I’m more into the old fashioned popcorn… You know grease in a pot, corn, lid on and then wait for the sound of awesomeness, and if you’re really kinky, you can add spices of choice…
Even bacon…
Happens when you give a planet a reputation, without linking to a base…
nickname = Li01_01
ids_name = 196766
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
rotate = 0, -10, -10
ambient_color = 255, 0, 0
Archetype = planet_earthgrncld_4000
ids_info = 65759
spin = 0.000000, -0.020000, 0
atmosphere_range = 4200
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
base = Li01_01_Base <–- This one here
reputation = li_p_grp
visit = 1So you’ll either have to add a base or remove the rep…
I thought the archieves “belonged” to lancersreactor.com? Or am I just remembering the adress wrong?
Isn’t the info actually intellectual property of those who wrote it?
I’m not into all that legal stuff, so I’m just asking a question here… More of those may come later.
Speaking of decimals I have a few requests if they should be possible…
1. - Allow decimals in prices for everything, also in the credits display.
2. - Make FL show cargo space with atleast one decimal. Two would be better
Alot of things in my mod is less than 1 volume unit such as 0.1, 0.2, 0.25 and so on, but when I buy a single unit of those it shows up as 1 unit being used in the cargohold!
adoxa wrote:
@currican: Oops, the first line was indeed wrong - fixed it (typo, doubling the E instead of the 1).@Gisteron: With a bit of mucking about, I can have the one scroll bar to scroll both windows. I guess I’d need to do it for the ship selection as well as ship info screens. Anywhere else?
Nice hack Adoxa…
Been wondering if this could be done for a long time now!
Anywhere else? Weapon infocards please…
TheDvDMan wrote:
Lets get to the point OK?-1
Here’s something that may help…
And yeah I just shamelessly took it from Dwn’s own site!
“Trial and Error”
Gisteron wrote:
have you never played the campain? you have mine fields there and orbital gas fields, which actually are just asteroids with different shapes. the explosion feature you can add to any other asteroid shape, too.Yes I know that and I’ve played the SP campaign COUNTLESS times both without and with different mods!
I’m not talking about shapes here… I know I could use a ship model (or any other model) as an asteroid if I wanted to!
What I was talking about was adding the same detection and explosions to DYNAMIC roids (The roids that moves) in the same way as the static ones (the roids that doesn’t move)
I’m not at my own PC so I can’t show you code examples… But if you really know how to edit asteroids you should know what I mean!
HeIIoween wrote:
Bullwinkle wrote:
What does MAX_ASTEROID_LOOT_DAMAGE in Constants.ini do?Dunno, but not increasing hp ;(
Isn’t that constant also void? I can’t find it present anywhere in common.dll where the others are…
But yeah… It would be nice to be able to give the dynroids hitpoints… Along with mass (or have this been solved?) and explosions like mines when you get too close to them… Hehehehe
Open the exe with ResHacker… There you’ll find the version numbers! After that it should be pretty straight forward…
Found something here…
– 1.25f in freelancer.exe, 0x1C9804, 0x1C9804 = multiplier for distance at which brackets around non-targeted ships in space will appear (1.25 = ~3km, 37.5 = ~93km, etc)
I wanted to remove the brackets completely from no targetted ships, so I set this multiplier to 0, but that made the tractorbeam effect dissappear!
So this multiplier is used for more than one thing…
Does anyone know another way around to remove those brackets? I did see the hack below this one on the list, but I don’t want to remove all that!
shadow wrote:
In the interface folder is only the buttontextures.txm and when i open it with photoshop there is a cross but there is no color in it.So it must be in an other file.Switch to the Alpha Channel in channels… There’s the colors
Sorry… I did remember wrong! Go to the Screens folder and open up cursor.txm, export the tga and there they are!
Nope… Look in one of the .txm files in the INTERFACE folder! Can’t remember which one but there you can change the color and shape if you want!
Bas wrote:
Hobbes, are those the only 2 sounds that create the soundbug?These are not just two single sounds!
By removing/outcommenting these two lines in freelancer.ini you will not have any music or ambience sounds at all! So it’s not really a fix…
I wouldn’t really call removing the sounds fixing a bug… Sure it’ll make this “problem” go away but boy you’ll have some borring fights!
btw… This only seems to apply to the music and not sounds when you ALT + TAB in and out of the game!
Now the next thing that could be done (maybe?) would be even more costumized arrival text such as this:
Solarian Empire
Solar System
Orion Constellation
x Region (which region are we living in yeah!? lol)Would something like this or similar be possible adoxa?
And with Nav Map House names too?!
This will be handy that’s for sure!
Again thank you for this!
Hmm… That could be an idea maybe! Well I’ll just contact Eagle and ask him!
Is there a direct way to contact him or should I just use “[email protected]” which is the only contact mail I can find on the site…
Lets sattle it up between us
Object naming errors.
Brrr and wut wit TLR?
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
InfoCard GUI Hack Request
O.o Dumb Weapons o.O
IDS headscratcher - HELP
Weapon fire FX used as engine FX
How to increase hp to dynamic asteroids?
How to increase hp to dynamic asteroids?
Changing Version Number
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
HUD editing
HUD editing
Sound-bug fix?
Sound-bug fix?
House Name after System Name: Let's Solve this Basterd
House Name after System Name: Let's Solve this Basterd
FLAC or FLHook?