TSP Community To-Do List
Hi folks,
There’s been a bit of confusion about the state of the site recently, particularly with regards to archive, wiki and forge content. We have a pretty long to-do list here, and a lot does somewhat rely on community contributions, as we’re only a small team, so I figured I’d lay out what needs doing that community members can just jump straight in on!
- The Wiki: Efforts to fill out the ini editing section are ongoing! We’re away there’s a ton of missing content, and are accepting PR requests for more. There’s also work ongoing to finish up the new Limit Breaking 101 page.
- The Download Archive: There’s an initiative that’s stalled a bit to document the download archive properly. It came over from Xoops with zero metadata in a very messy state, and we want to ensure that the files have information attached to them going forward, as well as ensuring that things that are not Freelancer-related are removed (There’s a ton of Dungeon Siege content in there, for example). If anyone’s keen to help, head over to the thread and let us know.
- The Forge: We’re aware that a lot of content that was previously hosted on the forge isn’t available at the moment. We’d like to fix this, but accessing the files in the state we’ve got them is a pain. The files are SVN repositories and getting the source out of them is proving difficult. If anyone has any experience with these and wants to help, we’d really appreciate a hand.
I IrateRedKite pinned this topic on
Regarding the SVN problem: My suggestion is to start the SVN server, check each repo out with git SVN brigde (e.g. Tortoisegit has it integrated right into the clone dialog) and then upload it as a git repo. You can have the full history from SVN this way. You just need to do this correctly. I have some SVN repos checked out as git repo just before it got shut down this way. But not all of them.