DSE Object Unknown from New York System Sector E3
I am also having another problem when I enter the New York system. I made the whole system as my enemies so I am wanted from the New York system. Then these appear (image below).
As you can see from the image there are two red cursors/arrows indicator from the upper left of the image. If I follow the red indicators, they just move around the corners of my screen and does not show the object’s bracket when targeted.
When you look at the bottom left you can see the name, location and wire-frame of the object. DSE means Deep Space Engineering.
Can someone please tell me where can I delete or fix these two objects. From what file/s should I look into? ty
It is the shipyard element in E3, so, Baltimore Li01_14. Li01_07 employs the same elements but without a reputation = line, could give that a try
*edited your image code
From what file/s should I fix these two unknown objects? Is it from the file li01.ini?
Are these the lines were you referring to? If these are the lines, then I should add ( reputation = ??? ) to the assigned red arrows below.
??? = co_me_grp
BTW, there is no Li07…
Thank you for replying.
nickname = Li01_14_shipyard_1
pos = 6003, -210, -53089
rotate = 0, 180, 0
Archetype = shipyard
ids_info = 60232
visit = 0
reputation = co_me_grp
behavior = NOTHING
parent = li01_14[Object]
nickname = Li01_07_shipyard2
pos = 48190, 103, 5328
rotate = 0, 130, 0
Archetype = shipyard
visit = 0here
parent = li01_07[Object]
nickname = Li01_07_shipyard3
pos = 47856, 103, 4950
rotate = 0, 130, 0
Archetype = shipyard
visit = 0here
parent = li01_07 -
yes, remove the```
reputation = co_me_grp*do not remove the reputation line from the main base parent component dont do anything to Li01_07 that was just an example