Help with hash
I continuously get a CTD in omega-11, FLSpew logs the error, but I’m unable to decrypt the code.
3092071043 ```I used ReverseCRC but it didn't really work. :-[ Any help? PS: Could you tell me how you do it? Do I even need to use ReverseCRC instead of something else? Thanks ;)
ReverseCRC, while it does as it advertises, is worthless in real life. Â A 10 digit hashcode could generate millions of lines. Â Are you going to manually look through them all for intelligible bits?
Open CRCtool (with your mod activated). Â Point the path to the DATA folder. Â Click ‘Create DB’. Â When it is done click 'Save DB as text" and save it as crcinfo.txt or something. Â Then simply do a search in there for your code. Â Yours comes back as:
0xf0ea8f3b 3092071043
li_fighter -
The thing is that CRCTool searches for what you’re asking it to. Let’s say you refer to a loadout:
loadout = li_fighter_loaduot01
Notice the spelling mistake. Now, if I use CRCTool normally, I might never find the CRC this loadout would spit, as it does not search for lines starting with "loadout = " by default. It will make a CRC for “li_fighter_loadout01”, but not “li_fighter_loaduot01”.
Unfortunately, this would require adding all possible combinations to find all possible CRCs, which would take HUGE amounts of time and might not even work properly…
This might help some people then.
This has taken all entries with an “=” in the freelancer ini’s.
Delete the existing data in the right hand box in crctool and paste this in its place. I highly advise people to create the DB by folder at worst, idealy by individual ini as to scan the whole mod will take hours. As a result of running this on my mod i had a db of 365MB and it took about 5 hrs to run - THATS WHY YOU HAVE TO DO BY FILEIf you want, remove the “=” and run it again, if your not getting what you want.
detect_radius = explosion_offset = recharge_time = explosion_impulse = particle_effect = tip_length = tail_length = core_length = head_width = core_width = sec_core_width = tip_color = core_color = outter_color = sec_core_color = sec_outter_color = tail_color = head_brightness = trail_brightness = head_texture = trail_texture = flash_size = switch = anim = sex = body_hardpoint = exclude_billboards = ring = numlights = Diff2Money = priority = generic_priority = lod_type = visibility = update = run_time = pbubble = max_lod_screen_size = min_lod_screen_size = min_screen_size = vis_generic = vis_beam = snd_effect = effect_type = vis_effect = lgt_effect = lgt_range_scale = lgt_radius = group = event = empathy_rate = reverse_fraction = cruise_charge_time = cruise_power_usage = character_loop_sound = character_pitch_range = rumble_sound = rumble_atten_range = rumble_pitch_range = indestructible = outside_cone_attenuation = inside_sound_cone = outside_sound_cone = flame_effect = trail_effect = trail_effect_player = character_start_sound = engine_kill_sound = cruise_start_sound = cruise_loop_sound = cruise_stop_sound = cruise_disrupt_sound = cruise_backfire_sound = cruise_disrupt_effect = pitch_bendable = death_method = trail = explosion = innards_debris_start_time = debris_impulse = num_child_pieces = innards_debris_num = innards_debris_radius = innards_debris_object = Mass = pl_pos = ang_drag_scale = turn_throttle_z = turn_throttle_x = turn_throttle_y = throttle = damage_type = ONLY = age_fire = force = fuse_t = ori_offset = turn_on = origin_hardpoint = death_fuse = attached = pos_offset = group_name = fate = at_t = write_depth_buffer = num_spline_control_points = x_range = y_range = z_range = far_radius_factor = min_speed = max_speed = time_to_max_speed = fade_distance = near_alpha = far_alpha = num_t_steps = num_s_steps = min_rotation = max_rotation = min_rgb = max_rgb = texture = near_alpha_factor = far_alpha_factor = radius_factor = u_offset = v_offset = du = dv = v_scale = good_sell_price = bad_buy_price = bad_sell_price = good_buy_price = jump_dist = hull = addon = jump_out_effect = jump_in_effect = glow_ring_effect = glow_ring_hp = glow_create_time = jump_out_time = jump_out_tunnel_time = jump_in_tunnel_time = jump_in_time = kill_time_before_done = jump_tunnel_effect = jump_tunnel = jump_ambient = jump_background_color = solar_type = string_id = hitpoints = difficulty = pilot_choices = only_allowed_in_zone_type = space_color = filename = space = danger = battle = zone = basic_stars = complex_stars = nebulae = Archetype = star = atmosphere_range = burn_color = spin = reputation = jump_effect = difficulty_level = goto = dock_with = space_costume = next_ring = tradelane_space_name = prev_ring = Ambient = parent = atten_curve = damage = sort = density = relief_time = population_additive = edge_fraction = spacedust = spacedust_maxparticles = rotate = comment = repop_time = max_battle_size = pop_type = faction_weight = density_restriction = encounter = interference = property_flags = Music = property_fog_color = lane_id = tradelane_down = path_label = usage = mission_eligible = attack_ids = tradelane_attack = vignette_type = animation = goodscart_script = CommodityDealer = EquipmentDealer = ShipDealer = bulb_size = glow_size = flare_cone = min_color = avg_delay = blink_duration = glow_color = intensity = lightsource_cone = always_on = docking_light = frame = equip = cargo = drop_properties = toughness_range = percent_chance = MarketGood = marketgood = local_faction = diff = num_offers = offers_missions = mission_type = npc = head = lefthand = righthand = misn = room = rumorknowdb = accessory = bribe = know = knowdb = character_density = fixture = texture_name = capacity = charge_rate = thrust_capacity = thrust_charge_rate = cargo_scan_range = max_length = reach_speed = color = operating_effect = tractor_complete_snd = diversion_pctg = AI_range = archetype_id = prop = streamer = tint_field = body = comm = body.anim = thumb = comm.anim = strid_desc = ship = money = rep_group = Package = Pilot = rank = autoselect = icon = logo = headline = text = base = audio = NpcRank = level = ship_archetype = pilot = state_graph = npc_class = evade_break_roll_throttle = evade_break_time = evade_break_interval_time = evade_break_afterburner_delay = evade_break_afterburner_delay_variance_percent = evade_break_attempt_reverse_time = evade_break_reverse_distance = evade_break_turn_throttle = evade_break_direction_weight = evade_break_style_weight = buzz_min_distance_to_head_toward = buzz_min_distance_to_head_toward_variance_percent = buzz_max_time_to_head_away = buzz_head_toward_engine_throttle = buzz_head_toward_turn_throttle = buzz_head_toward_roll_throttle = buzz_head_toward_roll_flip_direction = buzz_dodge_turn_throttle = buzz_dodge_cone_angle = buzz_dodge_cone_angle_variance_percent = buzz_dodge_waggle_axis_cone_angle = buzz_dodge_roll_angle = buzz_dodge_interval_time = buzz_dodge_interval_time_variance_percent = buzz_head_toward_style_weight = buzz_slide_throttle = buzz_slide_interval_time = buzz_slide_interval_time_variance_percent = buzz_dodge_direction_weight = buzz_distance_to_pass_by = buzz_pass_by_time = buzz_break_direction_cone_angle = buzz_break_turn_throttle = buzz_pass_by_roll_throttle = buzz_drop_bomb_on_pass_by = buzz_break_direction_weight = buzz_pass_by_style_weight = trail_lock_cone_angle = trail_break_time = trail_min_no_lock_time = trail_break_roll_throttle = trail_break_afterburner = trail_max_turn_throttle = trail_distance = engine_kill_search_time = engine_kill_face_time = engine_kill_use_afterburner = engine_kill_afterburner_time = engine_kill_max_target_distance = use_shield_repair_pre_delay = use_shield_repair_post_delay = use_shield_repair_at_damage_percent = use_hull_repair_pre_delay = use_hull_repair_post_delay = use_hull_repair_at_damage_percent = mine_launch_interval = mine_launch_cone_angle = mine_launch_range = evade_break_damage_trigger_percent = evade_dodge_more_damage_trigger_percent = engine_kill_face_damage_trigger_percent = engine_kill_face_damage_trigger_time = roll_damage_trigger_percent = roll_damage_trigger_time = afterburner_damage_trigger_percent = afterburner_damage_trigger_time = brake_reverse_damage_trigger_percent = drop_mines_damage_trigger_percent = drop_mines_damage_trigger_time = fire_guns_damage_trigger_percent = fire_guns_damage_trigger_time = fire_missiles_damage_trigger_percent = fire_missiles_damage_trigger_time = evade_missile_distance = evade_break_missile_reaction_time = evade_slide_missile_reaction_time = evade_afterburn_missile_reaction_time = countermeasure_active_time = countermeasure_unactive_time = break_formation_damage_trigger_percent = break_formation_damage_trigger_time = break_formation_missile_reaction_time = break_apart_formation_missile_reaction_time = break_apart_formation_on_evade_break = break_formation_on_evade_break_time = formation_exit_top_turn_break_away_throttle = formation_exit_roll_outrun_throttle = formation_exit_max_time = combat_drift_distance = strafe_turn_throttle = strafe_run_away_distance = strafe_attack_throttle = force_attack_formation_active_time = force_attack_formation_unactive_time = wait_for_leader_target = maximum_leader_target_distance = flee_when_leader_flees_style = scene_toughness_threshold = flee_scene_threat_style = flee_when_hull_damaged_percent = flee_no_weapons_style = loot_flee_threshold = attack_subtarget_order = field_targeting = attack_preference = loot_preference = force_attack_formation = allow_player_targeting = gun_fire_interval_time = gun_fire_interval_variance_percent = gun_fire_burst_interval_time = gun_fire_burst_interval_variance_percent = gun_fire_no_burst_interval_time = gun_fire_accuracy_cone_angle = gun_fire_accuracy_power = gun_fire_accuracy_power_npc = gun_range_threshold = gun_target_point_switch_time = fire_style = auto_turret_interval_time = auto_turret_burst_interval_time = auto_turret_no_burst_interval_time = auto_turret_burst_interval_variance_percent = gun_range_threshold_variance_percent = missile_launch_interval_time = missile_launch_interval_variance_percent = missile_launch_range = missile_launch_cone_angle = missile_launch_allow_out_of_range = evade_dodge_style_weight = evade_dodge_cone_angle = evade_dodge_interval_time = evade_dodge_time = evade_dodge_distance = evade_activate_range = evade_dodge_roll_angle = evade_dodge_waggle_axis_cone_angle = evade_dodge_slide_throttle = evade_dodge_turn_throttle = evade_dodge_corkscrew_turn_throttle = evade_dodge_corkscrew_roll_throttle = evade_dodge_corkscrew_roll_flip_direction = evade_dodge_interval_time_variance_percent = evade_dodge_cone_angle_variance_percent = evade_dodge_direction_weight = evade_dodge_id = evade_break_id = buzz_head_toward_id = buzz_pass_by_id = trail_id = strafe_id = engine_kill_id = repair_id = gun_id = mine_id = missile_id = damage_reaction_id = missile_reaction_id = countermeasure_id = formation_id = job_id = inherit = ptough_graph_pt = mesh = int_brightness = head_turn = tether = yaw_rotate_speed = pitch_rotate_speed = accel_speed = view_position = rank_diff = cube_size = fill_dist = diffuse_color = ambient_color = ambient_increase = empty_cube_frequency = flag = exclusion = start_dist = fade_dist_percent = size = asteroid = count = placement_radius = placement_offset = max_velocity = render_parts = height = offset_dist = fade = texture_aspect = ambient_intensity = vert_increase = color_shift = music = start_script = set_virtual_room = start_room = set_script = scene = ambient = landing_script = launching_script = behavior = room_switch = virtual_room = state_read = state_send = icolor = gap = blink = endpause = hardpoint = BonusLootDropChance = num_to_drop = difficulty_range = weight = hit_pts_scale = pod_appearance = decay_per_second = tl_ship_enter = tl_ship_travel = tl_ship_exit = tl_ship_disrupt = tl_player_travel = tl_player_splash = secs_before_enter = secs_before_splash = secs_before_exit = tl_ring_active = spin_max = spin_accel = activation_start = activation_end = use_sound = use_throttle = shield_collapse_particle = x = y = w = h = MinSpecLOD = ids_info1 = ids_info2 = ids_info3 = ship_class = mission_property = hold_size = max_bank_angle = camera_offset = camera_angular_acceleration = camera_horizontal_turn_angle = camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = nanobot_limit = shield_battery_limit = cockpit = pilot_mesh = steering_torque = angular_drag = rotation_inertia = nudge_force = strafe_force = strafe_power_usage = bay_door_anim = bay_doors_open_snd = bay_doors_close_snd = HP_bay_surface = HP_bay_external = num_exhaust_nozzles = HP_tractor_source = member = solar_radius = shape_name = docking_sphere = phantom_physics = envmap_material = loadout = open_sound = close_sound = destructible = open_anim = jump_out_hp = docking_camera = surface_hit_effects = shield_link = animated_textures = distance_render = nomad = separable = fuse = group_dmg_hp = group_dmg_obj = root_health_proxy = dmg_hp = dmg_obj = range = crv_pitch = persistent = is_2d = base_appr = individual_name = affiliation = max_force = particles = hp_particles = regeneration_rate = max_capacity = offline_rebuild_time = offline_threshold = constant_power_draw = rebuild_power_draw = shield_collapse_sound = shield_rebuilt_sound = shield_hit_effects = shield_type = tex_shape = star_glow = star_center = lens_flare = lens_glow = spines = intensity_fade_in = intensity_fade_out = zone_occlusion_fade_in = zone_occlusion_fade_out = scale = bead = inner_color = outer_color = glow_fade_in_seconds = glow_fade_out_seconds = radius_scale = shape = min_radius = max_radius = spine = Path = seconds_per_day = system = BGCS_base_run_by = terrain_tiny = terrain_sml = terrain_mdm = terrain_lrg = terrain_dyna_01 = terrain_dyna_02 = dock_group = autosave_forbidden = file = pos = msg_id_prefix = visit = strid_name = NavMapScale = faction = archetype = name = type = objective_text = comm_sequence = Implemented = Weight = Offer_group = Hostile_group = offer_text = Failure_text = Reward_text = Allowable_zone_types = Difficulty = node_id = documentation = child_node = voice = permutation_count = script = msg = duration = attenuation = Priority = Voice = gender = supports_roles = cloakin_time = cloakout_time = cloakin_fx = cloakout_fx = accel = delay = effect = process = strength = radius = impulse = hp_type = Motor = HP_trail_parent = seeker = time_to_lock = seeker_range = seeker_fov_deg = max_angular_velocity = cruise_disruptor = hull_damage = energy_damage = weapon_type = munition_hit_effect = hp_gun_type = auto_turret = turn_rate = use_animation = flash_particle_name = flash_radius = light_anim = explosion_arch = loot_appearance = units_per_container = requires_ammo = one_shot_sound = detonation_dist = lifetime = force_gun_ori = owner_safe_time = linear_drag = seek_dist = top_speed = acceleration = const_effect = DA_archetype = HP_child = hit_pts = explosion_resistance = debris_type = parent_impulse = child_impulse = volume = mass = damage_per_fire = power_usage = refire_delay = muzzle_velocity = toughness = projectile_archetype = dry_fire_sound = separation_explosion = lootable = obj = LODranges = equipment = category = price = item_icon = combinable = free_ammo = ids_name = ids_info = shop_archetype = material_library = nickname = alchemy = effect_crc = textures =
You sure are a lot more persevering than I ever would be, Strail ;D
Thanks for this mighty helpful list.
Hey, DwnUndr…
0xf0ea8f3b 3092071043
li_fighterNO IT DOESN’T!!!
It’s generic_pilot according to my CRC Tool!! Â ::)
Of course my suspicions were aroused when I read Jong’s post. So I fired up my CRC Tool (it coughed and spluttered, having been in storage and unused for some time….).
Umm… are you still troubleshooting your own mod by any chance? How long? Six years, you say?
Hmmm, I wonder…
;D ;D
Ok, so I read the line below instead of the line above
0xf0ea8f3b 3092071043
li_fighterUmm… are you still troubleshooting your own mod by any chance? How long? Six years, you say?
Hmmm, I wonder…
If that is a slam on me helping with suggestions, then I won’t anymore.