Re: Effects showroom!
I would not recommend adding a delay, as that delay value in my experience is utterly useless. In multiplayer it creates very strange behavior, and in singleplayer it does not seem to do anything. Anyway the weapon itself is very simple. Its basically a forward gun that shoots a missile upwards. I put 6 hardpoints on the Liberty Cruiser that face upwards, put a “force_gun_ori = true” on it so it shoots only straight, and thats really it. Sauce for missiles is here.
[Motor] nickname = torpedo03_mark01_motor lifetime = 20 accel = 30 delay = 0 [Explosion] nickname = torpedo03_mark01_explosion ;effect = li_torpedo01_impact effect = li_torpedo01_impact lifetime = 0.000000, 0.000000 process = disappear strength = 100 radius = 350 hull_damage = 48000 energy_damage = 0 impulse = 0 debris_impulse = 0 debris_type = debris_torpedo, 1.000000 innards_debris_start_time = 0.000000 innards_debris_num = 15 innards_debris_radius = 450 innards_debris_object = simple_torpedo_debris01 [Munition] nickname = torpedo03_mark01_ammo explosion_arch = torpedo03_mark01_explosion loot_appearance = ammo_crate units_per_container = 1 hp_type = hp_torpedo requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 400000 detonation_dist = 10 lifetime = 20 Motor = torpedo03_mark01_motor force_gun_ori = true const_effect = li_torpedo01_drive HP_trail_parent = HPExhaust seeker = LOCK time_to_lock = 0 seeker_range = 15000 seeker_fov_deg = 180 max_angular_velocity = 1.75 DA_archetype = equipment\models\torpedoes\ge_torpedo.3db material_library = equipment\models\ge_equip.mat ids_name = 458784 ids_info = 458785 mass = 1 volume = 0.000000 cruise_disruptor = true [Gun] nickname = torpedo03_mark01 ids_name = 458782 ids_info = 458783 DA_archetype = Equipment\models\weapons\no_fighter_gun.cmp material_library = ships\nomad\nomad_fx.txm HP_child = HPConnect hit_pts = 1405000000 explosion_resistance = 100.000000 debris_type = debris_normal parent_impulse = 20 child_impulse = 80 volume = 0.000000 mass = 10 damage_per_fire = 0 power_usage = 0 refire_delay = 5 muzzle_velocity = 5 toughness = 12.100000 projectile_archetype = torpedo03_mark01_ammo dry_fire_sound = fire_dry separation_explosion = sever_debris auto_turret = true turn_rate = 0 lootable = true LODranges = 0, 500
;D ;D Thanks WHY ;D ;D
Its off to the Lab for me then…. Hi HO!!!
had a feeling it was “a little from collum A , and a little from collum B” just wanted to be shure
lol u keep this up… i’ll have to write a seperate readme called “WHY I LOVE WHY” loooool hehe
get a fast firing gun… 20 per sec…
Short to medium “beam”
then turn that last param (auto_turretbetween true and false…
you’ll see then ;D
notice the way it now almost “locks” onto the target, hehe there’s your answer
and the other 2…?? ??? just as stumped… but i feel they might be a mounting thing… never
seen that explained. -
Revive great thread!
One of Freelancer’s great conundrums is the lack of any proper beam weapon. I’ve never actually tried to make a beam weapon myself, so I decided to try it out today. I know a beam weapon cannot be done right, so I decided to see how close I could get making it look like it’s done right. Right now all I’ve got is a spiffy charging animation for the gun. It is very heavily based off of Freespace 2s beam weapons.
Before anyone gets too excited, much of this has no real practical application. It is mostly an effects exercise. In order for this to work properly, I’m actually using three separate guns.
This is all WIP, so it is subject to change.
The animation is what it looks like, the little dots in particular are what is called sucking in lines and is exactly what it sounds like. Freespace 2s beams did this, so mine do too.
Lots of work, trial and error. There’s no magic trick, if you don’t hack at it for a long time you’ll never do anything good.
Although the beam effect isn’t 100% finished, I think it’s close enough for my purposes.
Youtube link:
Holy #$%%, that is amazing o_O
awesome work man
Do you fire the 3 guns at once? Or is it 1 for the charge, 1 for beam, 1 for end?
Is it a real beam or it is a pen named beam?
Here are all the source files, as well as details on how it works, and how to implement it.
The guns themselves can probably be tweaked a bit to produce a slightly better result. I stopped in the middle of such tweaking and decided that it was close enough.
I’m including a redundant mirror just in case. from the readme:
IntroThis was simply an effects modding exercise to see if I could recreate a beam similar in style to Freespace 2s beam effects. Unforuntely, beam weapons cannot be properly done in the Freelancer engine. The closest thing to a real implementation you can do is an extremely fast firing, high muzzle velocity, short lifespan bullet.
I had no intent for anything with a practical use, so I decided to see how close I could get to just looking like a working beam.
Rail-Knife Turret