Players cannot log into my server
OK. spent the day online with Belkin. Now they want me to call them. The router was set up for port forwarding and everything else under the sun but will NOT open the required ports. I can play on lan but even with dyndns will not connect off sight computers to mine.
Reads in my server list as lan but other players cannot see it or connect. Any ideas? I figure you guys and gals would know more than a minumum wager reading off a screen
You need to post here if you want your server to be listed. Discovery moved off from the global server list.
Already did that.
There seems to be an issue with port forwarding. Been on w/ time warner, dyndns and belkin and none of those page turners can figure it out.
I figured someone here might know rather than someone who doesn’t but reads the script off their computer screen.
you’d still have to set it up
setup would be the same
first you need to check the FL settings and make sure you enabled the option to allow connections from the web. That’s done when you open up FLServer. IIRC, one of the options is to allow players to access the server.
Then you need to make sure that port 2302-2304 is open in your firewall.
Next you need to go to your router and make sure that all incoming traffic on those ports is directed to the proper PC on the network.
That ‘should’ be enough to get it going.
Oh, make sure you’re running the MS Official FL Update as well, sometimes not having that can cause connection problems.
Finally, make sure you have the gls server workaround patch applied and that your server has been added to the server list.
That’s all we needed to do.
robocop wrote:
setup would be the samefirst you need to check the FL settings and make sure you enabled the option to allow connections from the web. That’s done when you open up FLServer. IIRC, one of the options is to allow players to access the server.
Then you need to make sure that port 2302-2304 is open in your firewall.
Next you need to go to your router and make sure that all incoming traffic on those ports is directed to the proper PC on the network.
That ‘should’ be enough to get it going.
Oh, make sure you’re running the MS Official FL Update as well, sometimes not having that can cause connection problems.
Finally, make sure you have the gls server workaround patch applied and that your server has been added to the server list.
That’s all we needed to do.
Done, done, done and done. But still no dice. Should I just save my remaining hair and get a game server to host it?
are the ports being forwarded tcp or udp? (flserver uses udp ports)
Just in case…
Go to and make sure the IP it shows is the one you’re telling online players to log into. -
Done that.
That is the one I’m using but still only LAN showing up. Server has already been added to server list on DSLauncher
Just curious, If I decide to look into a rented server anyone have any recommendations for us based servers that have or are running FL?
Question, are you running it on W7 or, XP?
HunterKiller wrote:
Question, are you running it on W7 or, XP?XP. Under IPV4. There are no IPV6 protocols because it will not run under IPV6. for xp
Do you think it might be some hidden settings on the computer blocking it? Should I try dual-booting with win 7 and see if it’ll run under 7? Maybe a bad router? BUT wouldn’t that affect ALL the router systems?
We have moved the UV several times over the years so I made a text file to help me not forget the smallest detail. These instructions are for a remote server. I have omitted the FLAC stuff since you are not using that. Adjust to your uses….
Installing the UnderVerse on a fresh dedicated server:
Install Remote admin or Team Viewer.
Set permissions.
Set reboot to ‘restart’, not ‘shutdown’.
Forward firewall ports UDP: 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, 2304.
Set firewall exceptions for DirectPlay, Freelancer, FLServer, FLAC, Ioncross as they get installed.
Install WINRAR so you can extract files (rar and zip).
Make a directory C:\FreelancerUtilities.
Place the FLMM, FLAC and Ioncross install files into the above directory so they are easy to find.
Install FLMM version 1.3 to the C:\FreelancerUtilities folder. It will make a new folder and then open.
Open the Options tab and uncheck the box that says ‘Make modified files read-only when a mod is activated’.
Close the program without doing anything else.
Installing this now allows the .flmod extension to be associated with FLMM.
Go into that C:\FreelancerUtilities\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods folder and manually delete all the mods that come bundled with it.
Install Freelancer to C:\Freelancer.
Before it gets buggered up, make a C:\Freelancer10 directory and copy Freelancer to it for quick reloads of vanilla 1.0
Installing the mod,…
First place the .zip in the FLMM\mods folder. Right click and ‘extract here’. This turns it into a .flmod extension.
Now double-click it and FLMM will automatically extract it into the \mod folder, then FLMM will open. Activate the mod, then close the program.
Note…NEVER use the FLMM File tab to launch Freelancer or FLServer. It is bugged and will lock up.
Run FLServer by itself so it generates the cfg file. To do this navigate to C:\Freelancer\EXE and double-click FLServer.exe
Name the server, check all 3 boxes and start the server. Let it run until it stops ‘loading’ and you can see the server name at the top. Close FLServer.
‘Send’ the directory C:\documents and settings\administrator\my documents\my games\freelancer\accts to the desktop for quick access (player file backups).
Install Ioncross to the C:\FreelancerUtilities folder. It will make a new folder.
Start Ioncross but say NO to allowing it to start the server. This takes you to the Configuration menu without loading a server.Before Ioncross can control flserver properly you have to set two things.
proper mod version number as follows:
In the typeable window lower left you see ‘FLServer - Version 1.0 Build 11 - FLServer’
Simply overwrite the 1.0 with 2.29 so it reads ‘FLServer - Version 2.29 Build 11 - FLServer’ -
matching the dedi’s Date Format as follows:
Ioncross can only use one of two settings for date: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY. To assign one of these to your dedi, go to:
START, Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Regional Options, Customize, Date. Set the Short Date Format to one of the above (usually MM/dd/yyyy). Say ok.
In the Ioncross Configuration, check the same box.
Very important after the two above changes…Now click the ‘Save Program Configuration’ button in the middle right.
Now you can close Ioncross.Restarting Ioncross and allowing it to assume control will load a server.
You will know Ioncross is working by two ways, it will show ‘Good to go’ in the lower message window AND the error tab will not show a date format error.
Now press the ‘Stop Server’ button and close Ioncross.Install the 32 weapons update for Ioncross to avoid warnings of players equipped with more than 24 weapons (simply copy and overwrite with the modified .exe)
Copy the custom data files for 2.29 to Ioncross, overwriting. -