Um I think i understod just 1/16th of that about the recoiling animation.
Just to make it simple at first, I havea HUGE gun that I’m putting on a carrier that i’d liek to have recoail like the big planet bombardment cannons that was in the extended intro. I have a two group simple setup were there is a box, and then barrel groups.
The massive weapons hard point is within the modle itself so if i can get the barrel group to recaoil backward into the box. I’ll have it made.
As for looking for the recoil annimation I have no idea how to start, and the same for the nodes. I use milkshape, hardcmp, flmodeltool, and just started to use LithUnwrap for my sur files.
So as you can tell i’m still a noob, but a nood that wishes to learn. I’ll look around and do a few searches once i get a working model of my carrier and its new weapons working. I’m taking a break from seeing it go nuclear on me and crashing. I think i have it now, but like awlays another problem rears its ugly head, or heads.
Lonestar out…