Hey Dark,
I’m still getting the ‘Character name already in use’ whenever I try and log into your server. I’m assuming this is due to a difference between the version of the mod I am running and the version you are running.
I’ve had no problems running IC using IONCROSS. I used FLMM 1.4 and the latest release of IONCROSS and the server seems to run ‘ok’. Of course I am connecting to the server locally and I do get the random crashes and the server seems to hickup during fights (momentary hesitation of the game that I don’t get when playing SP).
I’m beginning to think my ISP is blocking certain ports since I can’t seem to get a connection from outside even when I DMZ through my router but that is something else entirely.
If anyone needs another set of eyes to help test I’m all kind of available. I haven’t been this excited about a mod in years.
One thing I have noticed is that sometimes the NPCs will get stuck in an auto-manuver for docking loop at some of the stations causing a backup of NPCs that are waiting to dock and also blocking you from docking. I think this may be related to ship speed. I’ve had it happen to myself as well and had to ESC and reposition myself manually then dock again.
Oh and Happy New Year everyone!