Bases become invisible inside nebulas (Solved)
I have this issue when I place a base inside a nebula, it becomes invisible. Archetype or exclusion zone or nebula size seem not to have an effect on this. I tried a lot of things and am still puzzled on why this happens. Example given below;
Random gas_miner_nodock, Sigma-19 System Honryu Cloud
gas_miner_nodock, my system, nebula identical to honryu cloud
Has anyone ever had the issue before? What am I missing?
edit: Solved. Thank you everyone for help. Answer can be found below.
Can you please provide the data of your system ini and the used nebula ini files?
Jeider wrote:
[Nebula] entry must be activated BEFORE objects in system.This was the issue. This begs the question. Is there an order of how things are meant to be ordered? Do asteroids and nebula go before/after encounter parameters, for example?
I don’t really remember list of priorities. I just got same problem with nebulas long time ago
Just tested now - position of [Asteroids] doesn’t affect any changes inside nebula. Asteroids have more problems with zones. For example, don’t use asteroid zones larger than outer nebula. That cause problems with Ambient light (outer asteroids can keep ambient light of nebula). This can be avoid by two asteroid zones with exclusions.
EncounterParameters can be used in any place. Zones with encounters can be defined before [EcounterParameters].
I think just better to define [Nebula], [Asteroids] and [EncounterParameters] at the top side of system. Priority? Just keep position of [Nebula] before [Asteroids].
There is a cascading load order.
That means that nebula, asteroids and encounterparameters always belong to the top of the file since the stuff loaded below requires these entries being in memory at the point of processing.The order does not matter. Nebula can be above or below Asteroids… you can even mix it. The only important thing to remember is that zones and objects have to be below.