Sushi wrote:
I like bananas
Hence the reason your phone is shaped like one!
Sushi wrote:
I like bananas
Hence the reason your phone is shaped like one!
Oh yeah, that colour will sooo suit Snake.
Time to finally end this on a happy note.
After much protestation, threats, insults and the occasional slap on the back of the head to the computer, she’s finally working for me! Not exactly sure what exactly did it… maybe it was the accumulation of things. I cleaned out drivers, re-installed them, did some general window’s updating and did a clean install of FLE.
Low and behold… she works! Much to the benefit of my sanity. So thanks everyone as always for the advice and general direction pointing.
Sorry for the late reply on this… got a bit sidetracked with other stuff…
I had similar problems until I changed my graphics card from an internal to an FX5700.
As you say it worked before, it must be the drivers you are using now, can you identify the ones you were using when it worked? They are probably older than the latest ones.
I’m in the process of trying to find some older drivers to see if that works, hopefully find something and roll 'em back to see what happens. Not like I’m need to push her for anything else.
Dont want to sound like im stating the obvious here but have you actually tried rolling your mouse wheel a lot of things ive used modular station wise appeared black like that but on rolling the mouse wheel a few times brought the object into focus. #
Also im assuming you do actually have the .mat file for these modular station parts.
Yes, I have. No worries about stating the obvious - sometimes it can be something so simple. But yeah, the first I did was mess around with the mouse and try to see if it was a case that it just wasn’t putting the stuff center stage on it.
Let’s define root folder, do u mean your mod folder with the exe folder and data folder inside with xmls sitting in the mod folder next to the date and exe folder? If that’s the case then FLE does work like that as all my mods use xmls and never had an issue with FLE like that. I have other isssues with FLE but that’s another story lol
All that sounds a bit over my head (I swear I’m a born again blonde.) I’m guessing that that it shouldn’t be any issue with how the folder is sorted because I haven’t changed them in the slightest over the past six months of doing it. I use a completely seperate folder from the actual dev version folder for it, so there is no need to be moving files around. In addition, since then, I had Sushi re-pack me a new version of it, in case there was something wrong - and that didn’t work.
On top of that, I’ve tried it on other versions of Freeworlds (the current 1.66 incarnation as well as the defunct 1.68). Both worked before, not working now… so while the chances of one fubared directory are probably, the chances of four separate ones going up the skivvies is highly unlikely, I feel. Hence why I’ve settled on the thought that I was missing something.
FLE is weird though. It’ll decide not to work for X on computer A, but not work for Y on computer B, and work fine all the time on computer C. It’s just the way it is ;D
If only.
If there is another way to put modular stations together outside of FLE, I’d be all ears! Granted, I’m getting to that point where individual nutty ideas for bases are getting low and I’ll be rehashing old designs - but it’s nice to have that option that if I come up with the idea, I can throw it together. Like I said, if there is another way to stick them together… I’m all ears
My suggestion: don’t use it!
Hmm, now that I see the screenies, Oma, have you tried lowering your colour/video resolution? I know when I first started using FLE, I’d get the same screen. Then, I found, when I changed my video colour options from 32-bit to 16-bit, the base parts appeared. Try that and see if it works like it did for me.
Yeah, that was the first thing I tried when I first reported the issue to you, no joy. I’ll give the above suggestion concerning the latest version of HardCMP a go - see if that props up anything. In the meantime, might have an additional family laptop I can ‘borrow’ to see if it works on that. Hopefully that will have it working, even if it means working on one of those mini-PC’s!
Tried doing a complete re-do of my graphics drivers, both nVidia and DirectX on my main PC, which was no joy. I’ll give her a go on the laptop with the hope of good luck. Unfortunately, didn’t see anything in the readme about specific add-on bits to watch out for either.
Edit: Same result with the laptop, still crashes when going into base view. Very strange.
Greets one and all,
It’s been a while, so I hope you all are well.
So, I’m having some, rather strange issues with my Freelancer Explorer. Basically, it’s refusing to show up certain modular pieces. It seems to show up the bog standard Freelancer pieces, but none of the added bits. It’s the case right from object viewer.
The same goes when I try to view the ‘Base Layout’. It shows up the pieces in the drop down menu, but nothing at all shows up.
Honestly, I can’t think of a reason why it shouldn’t work. It worked before I reformated my computer recently. One idea was maybe that some of the files weren’t linked up correctly - but (1) Sushi has since done me up a new FLE file and the result is the same and (2) when I look back at previous versions of Freeworlds, the result is the same - it refuses to let me see them.
Is it possible that I’m missing some random Windows file that is stopping me look at it? I’ve had some issues with the install, a last dash backup I have of XP and I’m half wondering, since it’s different to my previous one, that I’m missing some key component. Although, I suppose if that was the case, the Freelancer parts shouldn’t show up either.
Since, I’ve tried it my laptop, which has Vista. Which half works. It shows up the pieces (using the same filing structure that I had on my main computer.) Unfortunately, that crashes whenever I try to look into the ‘Base Layout’ part of things (which is kinda important :D)
So if anyone has any thoughts, ideas on how I can overcome this, be much obliged so I can get back to base building.
Thanks, in advance!
My nickname started off with a character name for a Star Wars chat-based role-playing game. Basically, I wanted something for a name that sounded like it came from another galaxy. Who wants to play with a boring name like Bob or Bill or Tom, y’know.
At the time, I was close with a Finnish girl and after seeing some of the language, I got the idea of seeing what an average saying would be when translated into Finnish. Loosely, according to some online translator (so I don’t vouch for the validity of these translations :P) - Omapainen Yksilo was one of the results when I put in ‘Maverick’.
The name stuck, although on more than one occasion have I being approached by people thinking I am Finnish. They get a bit of a shock when they find out I’m Irish. Omapainen quickly was shortened to Oma, which in turn started some ‘grandma’ jokes amongst those who speak Dutch. ;D
With a thumbnail like that, people will know this place rocks!
It’s a bloody long wait between when they end the poll and actually show up the results - the end of the month when they happen! Till then, they are supposed to be doing daily features… although whether either mod gets mentioned is another thing entirely. We’ll just have to wait and see on that account.
I’m sure the community will be in uproar about this decision. A odd decision to take away a proven money maker - at least over in Ireland it usually went for twice the regular retail price for a PC game. Guess it’s time for the FS community to join the FL community in taking the last released base and continually build upon it to keep her going.
Man… ???
Granted, it has been a few years since I’ve played the Flight Simulator franchise, but it was always fun. You can add my name to the list of sticking to older games - it’s already my philosophy anyway. Last time I think I bought a new PC game was when ‘The Orange Box’ came out! Haven’t plans to get anything new either, given what is out there right now.
He’s a fanatic
He lies! That is Sushi after we give him yet another headache from our often zany ideas that we throw at him on Freeworlds! He used to look young, unwrinkled with coloured hair before he had to put up with us!
I’m not exactly sure… but I can relate. I had this issue crop up with trying to get the game working on Vista. It would just churn up a similiar amount of letters and numbers - and wouldn’t let me into the game.
Despite trying many tried and true methods, I couldn’t actually get it to consistently change back. You can keep refreshing and eventually, an actual proper IP will show up with it. But, that could take a while and given that you are using the server for testing… after a while that would become headwrecking.
My own solution to it was to return to WinXP.
Perhaps try any of the current methods for setting the game up for Windows Vista and see if they are comparable? Just thinking about it… I think Sushi might of had a similar problem when he tried Windows 7 as well.
Just looked out the window and see snow falling! Not only that, but it is staying on the ground. In February. In Ireland.
I’d look up to the sky to see if the world is going to end, but then I would get snowflakes in my eyes!
However, remember you’ve got big shoes to fill now. If the release isn’t properly awesome^2, I’ll be the first to slap you hehe…
(But I have no fear)
Heh, I think it’s fair to say that if it isn’t up to our own personal standards - we’d be slapping ourselves before anyone else got a chance!
Talk about throwing all the toys out of the pram. I think I’m scarred for life after the re-direct!
What a mature response? Seriously, what happens if an under-aged kid goes looking for Freelancer stuff and heads there. There are still plenty of young players out there. What sort of message is that sending out. ::) Pathetic.
Congrats on getting a result for the hard slog to get on the list guys! Nice to see that hard work and effort can pay off!
Just thinking back to thoughts people had on the inclusion of what could be defined as ‘minor changing’ mods.
One of the main arguments against was that one would struggle to be able to come up with sufficient information on it pad out an article to an acceptable length. Perhaps, a good solution to this would be to run a number of ‘minor changing’ mods at the same time?
The HUD changing mod was an example used. Well, let’s say there are a couple of people who said that they wanted to get it noticed. Grouping them together would elongate the article and, if you could group similiar-style mods together - maybe that would be for the better. You could have a ‘HUD Mods Special Spotlight’, or something to that effect. Granted, I do realise that could also have the opposite effect of competitive comparison. But I’m working on the assumption that everyone will play nice.
Another solution would be to run a con-current ‘Small Mods Spotlight’ alongside one for the bigger mods. Give them space that way. I know that some of this stuff might be minor, but I also think that this could provide such developers with an opportunity to showcase their talent to the community.
I’m sure that when the majority of us started in our attempts to modify the game, we started small. Minor tweaks here and there to see what did what, build our confidence and see what we can do. From there, we blossomed. This could offer a window of opportunity for aspiring modders to try their hand and maybe get interest from development teams looking for extra hands.
Just my own rambling thoughts on it. Overall, I love the entire concept and hope it comes to fruition.
Fantastic to hear we are not dead to the outer world. It is great for the community that it got mentioned specifically as well. Just looking over the games they tested, Freelancer is one of the only games to actually have fan community mentions on it.
Never hurts for some third-party testing to know if the game will work on Windows 7 - although if it doesn’t, that is what dual-booting OS option comes a crop!
I’ll be honest, I was never big on history when I was in school.
But these days I actually really regret not taking a greater interest in it. Now that I’m older (and hopefully more mature), it is easy to look back and say ‘Man, I should’ve been more interested in it.’ So what if people think it is a ‘hated subject’. How does one learn from past mistakes if they do not learn of the past?
Suppose its hindsight, easy to look at with years of experience.
School isn’t always about enjoyment - it is about learning skills required for life. Fun time comes at the ring of the bell at the end of the day! ;D