I’ll need to write a proper documentation some day. The thing with wireframes is that they should be done on the actual model based on the lods (this is how FL does it) rather than by using a seperate mesh for it.
So in the lod groups, just name the lod you want to be the basis for the wireframe “vwd_lodX” where X is your lod number. This will cause the exporter to use that specific lod for the current components wireframe data.
If you dont specify anything, I think it’ll always use lod0.
Anyways, there may be models where even the highest lod has too many vertices. There is a hack for getting higher vertice-count wireframes to work. I’ll need to search for it and I’ll post it on the limit breaking sometime.
However, actually the highest lod should never be really higher than 12k (you have 6 lods at your disposal!) so…