Maybe old question: NPC damaging friendly NPC
Long time no modding, so i do not remember:
- May, for example Liberty Police NPC to be in hate with other Liberty Police NPC in case of Friendly Fire?
If the concept is important to you you could create a faction of same name that works more so as a background faction in appearance it would seem as though friendly fire is in play for that faction.
just thought i would mention that the idea seems to me a cool concept it would be kinda comical to see factions of same blowing each other to space dust among the Chaos. Imagine the escape from manhatten with friendly fire in play and no nags to push you away from the fight within the campaign
1.0f content.dll 11BD84 fox reputation at/over which a faction's NPCs will excuse your friendly fire (killing the NPC should still dock rep, however), same as below
Since that’s 1 by default and factions have a rep of 0.91 with themselves, they should shoot their own NPCs in case of friendly fire. That happens very rarely though because you need to deal quite a bit of damage.
That is, assuming there’s no exception somewhere in FL’s code, which wouldn’t surprise me. Pretty sure there’s one at least for missile/mine explosions, otherwise we’d see far more friendly fire in vanilla.
Ah, Thx. I remember this.
I’ve seen it in many mods where ships carry pilots. So for instance a police ship scans for rogue pilots. You drop a pilot, police pick it up, they get scanned by another police ship and then all hell breaks loose with police shooting police to get the pirate pilots. Saw that in Evolutions years ago, seen it in other mods. There’s your friendly fire incident
Ah, sure. Remember this too.