed ….
And, maybe … enable SSL support that provided by Cloudflare? https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl
Yeah, the node is definitely changed … to some where not belongs to Cloudflare.AND:
The HTTPS page gives me a ObenVbN login… -
If I’m on the new site as of this post, it seems to function well. Also, had some $ left over from last month, something rare of late so, I tossed them this way.
Thanks for keeping the site running, w0dk4.
Checked vanilla forums with wordpress and mybb with wordpress - both are good but integraton better with vanilla. Vanilla have good plugins and Q&A like structure
But in my opinion vanilla better for business and mybb for gaming
HeIIoween wrote:
mybbWell, since this topic is come to my field (I’m a newbie web developer), I couldn’t support you at this point.
Take look those Star counts (On GitHub), It’s obvious vanilla forums gets more interest from people…
But I don’t like either of it, I make my own one if I had to.
Imagine that i am forum user and not web devel.
I just want to communicate as usually.
Ofcourse it is not about me but about abstract user.
Sure we may use any forum software as IT-related people.
But how about regular players??For the support of site, hosting, etc we need more ppl.
This forum for a long time still stays devel oriented.
Who may help - only regular players because you may count active devels by your fingers ;(
What we may do:- to make more user friendly site
- to post more intresting content
So unstable and supernew engines and forums immediately disappear. But when it be superhuge community with not only devs then will be no where to go for regular users (haha) - only then we may think about $$$ engines or non familiar forum/site software
Personally i prefer http://alternativeto.net/ and to check myself
My ego tells me that mybb is simple and stupid and it works instead of vanilla at SC that is overloaded
I’ve already investigated both MyBB and Vanilla. Vanilla feels extremely barebones and limited compared to even the shit that is Xoops’ built-in forums we’re using right now. If I recall correctly you can’t even make subforums by default.
MyBB is essentially phpBB with another dev team. phpBB would also work, especially if they can release 3.2 soon, since it’s a fairly massive overhaul.
If we had unlimited money, XenForo would be the way to go, but it’s rather expensive and its ecosystem is also largely paid-for, so gettng the modules we’d need would run us up into the hundreds of dollars.
Maybe it’s my bad English make you misunderstood my point … It’s always flickering so …
There is no difference between IT-related and regular people, in fact, IT-related people is regular people too (I’m a human, what you are thinking there
) …
I rather believe IT guy had higher UX requirement than others, because they use too many software. However …
I know that you want now.
Yes, I tried myBB. It’s appears more function rich. But after I checked the code, I can’t say it’s a maintainable choice. So as phpBB. (It’s procedure-oriented)
XenForo is not the good way, I rather pay for IPB or vBulletin.
I also tried the esoTalk, but now I think it’s too light for this task. Vanilla forums has suck code style …
Well, looks essentially I don’t actually know what forum software is good, they all suck for me, just some light-weight applications less suck …
phpBB is moving away from procedural code - 3.2 is supposed to be the final switch towards fully namespaced, object-oriented setup. I’ve got MyBB running on another site and it’s very comparable to phpBB - not really better nor worse. MyBB is what Discovery uses, or at least used for a while.
XenForo is a new take on vB by the same devs, so I’d be more inclined to go for that than the now rather ancient vB or IPB. Any of those is too expensive for how little users we have though.
or the end of DirectPlay support in Windows 11…
Why that? Please explain.
Problem with Linode and Digital Ocean is that when you need lots of storage (and we do because of the TLR download archive which is over 100GB), pricing becomes really bad. Otherwise I’d be totally in favor of switching to a small VPS like that. I use DO personally for a lot of things.
Ýou could just mail them though. I think that hagging and asking won’t hurt for special needs.
Source code? well, I don’t think so … as they said they lost it between servers.
Source? [Not the code, smartass!]
I decided that I will switch to a lower-cost server sometime next week.
Another thing: Maybe it is worth considering trying to consult MS games to get the game on Steam? After all, I think this would remedy some problems of this site if successful, as would a lot of new users come to us and also bringing some old dudes back who got insane finding a backup copy.
Just some personal thoughts.
Bas wrote:
Another thing: Maybe it is worth considering trying to consult MS games to get the game on Steam? After all, I think this would remedy some problems of this site if successful, as would a lot of new users come to us and also bringing some old dudes back who got insane finding a backup copy.
Just some personal thoughts.
You say that like nobody’s ever thought of it before. Microsoft gives no fucks about the game.