ok i started work on the c3p0 prop for a custom character skin. i textured the model im max an heres the result from one continuous texture map (custom made from various stuff)
now i have it in ms3d so i can export it to a cmp, but im having difficuly applying the texture. most tutorials use outside programs to unwrap the model and texture it, i just want to do a basic texture similar to the max one, and i figured i would go ahead and start here rather than jump to the stations because im really lost at this point.
here is the screen of it in ms3d
what do i do next?
its already been moved and scaled to the correct size. i used another prop to compare it and move it where it was supposed to be, facing correctly and everything. but its not showing textures at all. and any attempts to map them still show the white skinning.
oops never mind heres hte texture in the viewports!!!
now how do i add a new map to the back where the cylinder sticks out? im not able to select anything right now for some reason…