Limit Breaking 101 V2 (BETA)
- This list was originally compiled by Dev in the Lancers Reactor topic Limit Breaking 101. Credit for finding the original offsets and otherwise starting this list go to Dev.
- All offsets are for files from the official 1.1 patch.
- Numbers are in hexadecimal, or suffixed to indicate their type:
Suffix | Type | Size |
f | float | 4 bytes |
d | double | 8 bytes |
i | integer | 4 bytes |
b | byte | 1 byte (-128 to 127) |
A value like "0F 85 -> 90 E9" means replace the original bytes on the left with the new bytes on the right. (The bytes are given in file order, they don't represent a number like the offset.)
Module Name | Offset | Patch | Author | Description | Date Added |
soundmanager.dll soundstreamer.dll | 0x00A021 0x0018A9 | 00 -> 80 00 -> 80 | Adoxa | Continue playing Freelancer's audio when Alt-Tabbed. Offsets must be changed in both respective modules. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x18B147 | E8 04 95 FD FF -> 90 90 90 90 90 | BC46 | Disables the UI character typing text sounds completely. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x05AC3D | FC -> FF | Adoxa | Disables the typing effect for the arrival text. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0E111B 0x0E11AF 0x0E1A61 0x0E21CF 0x0E32B6 0x0E32CA 0x0E47B2 0x0E47C6 | 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 | Adoxa | Disables the typing effect for the target ship name and sub-target name text elements. All offsets must be changed. | Date Unknown |
soundmanager.dll | 0x0089B8 | 74 -> EB | Venemon | Turn off non-music sounds. | 7/14/2024 |
content.dll | 0x12E368 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Turn off combat chatter. | 7/14/2024 |
content.dll | 0x0BD2D8 | 00 -> 01 | Adoxa | Allow the `fc_n_grp` faction to drop `[phantom_loot]` loot. | 2/3/2011 |
content.dll | 0x11BC78 | 100d | foxUnit01 | Initial NPC min spawn distance in SP and MP (such as after respawn). | 5/28/2008 |
content.dll | 0x11BC80 | 1775d | Dev | Initial NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP. | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x11BC68 | 2500d | Dev | NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP. | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x0C1771 | 7A -> EB | Gold_Sear | Allow NPC max spawn distance below 2500. | 5/11/2023 |
content.dll | 0x0BA57A | 3.0f | adoxa | SpacePop 'heartbeat' interval in seconds. | 5/2/2023 |
content.dll | 0x0D3C36 | 2500f | foxUnit01 | Maximum distance that NPCs will persist in SP. | 5/28/2008 |
content.dll | 0x0D3D6E | 2500f | Dev | Maximum distance that NPCs will persist in MP. | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x058F46 | 3750f | Dev | Distance over which NPC spawning will ignore density cap in SP. | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x117A68 | 7500f | Dev | Distance over which NPC spawning will ignore density cap in MP (in other words, players within this distance to another will 'share spawns' and must move this distance away to start spawning 'own' NPCs). | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x118578 | 200f | Vital | Multiplier for patrol_path spawn distances, double this to double patrol_path spawn ranges, use in tandem with below (715 = 10k). | 2/3/2010 |
content.dll | 0x0C4974 | 2500f | foxUnit01 | patrol_path NPC min spawn distance check, patrol_path spawns below this distance will be rejected, use in tandem with above. | 6/2/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0BB1DA | 2000f | Vital | Distance from the edge of the zone NPCs begin to spawn. | 5/17/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0C48D7 | 2500f | Vital | Distance that patrol_path NPCs spawn when players are close to each other in patrol path (so far seems like closer than 300m). | 1/1/2010 |
content.dll | 0x0D8AAF | 1400i | Vital | Distance from a disrupted tradelane that tradelaneattackers are created. | 11/29/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0BB1DA | 2000f | Vital | Distance from the last tradelane ring that FL will generate NPCs from when you enter tradelane (note: same offset as zone edge NPC spawn distance). | 11/29/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0D3D93 | 4000f | Vital | Distance from the last tradelane ring that patrol_path NPCs created when you enter tradelane will still exist. | 11/29/2009 |
content.dll | 0x11BB58 | 1200f | Vital | Distance from the last tradelane ring that patrol_path NPCs are created (2750 and more, no NPCs are created (unless patrol_path spawn distance is raised?)). | 11/29/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0C5D53 | 3750f | Vital | Distance from the tradelane ring (except the nearest one) at which NPCs with `arrival = tradelane` encounters are created (negative numbers accepted, though terminal ring will act up), there may be more 3750f in content.dll which may be relevant. | 7/15/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0C2946 | 5000i | Vital | Minimum spawn distance for tradelane NPCs, tradelane spawns below this distance will be rejected and transferred to the next ring instead. | 7/16/2010 |
common.dll | 0x140810 | 5000f | Dev | Max range at which NPCs will engage enemies, even if `attack_preference` under `jobblock` specify a higher range. | 8/17/2006 |
server.dll | 0x0A8AF0 | 10000f | FriendlyFire | Maximum AI firing range. | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x18C754 | 2i | adoxa | First value of Act_PlayerEnemyClamp. This determines how many NPCs will attack the player in SP (and also MP?). | 8/17/2006 |
common.dll | 0x18C758 | 2i | adoxa | Second value of Act_PlayerEnemyClamp. This determines how many NPCs will attack the player in SP (and also MP?). | 8/9/2016 |
common.dll | 0x08E86A | 7E 31 -> EB 39 | adoxa | Alternative to above: disable Act_PlayerEnemyClamp altogether, instead making NPC enemy target selection random. | 8/9/2016 |
common.dll | 0x08E6D8 | 74 -> EB | adoxa | Remove FIGHTER/FREIGHTER testing on Player for `attack_preference` under `jobblock`. | 7/17/2010 |
common.dll | 0x13E52C | 04 -> 00 | adoxa | NPCs use scanner (enables CMs). | 7/16/2010 |
content.dll content.dll | 0x0D0630 0x11DB10 | 5000f 5000f | Dev | Max range at which NPCs will go hostile upon seeing their allies go hostile (both offsets must be changed). | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x06C470 | 500i | Dev | Max range at which NPCs will scan your cargo. | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x06C717 | 2500f | Dev | Max range at which NPCs will initiate scan of your cargo. | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x0C4C01 | 500f | M0tah, Gold_Sear | Min distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with `arrival = cruise` will fly to when spawned. | 1/18/2015 |
content.dll | 0x0C4C06 | 2000f | M0tah, Gold_Sear | Max distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with `arrival = cruise` will fly to when spawned. | 1/18/2015 |
content.dll | 0x1195D4 | 25000000f | Vital | Square of the distance from the end of the patrol_path to the object over which NPCs won't dock with it (so far only tested with jumpgates; increasing this may prevent PP crashes?). | 1/31/2009 |
common.dll | 0x07AE5E | 200f | Vital | unknown, increasing this to 1000f and more makes patrol_path NPCs stand still after spawn (side note by fox: this range seems to also denote the range which MsnRandEnc ships spawned with story scripting cut cruise and engage targets; if you're spawning ships with MsnRandEnc, try increasing this to make them more combat-effective). | 1/31/2009 |
common.dll | 0x13E518 | 0.0001f | adoxa | `nudge_force` sensitivity (higher = less auto-dodging from autopilot and AI). | 8/16/2010 |
common.dll | 0x13E6D0 | 1.5f | foxUnit01 | Autopilot helper value used by all AI functions, including NPC maneuvering and player autopilot; generally, set lower for a more accurate and picky autopilot (beware, has massive effect on how AI handle and may break your NPCs, so be very careful! - 1.34 is good). | 5/25/2009 |
common.dll | 0x13E6D4 | 50f | foxUnit01 | Default follow offset for following NPCs using FollowOp; a following NPC is to the right by default, but will appear on the left, below and above after jumping systems. | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x129058 | 54 72 61 69 6C 4F 70 40 41 49 40 70 75 62 40 40 51 41 45 40 58 5A 00 -> 46 6F 6C 6C 6F 77 4F 70 40 41 49 40 70 75 62 40 40 51 41 45 40 58 5A | foxUnit01 | Replace TrailOp behavior with FollowOp behavior. | 6/30/2010 |
content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll | 0x085D6F 0x06CDF5 0x06CE24 0x0875BC 0x0875C2 | 33 FF 89 7C 24 -> E9 23 F9 FF FF 06 -> 07 14 -> 4C 18 -> 50 1C -> 54 | adoxa | Replace TrailOp behavior with FollowOp behavior (addition to above, untested). | 7/3/2010 |
common.dll | 0x08C322 0x08C35C 0x08C4C4 | D9 44 -> EB 0F DC 0D -> EB 04 D9 44 -> EB 20 | Gold_Sear | Make formation leader independent of escorts (this will make formation leaders able to flee). | 7/5/2017 |
common.dll | 0x06C017 | 500f | Gold_Sear, M0tah | Distance ahead of formation leader escorts 'anticipate' to go to when catching up in cruise (decrease this to make escorts go in a straighter line towards the leader, but setting this too low causes them swing back and forth after a minor turn). | 5/26/2015 |
common.dll | 0x075B36 | 500f | Gold_Sear | Distance from formation leader an escort will cruise to (before dropping out of cruise) when the leader is not cruising, as well as cruise catch up trail range. | 5/26/2015 |
common.dll | 0x06C00D | 200f | M0tah | Increase this to enable large formations to dock with jumpgate; raise with caution however. | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x08ADD7 | 07 -> 00 | adoxa | Disable NPC firing timing delay. | 3/12/2020 |
common.dll | 0x038590 | 83 EC 34 53 56 -> B0 01 C2 04 00 | adoxa | Adjusts CEGun::CanSeeTargetObject, allowing NPCs to 'see' everything (care: has a pretty significant impact on firing behavior). | 3/13/2020 |
common.dll common.dll | 0x08A185 0x08AE95 | 0.0523599f 0.0523599f | adoxa | NPC muzzle cone angle (guns, radians). | 4/3/2020 |
common.dll | 0x0763B6 | 84 C0 -> 90 90 | Venemon | Autopilot will use thruster to catch up with formation. | 1/16/2024 |
common.dll | 0x066148 | 03 -> 7F | Aingar | Force NPCs to use correct chasing behavior for shiptypes other than FIGHTER and FREIGHTER. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x08AEBE 0x1D2688 | 20f | Adoxa | Drop cargo dialog timeout. Both options must be changed. | 11/23/2010 |
content.dll | 0x118130 | 20f | Adoxa | Time given to drop cargo by NPCs | 11/23/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x079D9F 0x079DC3 | E8 1C E1 13 00 D9 44 24 20 8B D8 8D B5 08 05 00 00 E8 0B E1 13 00 -> 83 EC 10 DD 1C E4 D9 44 E4 30 DD 5C E4 08 8D B5 08 05 00 00 EB 02 20 -> 28 | Adoxa | Show cargo space using decimals. String 1179 in resources.dll must have %d changed to %g or %.2f. Both offsets must be changed. | 9/29/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D848C | 1000000f | Fox | Square of distance from loot that the 'tractor all' button appears on the HUD. | 10/30/2008 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1C9800 | 1.2f | Fox | Multiplier for width of tractor beams. | 1/7/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D8D08 | 1500f | Adoxa | Maximum distance to initiate trade. | 7/4/2010 |
common.dll freelancer.exe | 0x086542 0x212700 | 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 | Adoxa | Auto-level off by default. All offsets much be changed. | 9/25/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DBE10 | 94 -> 95 | Adoxa | Disable auto-level toggling. | 9/25/2010 |
common.dll freelancer.exe | 0x07249A 0x1186E9 | 01 -> 00 01 -> 00 | Adoxa | Level camera off by default. All offsets much be changed. | 9/25/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x11A1D3 | 94 -> 95 | Adoxa | Disable level camera toggling. | 9/25/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1C94FC | 1.75f | Syd | Multiplier of mouse speed. | 12/15/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1C94F8 | 0.25f | Syd | Grid size for mouse. This offset is used elsewhere and not reccomended for use. | 12/15/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1C9680 | 0.00125d | Syd, adoxa | Multiplier for screen width. | 1/23/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0A8004 | 05 -> 1A | Adoxa | Show current worth in multiplayer. | 10/11/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1CAEE8 | 9999999f | Dev | Maximum value of any single good. | 8/17/2006 |
server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll server.dll | 0x06F46E 0x06F475 0x06F4A6 0x06F4AD 0x06F51E 0x06F525 0x06FB9B 0x06FBA3 0x06FBAE 0x06FC00 0x06FC08 0x06FC1C 0x07543C 0x075443 0x0754E0 0x0754E7 0x076426 0x07642D | 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i 999999999i | adoxa | Maximum credits that a player can have in multiplayer. All offsets must be changed. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x037ECF | 2130706432i | Adoxa | Maximum number of items in stock. | 11/17/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x037ECB | C7 44 24 44 00 00 00 7F -> 89 44 24 44 90 90 90 90 | Adoxa, M0tah | Market files control items in stock (MarketGood = item nickname, required level, required rep, minimum, max in stock, full resale, price multiplier). | 11/17/2009 |
content.dll | 0x0A94D4 | 04 -> 39 | Adoxa | Disable money-based rank, rank becomes fixed, may instead be manually managed via hooks. | 9/20/2013 |
content.dll | 0x0A9D8E | 7F 0F -> 90 90 | Adoxa, Gold_Sear | Ignore rank level limit test, theoretically allowing any number of levels. | 7/27/2018 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x06FA17 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide auto-generated commodity sell/buy locations detail inside commodity tab. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x075112 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station commodity buy/sell info from Information box while docked. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x075121 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station equipment sell info from Information box while docked. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x075130 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station ship sell info from Information box while docked. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x075C68 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station market info from Information box in space. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x097B7F | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station commodity buy/sell info from NavMap. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x097B8E | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station equipment sell info from NavMap. | 2/3/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x097B9D | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Hide station ship sell info from NavMap. | 2/3/2024 |
content.dll | 0x0A9D8E | 40b | Adoxa | Rank level limit | 8/14/2010 |
common.dll | 0x037813 | E8 48 9F 01 -> E9 11 00 00 | WhiskasTM | Allow shooting in cruise. | 3/7/2014 |
common.dll | 0x03A2B3 | 06 -> 09 | WhiskasTM | Allow mine dropping in cruise. | 3/7/2014 |
common.dll | 0x03A011 | 07 -> 09 | WhiskasTM | Allow firing in tradelanes. | 3/7/2014 |
common.dll | 0x053796 | 74 -> EB | Adoxa | Adjust cruise speed according to drag_modifier. | 1/29/2010 |
common.dll | 0x07637F | 1.2f | Cannon | Formation catch up cruise speed multiplier. Outside of trail range common.dll 0x075B36; values above variable located at 0x1407A0 will be ignored. | 8/1/2011 |
common.dll | 0x1407A0 | 1.2f | Gold_Sear | Formation catch up cruise speed multiplier. Within trail range common.dll 0x075B36. | 8/10/2015 |
common.dll | 0x07630C | 0.8f | Gold_Sear | Multiplier for minimum cruise speed in formation (escort). | 1/18/2015 |
common.dll | 0x13DF88 | 0.5d | Gold_Sear, foxUnit01 | Multiplier for minimum cruise speed for formation leader. Warning by fox: this seems to majorly affect asteroid spacing in asteroid fields and can break asteroid exclusion zones. Use with caution! | 10/24/2015 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0C7A81 0x0C7AB0 | 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 6A 00 E8 68 00 00 00 83 C4 04 C3 C3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 80 7C E4 04 00 74 CA C3 | adoxa | Instant deceleration to 0 after dropping cruise | 10/3/2009 |
common.dll | 0x13F3CC | 2500f | Lord of Lunacy | Trade lane travel speed. Warning: values over 2500 may have adverse side-effects. | 9/13/2006 |
common.dll | 0x13F440 | 0.125d | HeIIoween | Trade lane enter speed. | 9/23/2010 |
common.dll | 0x13F458 | 0.4d | HeIIoween | Trade lane exit speed. | 9/23/2010 |
common.dll | 0x13F448 | 400d | HeIIoween | Trade lane exit distance. | 9/23/2010 |
common.dll common.dll | 0x06191E 0x061941 | DD 05 D0 E2 39 06 D9 FF -> D9 E8 D9 E0 D9 EE D9 C1 C7 44 24 24 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 2C 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 30 00 00 80 3F C7 44 24 34 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 3C 00 00 00 00 DD 05 D0 E2 39 06 D9 FE D9 C1 D9 5C 24 20 D9 54 24 28 -> D9 54 24 20 D9 5C 24 30 D9 54 24 24 D9 54 24 28 D9 54 24 2C D9 54 24 34 D9 54 24 3C D9 44 24 54 D9 E0 D9 5C 24 54 D9 44 24 60 D9 E0 D9 5C 24 60 D9 44 24 48 D9 E0 D9 5C 24 48 | Gold_Sear | Swap vertical component of trade lane travel in previous direction. This fixes issues with vertically oriented trade lanes. | 8/11/2017 |
common.dll common.dll common.dll | 0x03659E 0x036618 0x036634 | 49 -> 79 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 8B 8E 94 01 00 00 EB 14 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> E3 B8 6A 00 E8 A3 D5 03 00 EB AF | Adoxa | Drop out of cruise once power reaches 0. | 11/18/2010 |
common.dll | 0x18B5CC | 300f | Gold_Sear | Cruise speed, always overruled by CRUISING_SPEED in constants.ini. | 1/18/2015 |
common.dll | 0x18B5D0 | 5f | Gold_Sear | Cruise acceleration time, always overruled by CRUISE_ACCEL_TIME in constants.ini. | 1/18/2015 |
common.dll | 0x03625A | 3f | Gold_Sear | Cruise drag, always overruled by CRUISE_DRAG in constants.ini. | 1/18/2015 |
common.dll | 0x03625A | 0F 84 77 01 -> E9 78 01 00 | BC46 | Disables the cruise speed functionality for both players and NPCs. | 1/18/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0D5F53 | 8A 47 54 -> B0 00 90 | Venemon | Disable cruise charge text. | 1/28/2024 |
server.dll | 0x00960C | 0C -> 00 | M0tah | Fix explosion damage not causing full or no damage on large ships and bases (side note by adoxa: this hack will generate additional damage in SP). | 3/27/2010 |
server.dll | 0x00AFC0 | D9 44 24 -> C2 08 00 | Adoxa | Energy weapons don't damage power. | 6/15/2010 |
common.dll | 0x04B4D2 0x04B582 0x04B63E | 1E -> 0E 1E -> 0E 1E -> 0E | Adoxa | Exclude cloaking device from total hit points. | 7/13/2010 |
server.dll | 0x08551C | 0.05f | Adoxa | Minimum fraction of damage required in order to use nanobots or shield batteries. In other words, if your Nanobot heals 1000 damage, you will need to have at least 50 points of damage to be able to repair). | 7/1/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B3C42 | E9 -> 00 | Adoxa | Items with 'ids_name = 0' show up in repair list. | 7/8/2010 |
common.dll | 0x0EDB44 | 0.01f | w0dk4 | Collision detection min check distance. Increasing this will fix issues with the sur collisions on objects that are further than 130k from center of system. | 4/29/2009 |
server.dll | 0x00A46C 0x00A494 | EB 26 -> 8B C8 66 81 7C E4 04 5A 13 74 E2 91 EB CE -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 | Adoxa | Ignore armor when determining radiation damage. | 1/24/2011 |
common.dll | 0x18BDB4 | 1000f | Dev | Maximum dock acknowledge distance. | 8/17/2006 |
common.dll | 0x13F48C | 10000f | Dev | Maximum dock initiation distance. | 8/17/2006 |
common.dll | 0x13F48C | 1750f | M0tah | Minimum distance away from object to automatically engage cruise when using dock or goto. | 7/27/2009 |
common.dll server.dll | 0x0501B2 0x022040 | E8 29 C1 FF FF 8B 4C 24 24 8D 54 -> 6A 00 89 F9 E8 35 00 00 00 EB 1F 8B 54 -> EB 20 | Adoxa | Manually launch from docking bay | 5/2/2010 |
common.dll | 0x18BDB8 | 18f | Adoxa | Docking speed | 6/16/2010 |
common.dll | 0x06D6CA | 15f | fox | Launching speed for launch sequences that use strafe like battleships. | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x050527 | 1.0f | Adoxa | Relative speed after launching from a docking ring. | 6/16/2010 |
common.dll | 0x06DE13 | 0.5f | Adoxa | Relative speed after launching from a station. | 6/16/2010 |
common.dll common.dll | 0x063645 0x063650 | 60 -> 00 62 -> 02 | Adoxa | F3 docking works with FREIGHTER type objects. | 6/17/2010 |
common.dll | 0x13E678 | 2000f | fox | How far behind a jumpgate a player will be spawned - the player will move from this point to the arrival point near the gate during the respective `[JumpGateEffect]` `jump_in_time`. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x0231BF | -350f | Adoxa | Jump gate/hole z-axis entry point adjustment. | 5/23/2012 |
server.dll | 0x0876C0 | 500d | Adoxa | Jump gate/hole x/y-axis entry point adjustment. | 5/23/2012 |
server.dll | 0x0173DA | 74 -> EB | Laz | Enable undocking hail in multiplayer. | 3/10/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x210530 | 3f | Dev | Near plane of view frustum. | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x210534 | 250000f | FriendlyFire | Far plane of view frustum (nothing will be drawn beyond this). | 10/4/2005 |
rendcomp.dll | 0x14053 | 1000000f | adoxa | Multiplier for planet draw distance (so far can be safely increased). | 10/10/2017 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x213EC8 | 10000f | FriendlyFire | Maximum draw distance for some bases (like battleships), as well as lights (and probably other stuff too). | 2/7/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C8910 | 20000f | Dev | Same offset as below, max distance at which ships can be seen (even if LODranges specify a higher range). | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C8910 | 20000f | FriendlyFire | Same offset as above, poly flipping distance - raising this stops graphical glitches on big CMPs, but raising it too high introduces flickering issues with SPH-based models (like planets). | 2/25/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x11C3D3 | 75 -> EB | adoxa | Remove (exclusion) zone clipping. | 1/7/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D15B8 | 100000000f | Dev | Square of max distance that a ship can be selected. | 8/17/2006 |
server.dll | 0x86AEC | 6250000f | Dev | Square of NPC disappear distance in MP. | 8/17/2006 |
server.dll | 0x86AF0 | 25000000f | Dev | Square of player disappear distance in MP. | 8/17/2006 |
server.dll | 0x86AF4 | 100000000f | Dev | Square of grouped player disappear distance in MP. | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x2389 | 83 FE 08 7D 16 -> D8 C0 90 90 90 | adoxa | Double existing LODranges. | 10/9/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x2389 | 83 FE 08 7D 16 -> D8 C0 90 D8 C0 | adoxa | Quadruple existing LODranges. | 10/9/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x2389 0x2309 0x230E 0x230B | 83 FE 08 7D 16 -> E8 7B FF FF FF 90 90 -> D8 0D 90 90 -> 00 C3 90 90 90 -> 4B 1A 47 (1.5), B4 55 5D (2.0), 28 4F 5D (3.0), 9C FC 5C (4.0), 64 84 5D (5.0), 08 4F 5D (6.0), 50 88 5D (7.0), 54 23 44 (8.0), FA 1F 57 (10.0) | adoxa, BC46 | Alternative to above: scale LODranges by one of the following. In the last part, use the 3 bytes corresponding to the value in between brackets. | 10/9/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x244F5 | DC 05 -> EB 04 | adoxa | Gamma ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, not 1.0 to 2.0. | 8/11/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x244F7 | B8 89 -> E8 75 | adoxa | Gamma ranges from 0.5 to 1.5, not 1.0 to 2.0. | 8/11/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x244F7 | B8 89 5C -> F8 EB 5D | BC46 | Gamma ranges from 0.75 to 1.75, not 1.0 to 2.0. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1AD6F | 80 00 -> 00 20 | Schmackbolzen | Fix bug with low resolution textures on some systems (sets maximum to 8192 instead of 128). | 3/12/2017 |
rendcomp.dll | 0xC499 | 02 -> 00 | adoxa | Always use high-quality space rendering; makes planets look more round from far distances. | Date Unknown |
rp8.dll rp8.dll rp8.dll | 0x1A48C 0x1A4C5 0x1A4FE | 02 -> 03 02 -> 03 01 -> 03 | BC46 | Change magnification filtering mode from 'linear' to 'anisotropic'; forces Anisotropic Filtering for better rendering of textures. | Date Unknown |
rp8.dll | 0x1A4FE | 01 -> 02 | BC46 | Change magnification filtering mode from 'nearest' to 'linear'; gives better texture rendering than the default option but worse than anisotropic. | Date Unknown |
rp8.dll | 0x1A5B8 | 1b | BC46 | max anisotropy | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C89C0 | 255d | Venemon | Overall sun color impact in universe (larger for brighter). | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x14BDF7 | 80i (2bytes) | Venemon | Number of space particles around the player outside fields (65535 max). | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x11250D 0x11250D | DC 2D B8 89 5C 00 -> DC 2D 3B 90 5C 00 00 64 80 5B 00 64 80 5B -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 40 | Venemon | Make sun flare size modifiable. 1 = 3FF0, 10 = 24 40 | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x11250F 0x1C903B | B8 89 -> 3B 90 00 64 80 5B 00 64 80 5B -> 1.0d | Venemon | Sun flare size. | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x10F982 | 1.0f | Venemon | Sun flare brightness. | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x10262 | 8b | Venemon | Sun green color impact in universe. | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x10267 | 8b | Venemon | Sun blue color impact in universe. | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0xFDDDE | 1.0f | Venemon | Ship light points modifier (2 for rainbow). | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x213855 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Turn off opacity transition of static objects in asteroid fields. | 12/19/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x213854 | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Turn off opacity of ambient field in asteroid field (buggy). | 12/19/2023 |
common.dll | 0x139B74 | 90 53 32 -> C0 DE 26 | Adoxa | Use thruster hp_type for cloaking device. | 12/30/2010 |
common.dll | 0x139B74 | 90 53 32 -> 50 DB 26 | Adoxa | Place cloaking devices on countermeasure hardpoints. | 12/30/2010 |
common.dll | 0x139B74 | 90 53 32 -> 40 17 2D | Adoxa, HeIIoween | Use cloaking device as internal equipment. | 6/11/2011 |
common.dll | 0x0344DC | 01 -> 00 | Laz, Aingar | Cloaking devices are initiated in a disabled state. | 10/22/2023 |
common.dll | 0x139AF0 | 40172D -> C0DE26 | Laz | Use thruster hp_type for armour. | 5/3/2023 |
common.dll | 0x139AFC | 00 BA 29 -> 10 A7 27 | Adoxa | Consider armor types attached to hardpoint when mounted. | 5/3/2023 |
freelancer.exe | 0x07C943 | 0F 87 -> 90 E9 | Adoxa | Remove class info from equipment. | 1/31/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0840B3 | 0F 84 -> 90 E9 | M0tah | Remove automatically generated portion of equipment infocards. | 7/24/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x07EBF1 | 0D -> 00 | Adoxa | Activate missile/torpedo/disruptor on purchase. | 11/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x07FAA4 | 0D -> 00 | Adoxa | Activate missile/torpedo/disruptor on mount. | 11/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D6D38 | 0.8f | Dev | Resale % for ships (client-side). | 8/17/2006 |
server.dll | 0x08AE78 | 0.8f | FriendlyFire | Resale % for ships (server-side, must match variable above or 1.1 server dll will kick client for cheating). | 5/10/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D0E2C | 0.3f | fox | Resale % for equipment (client-side). | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x08AE7C | 0.3f | fox | Resale % for equipment (server-side, must match variable above or 1.1 server dll will kick client for cheating). | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x004A28 0x0057FA | 0.33f | FriendlyFire | Default repair price ratio for ships and collision groups (both offsets must be changed). | 2/14/2017 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D51B4 | 0.3f | adoxa | Default repair price ratio for equipment. | 10/9/2016 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0B3A0E 0x0B3A30 | 3B C7 74 2A 50 FF 15 FC 61 5C 00 83 C4 04 3B C7 89 44 24 10 74 18 D9 05 DC 75 5C 00 -> 50 FF 15 FC 61 5C 00 90 89 44 E4 14 FF 15 58 61 5C 00 89 C1 FF 15 18 64 5C 00 D9 E8 1C -> 58 | Adoxa | Repair cost based on ship cost, not armor | 2/14/2017 |
freelancer.exe | 0x07C9A8 | C4 -> C8 | M0tah | Remove class number (just the number) on equipment entries. | 3/17/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x080942 | 75 -> EB | M0tah | Allow engines to be sold. | 9/28/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0808AD | 0F 85 -> 90 E9 | Adoxa | Allow engines to be transferred. | 10/1/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0808AC | 0C -> 14 | Adoxa | Prevent transfer of scanner (but allows engine). | 10/26/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x080941 | 0C -> 14 | Adoxa | Prevent selling of scanner (but allows engine). | 10/26/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x07B020 | 83 F8 -> EB 22 | Adoxa | Prevent transfer of all equipment. | 10/26/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x07CEC0 | 84 -> 30 | Adoxa | Prevent mounting/unmounting of all equipment. | 11/12/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B88A4 | 75 -> EB | Adoxa | Disable "Select Ship"ship dealer button. | 11/14/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1855C0 | 74 -> EB | Adoxa | Scale ship to fill the preview. | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1855C8 | 14f | BC46 | Zoom level of the ship preview camera. Decrease this value to zoom in, increase it to zoom out. | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B7B85 | 0f | Adoxa | Angular velocity of ship in preview around x-axis. | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B7B90 | 0f | Adoxa | Angular velocity of ship in preview around y-axis. | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B7B9B | 0f | Adoxa | Angular velocity of ship in preview around z-axis. | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B8EFA | 162.581f | Adoxa | Initial ship preview angle around x-axis (in degrees). | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B8F02 | 71.6442f | Adoxa | Initial ship preview angle around y-axis (in degrees). | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B8F0A | 0f | Adoxa | Initial ship preview angle around z-axis (in degrees). | 1/23/2014 |
freelancer.exe | 0x080499 0x082E95 | 74 -> EB 74 -> EB | Adoxa | Removes the level requirements for purchasing equipment in Single Player. | 12/22/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0B948D | 74 -> EB | Adoxa | Removes the level requirements for purchasing ships in Single Player. | 12/22/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x08050B | 75 -> EB | BC46 | Allows the purchase of equipment that cannot be mounted on the player's ship. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x08053E | 0F 85 8A 01 00 00 -> E9 8B 01 00 00 90 | BC46 | Allows the purchase of equipment for which no free hardpoint is available on the player's ship. | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x053048 0x05330E 0x0A9BA3 0x0AA904 | 00 00 -> E3 1F 00 00 -> E3 1F 18 -> 18 00 -> 00 | Adoxa | include external equipment in cargo size. | 1/11/2011 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0838AF | 74 -> EB | Adoxa | Consider volume when buying external equipment | 1/11/2011 |
common.dll | 0x03A32E | 84 C0 -> 40 90 | Ven | Auto-CM without activation | 2/2/2024 |
common.dll | 0x4CED4 | 75 09 -> 90 90 | Ven | Guided projectiles wont give up tracking a target | 1/9/2024 |
common.dll | 0x18D5D4 | 0.9f | Dev | Reputation over which will give you affiliation with that faction (faction name appears in space before your name). | 8/17/2006 |
content.dll | 0x1143C8 | 0.6f | fox | Reputation set by bribes, can not exceed 0.9. | 10/18/2006 |
content.dll | 0x11BD84 | 1.0f | fox | Reputation at/over which a faction's NPCs will excuse your friendly fire (killing the NPC should still dock rep, however), same as below. | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x11BD84 | 1.0f | fox | Reputation at/over which a faction will no longer turn hostile upon seeing its allies turn hostile, same as above. | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x11BD80 | 0.6f | fox | Reputation over which a faction will be friendly with another faction (such as shooting you if that faction is hostile, etc.). | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x12E354 | 0.2f | adoxa | Reputation needed for lawful factions to show rumors. | 3/5/2014 |
content.dll | 0x12E358 | 0.4f | adoxa | Reputation needed for unlawful factions to show rumors. | 3/5/2014 |
content.dll | 0x11B930 | 0.1d | adoxa | Adjustment for maximum reputation. | 7/18/2010 |
content.dll | 0x11BCF4 | -0.6f | adoxa | Hostile docking reputation. | 11/16/2010 |
content.dll | 0x143C58 | (group name) | Bejaymac | List of groups (in nickname form) of factions that won't show up on your reputation screen - either replace the nicknames or write over them with 00s (DO NOT change the length of the DLL). | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x0CC985 | 40 -> 00 | adoxa | Jump gates test reputation. | 11/16/2010 |
content.dll | 0x0CC986 | 0C -> 04 | adoxa | Jump holes test reputation. | 11/16/2010 |
content.dll | 0x114310 | gd_bh_grp | Gold_Sear | In freetime between missions 4, 5, 6 and 7 buying a ship will set your rep with the Bounty Hunters to -0.2; either change the nickname or write it over with 00s (do NOT change the length of the DLL). | 1/18/2015 |
content.dll | 0x006272 | FF 15 20 36 FB 06 -> EB 04 90 90 90 90 | Gold_Sear | In freetime between missions 4, 5, 6 and 7 buying a ship will set your rep with the Bounty Hunters to -0.2; this prevents that (alternative to above) | 1/18/2015 |
content.dll | 0x13F540 | -0.6f | Venemon | Hostile formation reputation. | 1/28/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8F08 | 0.3f | Gold_Sear | Expansion time for target brackets (seconds). | 1/18/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8EE8 | 10f | Gold_Sear | Multiplier for size of non-targeted brackets, depending on the distance. | 1/18/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212434 | 2500f | Gold_Sear | Scanner range (modified by interference) under which solars won't show up on your contact list. | 1/18/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8D08 | 1500f | Gold_Sear | Distance over which non-selected arrows of important contacts on the edge of the screen start fading (note: same offset as adoxa's trade initiate distance). | 1/18/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0691D1 | 32b | M0tah | Maximum number of chat lines in chat history window (signed byte, so max of 127). | 2/18/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0691CA | 10000i | M0tah | Time in milliseconds chat text is displayed before disappearing. | 3/20/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0691CF | 32b | M0tah | Maximum number of chat lines displayed at once -1. | 3/20/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1A6250 | 8B 44 24 -> C2 10 00 | M0tah | Prevent chat from being displayed (but not new/departing player messages). | 4/27/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CEEE4 | -0.265f | M0tah | Y position of chat input box. | 3/4/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CEEE0 | 0.065f | M0tah | Height of chat input box. | 3/4/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CEEDC | 0.46f | M0tah | Width of chat input box. | 3/4/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CEEDC | -0.05f | BC46 | X-position of the chat history section in the Chat window. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CEF04 | 0.215f | BC46 | Y-position of the chat history section in the Chat window. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x06A440 | 80b | M0tah | Maximum number of characters in chat input box (signed byte, so max of 127). | 3/3/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x05E01B | BF1D1D | viper | RGB color as Hex value of the messages 'New Player' etc. | 5/8/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x06AAF8 | 0F 84 -> 90 E9 | Cannon | Disable new player messages. | 10/15/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x06AF1E | 0F 84 -> 90 E9 | Cannon | Disable departing player messages. | 10/15/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D2C02 | 2000i | Dev | Distance over which kilometers rather than meters are displayed (in the contact list). | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0EEF90 | 2000i | Dev | Distance over which kilometers rather than meters are displayed (target bracket in space). | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D2C32 | 10000i | Dev | Distance over which fractions of kilometers are not displayed. | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D2C94 | 99999i | Dev | Distance over which 'far' is displayed rather than an actual distance. | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D597A | 999i | Stone-D | Speed over which '---' is displayed. | 3/31/2004 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D5984 | 7E -> EB | Stone-D | Remove speed display limit. (Alternative to 0x0D597A) | 3/31/2004 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7E80 | 300f | Stone-D | Cruise speed display limit (note: same offset as Schmackbolzen's tradelane waypoint reached distance). | 3/31/2004 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D5936 | 0F 85 -> 90 E9 | Stone-D | Remove speed display limit. (Alternative to 0x1D7E80) | 3/31/2004 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7E50 | 0.8d | Dev | Width of bars for energy, shield and hull gauges (for example, set to 1.0 to make the bars solid). | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7E58 | 0.125d | Cheese on Toast | Total width of bars for energy, shield and hull gauges (set to 1.0 to cover the entire bottom part of the screen from left to right). | 7/27/2008 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7E68 | 0.0052d | Cheese on Toast | Height of the energy bars. | 7/27/2008 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7E60 | 0.0855d | Cheese on Toast | Individual width of the energy bars (each individual block is a set size - you can only notice this change when the bars are not solid but are standard FL like). | 7/27/2008 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D57AC | 5E A1 A7 FF | Adoxa | Color of power bar (blue,green,red,alpha). | 11/5/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D5843 | B5 3D 3E FF | Adoxa | Color of shield bar (blue,green,red,alpha). | 11/5/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D588D | 33 2A 78 FF | Adoxa | Color of hull bar (blue,green,red,alpha). | 11/5/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8010 | 0.8f | M0tah | Damage indicator sensitivity. | 3/17/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D800C | 0.7f | M0tah | Damage indicator fade time. | 3/17/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C9804 | 1.25f | Dev | Multiplier for distance at which brackets around non-targeted ships in space will appear (1.25 = 3km, 37.5 = ~93km, etc) (note: same offset as Legion's tractor beam width multiplier) (side note by FriendlyFire: increasing this will mess up asteroid spawning). | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C9804 | 1.25f | Legion | Multiplier for width of tractor beams (note: same offset as Dev's bracket drawn distance). | 9/3/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D954C | 0.0004f | Adoxa | Reciproke of brackets drawn distance. | 9/7/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0EC1B3 | 7A 0A -> 90 90 | Adoxa | Remove brackets from objects in space | 9/7/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0EC087 | 0F 8E -> 90 E9 | Adoxa | Remove non-targeted brackets from objects in space | 4/13/2011 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0ED5B9 | 0F 85 -> 90 E9 | M0tah | Remove HUD elements on objects in space - includes text, brackets, targeting reticles, and missile warnings. | 5/24/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0EF455 | E8 A6 A4 06 -> B8 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Remove top-right bracket of target. | 12/20/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0EF4A5 | E8 56 A4 06 -> B8 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Remove bottom-left bracket of target. | 12/20/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0EF4F1 | E8 0A A4 06 -> B8 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Remove top-left bracket of target. | 12/20/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0EF532 | E8 C9 A3 06 -> B8 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Remove bottom-right bracket of target. | 12/20/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D3180 | E6 -> 00 | M0tah | Add faction name to players in contact list. | 2/5/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D07EB | 0E -> 00 | Adoxa | Remove hostile & group ships from 'important' filter. | 4/26/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D100F | 13 -> 00 | Adoxa | Remove hostile solars from 'important' filter. | 4/26/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D0A4E | 57 -> EB | Jolly_Roger | Remove hostile freighters from 'important' filter. | 4/7/2012 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D0DC3 | 57 -> EB | Jolly_Roger | Remove hostile fighters from 'important' filter. | 4/7/2012 |
content.dll | 0x091A24 | 03 -> 01 | Adoxa | Freighters are named as large ships. | 7/26/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0D094B | 0F 85 2A 05 00 00 -> 74 04 FE C8 75 C4 | Adoxa | Include player ships in 'ship' filter. | 4/28/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7BF0 | 0.004d | M0tah | Vertical offset of player name in contact list. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7964 | 3.0f | Dev | Seconds between updates of the distances in the contact list. | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8484 | 1.0f | Fox | Seconds between updates of displays in weapons list. | 7/27/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0E6F68 | 54 24 18 D8 1D 74 74 5C 00 DF E0 F6 C4 41 75 18 8B 4C 24 18 -> 5C E4 18 8B 4C E4 18 85 C9 7E 1D 81 F9 00 00 80 3F 74 XX 90 | Adoxa | Remove flashing in wireframe for items with hit_pts = 0 (replace XX with: 4E for yellow, 58 for aqua, 15 for dark blue). | 7/15/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0CF4E6 0x0CF501 0x0CF4F0 0x0CF518 | 33 F6 -> B3 0x B5 -> 9D B5 -> 8D B5 -> 8D | Venemon | Contact list switch before launch (x = 0 for important, 1 for ships, 2 for solar, 3 for loot, 4 for all). | 1/20/2024 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D95A8 | 3000f | Venemon | Distance under which player names will appear in the contact list. | 1/20/2024 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DAD6D | 42 60 65 3C -> 00 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Disable nanobot button. | 1/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DADB4 | 96 43 0B 3D -> 00 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Remove nanobot count. | 1/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DAE0B | 42 60 65 3C -> 00 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Disable battery button. | 1/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DAE87 | 96 43 0B 3D -> 00 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Remove battery count. | 1/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D8690 | 69 -> 00 | Adoxa | Remove Shield Battery use icon. | 1/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1D86E0 | 69 -> 00 | Adoxa | Remove Nanobot use icon. | 1/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0DE317 0x0DE310 | 999i 999i | adoxa | Maximum number of nanobots displayed in HUD. | 11/21/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DE314 | 7E -> EB | Adoxa | Ignore nanobot HUD display limit (alternative to 0x0DE317 and 0x0DE310). | 11/21/2009 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0DE369 0x0DE362 | 999i 999i | adoxa | Maximum number of batteries displayed in HUD | 11/21/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0DE366 | 7E -> EB | Adoxa | Ignore battery HUD display limit (alternative to 0x0DE369 and 0x0DE362). | 11/21/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0DFC09 | 0.6f | Dev | Multiplier for subtargeting HUD animations (make smaller for faster). | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CEA10 | 0.3f | Fox | Multiplier for HUD animations from user NN bar (make smaller for faster). | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1CB4D0 | 0.3f | M0tah | Multiplier for HUD animations from base NN bar (make smaller for faster). | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8860 | 0.3f | M0tah | Multiplier for left HUD minimize animation (make smaller for faster). | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D8488 | 0.3f | M0tah | Multiplier for right HUD minimize animation (make smaller for faster). | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D2EDC | 0.4f | WhiskasTM | NavMap fade in/out speed. | 3/7/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0944AC | 1.5f | Adoxa | Time taken to zoom out on NavMap (not zero). | 11/15/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x09F2A7 | 1.5f | Adoxa | Time taken to zoom in on NavMap (not zero). | 11/15/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3F28 | 0.116279d | Adoxa | NavMap zoom factor (lower increases zoom). | 7/18/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x9FCF6 0x9FC9B | 8.6f 8.6f | Gold_Sear | NavMap letter/number zoom factor (both offsets must be changed). | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x9F2B4 | DC 0D 28 3F 5D -> D8 35 F6 FC 49 | Gold_Sear | Align NavMap zoom factor to letter/number zoom factor; redundants adoxa's NavMap zoom factor, now controlled by the NavMap letter/number zoom factor. | 3/4/2023 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x095900 0x095916 0x09639C | E0 75 5C -> 9C 63 49 E0 75 5C -> 9C 63 49 90 90 90 90 -> 0.5f | Gold_Sear | NavMap zoom move limit | 3/9/2023 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3F30 0x1D3F34 0x1D3F38 0x1D3F3C | -0.257f 0.274f 0.31f -0.23f | Gold_Sear | NavMap number/letter limits when zoomed (upper, lower, left, right respectively). | 3/4/2023 |
freelancer.exe | 0x0992B0 | 64 -> C3 | Adoxa | Remove tradelane lines in NavMap. | 5/28/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x08ECE7 | 0.33f | WhiskasTM | NavMap protect-plane against shooting (height) (set 0 to shoot through NavMap). | 3/7/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x08ECCF | 0.35f | WhiskasTM | NavMap protect-plane against shooting (width) (set 0 to shoot through NavMap). | 3/7/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0974C9 | 0.005f | Adoxa | Width of system connection line. | 2/12/2014 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x097501 0x097506 0x09750B 0x097510 | 00 40 80 FF | Adoxa | RGBA of system connection line. | 2/12/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0915F4 | 2000i | WhiskasTM | Size range of universe map stars. | 10/27/2012 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x091605 | 3000i | Adoxa | Minimum size universe map stars. | 2/13/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0916F2 | 03 C2 C1 F8 0F -> B8 0x 00 00 00 | Adoxa | Color of universe map stars (x = 0-6 for RGBCMYW). | 2/13/2014 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0916FE 0x09173A | 84 03 -> 00 00 C1 F8 0F -> 83 C8 FF | Adoxa | Prevent universe map stars from pulsing. | 2/13/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0A1727 | D8 64 24 10 -> 90 90 90 90 | Adoxa | Prevent universe map stars from blinking. | 2/13/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3164 | 0.279f | WhiskasTM | NavMap letter grid alignment on screen, x-axis. | 11/22/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D314C | 0.252f | WhiskasTM | NavMap number grid alignment on screen, y-axis. | 11/22/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3168 | 0.07f | WhiskasTM | NavMap letter/number grid spacing. | 11/22/2011 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x090582C 0x09FD83 | -0.294f -0.294f | Gold_Sear | NavMap letter alignment perpendicular to grid (both offsets must be changed) | 3/4/2023 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x090620C 0x009FE33 | -0.309f -0.309f | Gold_Sear | NavMap number alignment perpendicular to grid (both offsets must be changed). | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x08F007 | -0.274f | Gold_Sear | NavMap system/universe name x-displacement. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x08F00F | -0.252f | Gold_Sear | NavMap system/universe name y-displacement. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3EF0 0x1D3EF4 | -0.198f 0.192f | Gold_Sear | Upper resp. lower limit for labels on NavMap. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3C48 | 1.5d | WhiskasTM | Stretch texture of Universe Map, x-axis (set to 1.32d for complexe texture). | 11/22/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3C50 | 1.175d | WhiskasTM | Stretch texture of Universe Map, y-axis. | 11/22/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C99C8 | 0.01f | WhiskasTM | Frequency of twinkling diamonds on Universe Map. | 11/27/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3D30 | 0.6666667f | WhiskasTM | Bunch scale of all system diamonds on Universe Map and in the same way speed of tradelane animation on system map (method 1). | 11/27/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3D2C | 200000f | WhiskasTM | Bunch scale of all system diamonds on Universe Map (method 2). | 11/27/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0915B8 | 112000f | WhiskasTM | Bunch scale of all system diamonds on Universe Map (method 3). | 11/27/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x915C8 | 1.0f | WhiskasTM | Bunch scale of all system diamonds on Universe Map (method 4). | 10/27/2012 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3D28 | 100000f | WhiskasTM | Bunch coordinates of all system diamonds on Universe Map (xy-axis). | 11/27/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D3D24 | 5000f | WhiskasTM | Bunch coordinates of all system diamonds on Universe Map (y-axis). | 11/27/2011 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0911D6 0x091233 0x094652 0x094666 0x09467A 0x09468E 0x0946A2 0x0946B6 0x0946CA 0x0946DE | 65 -> 63 EB 07 8B CE E8 74 03 00 00 -> BB 01 00 00 00 EB 02 31 DB 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 6A 00 -> 53 90 | WhiskasTM | On 'NavMap not available' initially do hide some controls. | 3/16/2014 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0967CD | 3C -> A0 | Adoxa | Allow all positions on Universe Map for system diamonds as well as allow all positions on system map for object thumbnails (use below hacks to also allow player ship icon to move to all positions). | 4/22/2014 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0967E3 0x096808 0x09682D 0x096852 | 68 3E 5D -> F1 67 49 64 3E 5D -> 16 68 49 68 3E 5D -> 3B 68 49 64 3E 5D -> 60 68 49 | WhiskasTM | Use new limits for player ship icon on system and universe map (+x,-x,y,-y resp.), use with below offsets. | 8/2/2015 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0967F1 0x096816 0x09683B 0x096860 | 112000f -112000f 112000f -112000f | WhiskasTM | +x, -x, +y, -y limits for player ship icon on system and universe map (set to +-130000f (keep sign) to make the limit exactly on the edges), only with above hack. | 8/2/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D2EF4 | 2700f | Gold_Sear | Negative z-coordinate of border between sectors 4 and 5 (divided by NavMapScale; set 0 to make the system map exactly according to system ini file). | 5/26/2015 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x917CC | 112000f | Gold_Sear | Size of system map; beware, affects size of player ship icon as well. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D2EEC | 33333f | Gold_Sear | Size of sectors in F9 info screen; needs to keep ratio with variable above. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D2EF0 | -99999f | Gold_Sear | Starting point of sector calculation in F9 info screen, needs to be -3*variable above. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x211C94 0x211CA0 0x211C84 0x211C88 0x211C8C 0x211C98 | 1360i 968i 1338i 1339i 1340i 1361i | Gold_Sear | System map filter identifiers (Map Legend, Base List, Physical Map, Political Map, Patrol Path Map, Mineable Zones Map) as string IDs in resources.dll. | 3/4/2023 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x08F0F1 0x08F158 0x08F1C5 0x08F248 0x08F2AF 0x08F31C | 1358i 964i 1235i 1236i 1313i 1359i | Gold_Sear | System map filter tool tips (Map Legend, Base List, Physical Map, Political Map, Patrol Path Map, Mineable Zones Map) as string IDs in resources.dll. | 3/4/2023 |
common.dll common.dll | 0x0D6431 0x0D6461 | ED 02 -> 44 00 83 C9 FF 33 C0 8B FE F2 AE F7 D1 49 8B C1 83 F8 40 8D 93 D4 00 00 00 72 05 B8 3F 00 00 00 8B C8 8B FA 8B D1 -> 50 8D 8B D4 00 00 00 6A 40 51 E8 B0 FB FC FF 83 C4 0C 89 83 D0 00 00 00 C6 83 14 01 00 00 01 E9 9D 02 00 00 | Adoxa | Always display the end points of trade lanes on the Nav Map. Effectively adds 'visit = 1' to each ring Object. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0xA2315 | 27 FC 03 00 74 46 3D 2E FC 03 00 74 3F 3D 28 FC 03 00 74 38 3D 41 EB 00 00 74 31 85 C0 74 2D 3D 3F EB 00 00 74 26 3D EA 00 03 00 74 1F 3D 52 00 03 00 74 18 3D 9C 00 03 00 74 11 3D 9D 00 03 00 74 0A 3D BF 00 03 00 74 03 -> 00 00 00 00 74 46 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 | Aingar | Stop preventing solars with specified `ids_name` values from showing on the trade routes window | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x96325 0x96338 | 40 3E -> CC 2E 40 3E -> CC 2E | Venemon | Group member's nav position refreshes every second. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x08D89B 0x08D997 | 90 90 90 90 90 -> 83 C5 18 EB 50 55 -> 00 | Venemon, BC46 | Show all group members on the nav map | 5/5/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D97B4 | 150f | M0tah | Distance from a waypoint when it is considered reached. | 7/27/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D7E80 | 300f | Schmackbolzen | Distance from a waypoint within a tradelane when it is considered reached. | 7/27/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0F045B | 86 01 -> 00 00 | Adoxa | Show aiming lead on everything. | 6/13/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0F0459 | 0F 85 -> 90 E9 | adoxa | Hide aiming lead on everything. | 1/7/2017 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0EC288 | 2A 01 -> 00 00 | Adoxa | Show aiming lead on all ships. | 8/29/2013 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0EC286 | 0F 84 -> 90 E9 | adoxa | Hide aiming lead on hostile ships. | 8/29/2013 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0F20A4 0x0F20A9 0x0F20AE | 33 C0 8A C1 0F -> BF <bbggrraa> B6 FE C1 E7 08 -> BB <bbggrraa> 0F B6 CD 0B -> 33 F6 EB 18 | adoxa | Crosshair color. | 1/7/2017 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0F216C | 2.0f | adoxa | Crosshair horizontal thickness. | 1/7/2017 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0F21BD | 2.0f | adoxa | Crosshair vertical thickness. | 1/7/2017 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x1A36B4 0x1A374B 0x1A37B7 0x1A383B | 0.003f 0.003f 0.003f 0.003f | Venemon | Thickness of F1 menu/Inventory Rectangle bars. | 7/14/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1D748C | 0.00390625f | Venemon | Icon size multiplier (0.03 max). | 7/14/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x15B28F | 74 05 -> 90 90 | Venemon | Neural Net icons will always flash. | 7/14/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0D1750 | 14000f | FriendlyFire | Range at which an object is no longer 'unknown' as well as radar detection range for some solars such as Jump Holes. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x213EC4 | 200f | adoxa | Solar radius (<root.3db=''>\Level0\VMeshRef) under which range above applies. | 12/20/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C9020 | 1.85f | Adoxa | Aspect ratio of the cinematics. | 8/31/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0DCA20 | 81 -> C3 | Cannon | Remove mouse flight text. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0A6CCE 0x0A6CD9 | 74 56 -> 90 90 74 02 B3 01 B9 D0 D2 -> 75 4B E9 77 03 00 00 | adoxa | Disable F1 menu in space while playing multiplayer. | 8/24/2009 |
common.dll | 0x143DC0 | Vibrocentric | Laz | Original font that will override Agency FB in a number of instances if detected on the system. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x19DD72 0x19DE44 0x19D207 0x19E103 | 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 6A 01 FF 15 80 72 5C 00 E9 C5 00 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 84 E4 0F 88 34 FF FF FF 31 C0 C3 75 -> 6B 79 -> EB | adoxa | Shoot through HUD. | 5/4/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x166C2B | 75 -> EB | Adoxa | Bypass ESRB notice. | 4/14/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x166D56 0x166D66 | E8 05 D5 F0 FF -> B8 01 00 00 00 8B 44 24 10 -> 90 90 90 90 | Adoxa | Auto-select internet. | 4/14/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x166D56 0x166D6A | E8 05 D5 F0 FF -> B8 01 00 00 00 48 -> 90 | Adoxa | Auto-select LAN. | 4/14/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x174634 0x1746CA 0x174707 | C7 44 24 70 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 74 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 78 -> E8 47 E5 EA FF 83 7C 24 50 01 77 11 DB 05 4C 46 57 00 EB 0D 80 3E -> 00 00 80 3E -> 00 00 | adoxa | Remove the NEW GAME and LOAD GAME buttons on the main menu. | 11/27/2009 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x174634 0x174744 | C7 44 24 70 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 74 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 78 -> E8 47 E5 EA FF 83 7C 24 50 02 75 11 DB 05 4C 46 57 00 EB 0D 80 3E -> 00 00 | adoxa | Remove the MULTIPLAYER button on the main menu. | 6/29/2014 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x16DDEC 0x174890 | 1271i 1271i | BC46 | String ID for the 'VER. 1.0' text in the bottom-right of the main menu. Change this number to another string ID to make the element display different text. Both offsets must be changed! | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x0AB1C5 | 393286i | BC46 | String ID for the final section of the in-game credits. Change this number to another string ID to make the element display different text. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0B1375 0x0B1377 | 32b 8b | Adoxa | Max and min value for the TOTAL SOUND ELEMENTS slider in the audio options menu. | 12/29/2014 |
Freelancer.exe common.dll | 0x0B1375 0x015B85 | 04 -> 00 46 -> 5E | BC46 | Use anti-aliased fonts if the user has 'Smooth edges of screen fonts' enabled in their Windows settings. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe common.dll | 0x015B85 0x0C782C | 04 -> 05 88 46 1A 88 5E 1B -> 66 C7 46 1A 05 00 | BC46 | Always use anti-aliased fonts | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x1745D9 0x1745E6 | DF 6C -> EB 02 D8 0D 54 25 -> D9 05 7C 20 | BC46 | Fixes a bug that causes the clickable area height of the main menu buttons to be incorrect on higher resolutions. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x18B2D5 | E8 A6 23 EA FF D8 86 7C 03 00 00 D8 15 DC 75 5C 00 D9 96 7C 03 00 00 DF E0 F6 -> 60 8B 86 85 03 00 00 8D 9E 5E 03 00 00 50 53 E8 37 6C FD FF 83 C4 08 61 EB 63 | BC46 | Updates the mouse-hover blinking animation of the load-save menu buttons (after loading a game) such that the colors transition smoothly, like with all other menu-style buttons. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x085D5D | 0.089f | BC46 | Clickable area width of the load-save menu buttons (after loading a game). It's recommended to set this value to 0.13 so the property matches with all other menu-style buttons. | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x04EE3A | 42 2A -> A2 6A | Xerx, Cannon | OpenSP tweak for 1.1 DLLs to always start from m13; alternatively, simply direct your newplayer.fl file to start on a blank Mission_13 instead of using this hack. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x02C057 | 74 0A 41 83 C2 04 3B C8 7C F4 EB 0B C7 84 8C 9C 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 75 0B C7 84 8C 9C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 83 C2 04 39 C1 7C E9 EB | Adoxa | Update objects once (fixes bug that causes solar guns reduce refire delay when multiple players are around). | 5/13/2015 |
common.dll common.dll freelancer.exe | 0x01A74C 0x01A892 0x0210A0C | 200f -> 200f 2C B2 39 -> 4C A7 27 200f -> 200f | Adoxa, Schmackbolzen | Maximum FPS | 7/12/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x158A14 | D9 1D 0C 0A 61 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 | FriendlyFire | Prevent FL from reducing framerate to 25 in some instances (still need to manually limit framerate using external tool). | 1/26/2019 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1B2819 | 74 -> EB | FuryFreelancer | Disable forced logging to FLSpew.txt (logging can still be defined to custom file in freelancer.ini) | 2/2/2009 |
server.dll | 0x08AE30 | 'Restart' | fox | Name of Restart.fl file. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x06BFA6 | E4 B4 -> 14 B3 | Adoxa | Disable encryption on creating MP character. | 6/10/2011 |
server.dll | 0x06E10D | E4 B4 -> 14 B3 | Adoxa | Disable encryption on saving character/game. | 6/10/2011 |
server.dll | 0x07399D | E4 B4 -> 14 B3 | adoxa | Disable encryption on creating restart.fl file. | 6/10/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1E6DCC | 'FreelancerClient' | M0tah | String used for lpName when FL calls CreateMutex (change this for multiple instances). | 3/30/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1E6454 | 'RemoteServer.dll' | M0tah | Name of RemoteServer DLL filename used by FL (a duplicate RemoteServer.dll with different name is needed to play in MP with the multi-instance hack). | 3/30/2009 |
remoteserver.dll | 0x03F440 | 'Freelancer.exe' | Crazy | Name of freelancer.exe for RemoteServer; if you're going to rename your freelancer.exe, you'll need to change it here as well, or it will crash when you try to join a server. | 3/30/2009 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1A5390 | 81 -> C3 | Adoxa | Don't run dxdiag on crash (client). | 11/9/2009 |
FLServer.exe | 0x008B70 | 81 -> C3 | Adoxa, HeIIoween | Don't run dxdiag on crash (server). | 9/17/2012 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1B16FC | 84 -> 33 | OutCast | Supress unsupported video dialog. | 11/19/2011 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1B264C | 83 FF 01 0F 94 C2 -> BA 01 00 00 00 90 | Cannon | Keep FL display running when the window doesn't have focus. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x1B2665 | 74 -> EB | adoxa | Keep Freelancer running in the background when Alt-Tabbed, but not the window. | 10/30/2017 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x11D072 0x11D2F9 0x11D553 0x11D7C2 | 8C -> CC A0 -> E0 A0 -> E0 8C -> CC | adoxa | Allow 64 simultaneous firings. | 10/29/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x08049A 0x082E96 0x0B948E 0x13E1F8 0x13E23D | 28 -> 00 0A -> 00 1B -> 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 89 35 8C 33 67 00 EB 47 09 -> BA | adoxa | Need level to buy ships/equipment in MP | 4/4/2012 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x12D279 0x1DD5A8 | 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 39 F1 74 03 30 C0 C3 80 -> 79 | BC46 | Prevent Countermeasures being fired by Right Click | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x11D281 | 1D -> 00 | adoxa | Missiles continuously fire when holding button. | 6/28/2011 |
freelancer.exe | 0x11DB5C | 0.02f | w0dk4 | Screen shake when hull is hit. | 6/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x11DB89 | 0.005f | w0dk4 | Screen shake when shield is hit. | 6/6/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x11DB44 | 74 -> EB | adoxa | Remove screen shake altogether (alternative to above). | 6/7/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x103E49 0x103E7B 0x103E8B 0x103F3C | 04 1F 5D -> 3C 3F 50 04 1F 5D -> 3C 3F 50 04 1F 5D -> 3C 3F 50 90 90 90 90 -> 0.015f | adoxa | Make screen shake when jumping customizable; Encode desired jump screen shake at 0x103F3C, default is 0.015f. | 3/6/2016 |
content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll | 0x0A8793 0x0A8903 0x0A8C83 0x0A8CE1 0x0A8D59 | 07 -> 00 05 -> 00 05 -> 00 8D 44 24 10 50 8B CE -> 39 4E 04 74 12 EB 09 05 -> 00 | adoxa | NPCs are global, not local to base; in mbases.ini still need to define the [GF_NPC] per base. | 12/3/2010 |
server.dll server.dll server.dll | 0x066930 0x0672C1 0x0B2174 | 8B 44 24 0C 81 EC 00 01 00 00 53 8B 1D B8 47 D6 06 55 8B 2D 7C 48 D6 06 56 8B 70 04 85 F6 57 74 49 FF D3 56 33 FF 57 8B C8 FF D5 85 C0 74 0A 8B C8 FF 15 78 48 D6 06 8B F8 85 FF 74 2D 8B 8C 24 18 01 00 00 51 8D 54 24 14 68 F0 AE D6 06 52 FF 15 74 4C D6 06 8B 8C 24 20 01 00 00 8B 01 83 C4 0C 57 8D 54 24 14 52 FF 50 14 8B 84 24 1C 01 00 00 8B 38 85 FF 74 4A FF D3 57 6A 01 8B C8 33 F6 FF D5 85 C0 74 0A 8B C8 FF 15 78 48 D6 06 8B F0 85 F6 74 2D 8B 8C 24 18 01 00 00 51 8D 54 24 14 68 E8 AE D6 06 52 FF 15 74 4C D6 06 -> 53 55 56 57 83 EC 10 89 E5 8B 74 E4 2C FF 15 B8 47 D6 06 89 C3 31 FF 8B 04 BE 85 C0 74 59 50 89 D9 83 FF 04 A1 7C 48 D6 06 7C 07 05 E0 00 00 00 EB 0A 57 83 FF 01 77 04 80 34 E4 01 FF D0 85 C0 74 35 89 C1 FF 15 78 48 D6 06 85 C0 74 29 50 FF 74 E4 2C 89 F8 83 FF 04 7E 02 B0 04 FF 34 85 BC 69 D4 06 55 FF 15 74 4C D6 06 8B 4C E4 34 8B 01 83 C4 0C 55 FF 50 14 47 8B 46 30 83 C0 04 39 C7 75 95 83 C4 10 5F 5E 5D 5B C3 00 00 E8 AE D6 06 F0 AE D6 06 DC AE D6 06 D0 AE D6 06 D0 69 D4 06 25 73 61 63 63 65 73 73 6F 72 79 00 89 BD B0 02 00 00 89 BD AC 02 00 00 89 BD A8 02 00 00 -> 8D 8D E0 02 00 00 89 79 7C 89 79 D0 89 79 CC 89 79 C8 3D 39 44 39 63 39 7A 39 81 39 BA 39 D1 39 D8 39 12 3A 29 3A -> 3F 39 55 39 76 39 8F 39 96 39 BC 39 C0 39 C4 39 C8 39 CC 39 | adoxa | Save costume accessories | 12/31/2018 |
ebueula.dll | 0x00217D | 00 -> 01 | Laz | Don't show the EULA on first run | 9/16/2020 |
ebueula.dll | 0x0019E0 | 83 EC 08 -> 89 F0 C3 | BC46 | Never show the EULA when launching the game by bypassing the registry key check. NOTE: this patch will only work after deleting the EBUEula.dll file in the root Freelancer folder, because the game will attempt to load this dll first. Alternatively, apply the patch directly to the root EBUEula.dll file. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe flserver.exe | 01B2D72 0x00B865 | 68 80 -> EB 0F 68 C4 57 42 00 8B -> 89 CE 31 C0 EB 03 | BC46 | Never load EBUEula.dll from the root Freelancer folder. | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x142684 | Freelancer | Laz, He||oween | Name of the folder inside AppData where FLSpew.txt is stored, and the name of the folder inside My Games in which the save files and user preferences are stored. | 10/3/2015 |
common.dll | 0x142690 | My Games | adoxa | Name of the folder inside Documents in which the folder from offset 0x142684 is stored. | 11/16/2015 |
common.dll | 0x14269C | FreelancerShots | adoxa | Name of the folder inside Pictures where Freelancer screenshots are saved to. | 11/16/2015 |
common.dll common.dll common.dll common.dll common.dll | 0x0A2FB1 0x0A300A 0x0A3018 0x0A30BE 0x142690 | 56 6A 00 6A 00 68 05 80 -> C7 06 2E 2E 00 00 EB 0E 21 -> 0C 13 -> 7C 56 6A 00 6A 00 68 27 80 -> C7 06 2E 2E 00 00 EB 0E 'My Gam' -> 'Saves' 00 | adoxa | Use '..\Saves' and '..\FreelancerShots' (relative to EXE) instead of your 'Documents\MyGames\Freelancer' and 'Pictures' folders. | 11/16/2015 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1E6D24 | FLSpew.txt | Laz | The path of the FLSpew.txt file. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x02477A 0x02490D | CA 02 -> 00 00 CA 02 -> 00 00 | Adoxa, Laz | Enable Borderless Window (disable caption flags). | 8/30/2016 |
freelancer.exe | 0x02477A 0x02490D | CA 02 -> 0A 00 CA 02 -> 0A 00 | adoxa | Enable Borderless Window (disable caption flags), movable. | 3/29/2023 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1B16CC | 01 -> 00 | Adoxa | Forces Freelancer to run in windowed mode | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x139964 | 90 53 32 -> C0 DE 26 | HeIIoween | Using thruster hp_type for [Light]. | 5/9/2022 |
common.dll | 0x139A40 | 90 53 32 -> C0 DE 26 | HeIIoween | Using thruster hp_type for [AttachedFX]. | 5/9/2022 |
common.dll | 0x057702 | 84 -> 04 | adoxa | Shows trade lanes as unknown initially and allows them to be discovered both on the radar and the Nav Map. | Date Unknown |
common.dll | 0x04CB81 | E8 EA 8B FD FF -> 90 90 90 90 90 | adoxa | Removes the initial angular velocity of mines when dropped. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x03B348 | 74 -> EB | BC46 | Prevents the '*** WARNING: Failed to get start location' message from being logged in FLSpew.txt. | Date Unknown |
rp8.dll | 0x004467 | 7D -> EB | Rimshot | Prevents the 'D3DERR_INVALIDCALL' error spam from occurring in FLSpew.txt. | 11/15/2012 |
freelancer.exe | 0x00014E | 0F -> 2F | BC46 | Allows Freelancer to use 4GB of virtual memory instead of 2GB. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x05685F | 8A 50 -> EB 0C | BC46 | Skip story cinematics (excluding space cutscenes) with the Esc key, like in the FL Beta. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x069003 | 74 -> EB | Laz | Regenerate restart.fl on every launch (Game will not load saves with this offset enabled). | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x069021 | 75 -> EB | BC46 | Regenerate Restart.fl on every launch while still being able to load saves. | Date Unknown |
server.dll server.dll | 0x06900F 0x069036 | 8B CD E8 3A FD FF FF 84 C0 74 25 84 DB C6 44 24 13 03 75 1C 8D 8C 24 54 01 00 00 51 8D 54 24 54 52 FF 15 -> 8D 8C 24 5C 01 00 00 51 8D 54 24 5C 52 EB 13 FF 11 83 C4 08 85 C0 74 11 8B CD E8 22 FD FF FF EB 0F 90 B9 83 C4 08 85 C0 75 -> EB E6 83 C4 08 EB | BC46 | Regenerate Restart.fl on every launch. Also ensure Restart.fl only gets loaded after being regenerated. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x06B24D | 0A 48 10 -> 82 C9 11 | BC46 | When a wreck gets shot, do not test if it has already been looted during a previous session. This allows looted wrecks to be looted another time after loading a saved game. NOTE: This patch only works in Single Player! | Date Unknown |
flserver.exe | 0x006AF4 | 61485i | BC46 | String ID for the Microsoft legal notice, which fills the <legal notice goes here> placeholder in the Server Configuration window. Change this value to another string ID in serverresources.dll to display different text. | Date Unknown |
dalib.dll | 0x004BF4 | FF -> 00 | BC46 | Prevents Freelancer from running in the background after exiting the game in some cases. This occurred because Freelancer would wait for an indefinitely running thread to finish. | 12/26/2023 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe server.dll | 0x16835B 0x169D2B 0x07417C | 5b 5b 5b | Zephyer, adoxa, M0tah | Maximum number of characters per account. | 4/20/2010 |
server.dll | 0x085530 | 60d | w0dk4 | Respawn time for any solar object to regain full health once destroyed in MP. | 11/13/2008 |
server.dll server.dll | 0x03A068 0x03A46E | 8b 8b | Sethernis | Maximum group size. | 7/18/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1628F4 | 48 -> 50 | adoxa | Filter out incompatible builds on server list by default. | 5/30/2013 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1ACF6A | 51 8D 4C 24 20 51 8D 8C 24 C8 00 00 00 -> 40 74 63 48 51 8D 54 E4 20 52 83 E9 08 | adoxa | Prevent IPv6 addresses from being displayed in the server list. | 8/6/2013 |
content.dll content.dll | 0x0518C7 0x0519B7 | 34 -> 00 34 -> 00 | adoxa | Allow fc_n_grp for randommissions. | 2/3/2011 |
content.dll | 0x11C2C4 | 2500f | Vital | Distance at which NPC mission target ships in randommissions are created. | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x0F17D9 | 2625f | Vital | Distance at which NPC wave ships in randommissions are created. | 5/23/2009 |
content.dll | 0x11C2B0 | 7500f | Vital | Distance at which mission target solars in randommissions are created. | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x11CBCC | 6000f | Vital | Distance from 1st mission waypoint that second waypoint and ships at it in randommissions are created. | 5/23/2009 |
content.dll | 0x11C2C8 | 3500f | Vital | Core retreat distance from randommission waypoint, modified by content.dll 0x11CAB4. | 5/24/2009 |
content.dll | 0x11CAB4 | 250f | Vital | Amount to add to core retreat distance (content.dll 0x11C2C8) to work out a real retreat distance, and amount to subtract from core retreat distance to work out a real back-in-range distance. | 5/24/2009 |
content.dll | 0x11C2CC | 2000f | Vital | Max range at which randommission NPCs will engage enemies; outside of this range, their behavior will be strange (fly around in circles, ignore fire etc). | 5/24/2009 |
content.dll | 0x117608 | 300f | adoxa | Multiplier for zone distance, increase to allow randommissions further from base. | 2/7/2010 |
content.dll | 0x12E778 | 30f | adoxa | Return to battle time in SP. | 4/27/2010 |
content.dll | 0x11C2DC | 45f | adoxa | Return to battle time in MP. | 4/27/2010 |
content.dll | 0x0ECED5 | 5f | adoxa | Return to battle update interval. | 4/27/2010 |
content.dll | 0x0AAD7A | 99 B9 03 00 00 00 F7 F9 85 D2 74 33 D9 05 30 B2 FB 06 DD 5C 24 04 FF D6 99 DD 44 24 04 B9 03 00 00 00 F7 F9 8D 54 12 -> 89 44 E4 04 D9 44 E4 20 D8 64 E4 1C EB 04 66 B8 FB 06 DB 44 E4 04 D8 0D D0 97 39 06 DE C9 D8 44 E4 1C 5E 83 C4 10 C3 | adoxa | Make MP job difficulty exactly between min and max difficulty in mbases.ini. | 6/3/2010 |
content.dll | 0x1143D4 | 100f | adoxa | Maximum value of misn difficulty. | 6/4/2011 |
content.dll | 0x1175F0 | 100f | adoxa | Maximum value of DestroyMission difficulty. | 6/4/2011 |
content.dll | 0x11B22C | 100f | adoxa | Maximum value of rank_diff and generated mission difficulty. | 6/4/2011 |
content.dll | 0x11CC58 | (0,0,3,9,6,2,1,1,1)f | adoxa | Weighted vector used to determine how many ships should occur in random missions in SP; 0 to 8 ships. | 6/4/2011 |
content.dll | 0x11CC7C | (0,0,2,3,9,6,4,2,1)f | adoxa | Weighted vector used to determine how many ships should occur in random missions in MP; 0 to 8 ships. | 6/4/2011 |
content.dll | 0x0F8A4B | 58 CC FB -> 00 CB FC | adoxa | Use 30-float array at 12CB08 (created manually!) for the SP ship weighting vector; 2 to 31 ships. | 6/4/2011 |
content.dll | 0x0F8A54 | 7C CC FB -> 80 CB FC | adoxa | Use 30-float array at 12CB88 (created manually!) for the MP ship weighting vector; 2 to 31 ships. | 6/4/2011 |
common.dll common.dll | 0x0995B6 0x0995FC | FF 10 -> 90 90 FF 12 -> 90 90 | adoxa | Disable 'ArchDB::Get' random mission spew warning. | 4/2/2012 |
content.dll | 0x0F20F0 | 01 -> 07 | BC46 | Random mission NPCs will use missiles (changes their attack_preference to GUNS|GUIDED|UNGUIDED). | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x0F20F0 | 01 -> 0F | BC46 | Random mission NPCs will use missiles and torpedoes (changes their attack_preference to GUNS|GUIDED|UNGUIDED|TORPEDO). | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x03A03E | 74 -> EB | M0tah | Bypass mission check on player invite (beware, may bug up RandomMissions). | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x03A438 | 74 -> EB | M0tah | Remove mission check on group invite accept (beware, may bug up RandomMissions). | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x019A59 | 75 17 -> EB 0E | M0tah | Prevent mission failures due to attacking a neutral/friendly object. | 5/5/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x08A521 | 75 -> EB | Venemon | Pub::Player::PopUpDialog won't pause the game in SP. | 1/31/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x08A53D | 01 -> 00 | Venemon | Pub::Player::PopUpDialog won't lock controls. | 1/31/2024 |
content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll | 0x005E5F 0x005E69 0x005E73 0x005E7D 0x005E87 0x005E91 0x005E9B 0x005EA5 0x005EAF 0x005EB9 0x005EC3 0x005ECD 0x005ED7 | 3500f 5200f 7000f 10000f 16000f 0f 36000f 30000f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f | Stone-D | Next level requirements in SP in addition to worth at mission end; formatted Freetime_01_02, Freetime_02_03, Freetime_03_04, Freetime_04_05, Freetime_05_06, Mission_07, Freetime_07_08, Freetime_08_09, Mission_10, Mission_11, Mission_12, Mission_13, Mission_End. | 3/31/2004 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x1DBE0C 0x11AA41 | -1.04719758034f -1.04719758034f | M0tah, foxUnit01 | Lower limit of y/z-axis rotation in turret view, in radians. | 6/18/2008 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x1DBE10 0x11A9F4 | 1.04719758034f 1.04719758034f | M0tah, foxUnit01 | Upper limit of y/z-axis rotation in turret view, in radians. | 6/18/2008 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0C7903 0x0DBB12 0x0DBB58 0x0DBB9E 0x0DBBE4 | 42 -> 00 74 -> EB 74 -> EB 74 -> EB 74 -> EB | adoxa | Keyboard moves ship in turret view. | 6/7/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x0C7EDB 0x11A8ED | 42 -> 00 0F 85 -> 90 E9 | adoxa | Mouse moves ship in turret view, a bit buggy though. | 6/8/2010 |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x11D89C 0x11D8BB 0x1C5AB0 0x1C5AD0 | D9 1D 7C 52 67 00 -> E8 2F 82 0A 00 90 D9 1D 70 52 67 00 -> E8 F0 81 0A 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> D9 15 70 52 67 00 D8 0D 84 90 67 00 D9 1D 7C 90 67 00 C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> D9 15 7C 52 67 00 EB DE | adoxa | Camera is independent of left/right ship movement in turret view. Do not use with FLHack. | 6/7/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x14A65B | A1 A0 4A 67 00 8A 88 B9 05 00 00 84 C9 74 38 A1 44 97 67 00 85 C0 74 05 83 C0 F8 EB 02 33 C0 50 FF 15 70 64 5C 00 83 C4 04 85 C0 74 08 8B C8 -> 9C A1 44 97 67 00 83 C0 F8 50 FF 15 70 64 5C 00 59 91 9D 74 0D A0 CA EC 67 00 88 81 F9 00 00 00 EB 25 B0 00 86 81 F9 00 00 00 A2 CA EC 67 00 | adoxa | Turn off camera level during Turret View (fixes ship movement bugs in this view). | 7/31/2010 |
freelancer.exe | 0x1186F0 | 0.05f | Venemon | Multiplier for third person view inertia. | 12/22/2023 |
server.dll | 0x019B57 | 74 -> EB | Venemon | Cutscenes in space will not use your camera. Gives you ability to freely roam during these events. | 3/20/2024 |
common.dll | 0x0DAD24 | 05 7B -> 41 74 | adoxa | Make drag_modifier independent of interference or damage. | 4/3/2012 |
common.dll | 0x0D7A6F 0x0D7AF0 | 7A 4C -> EB 65 0F 85 -> EB 04 | adoxa, josbyte | Allow drag_modifier below 1.0. | 6/28/2024 |
server.dll | 0x08B450 | 562500000000d | Dev | Square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer (no 1.0 offset, this feature was added in 1.1). | 5/24/2007 |
server.dll | 0x086AEC | 6250000f | foxUnit01 | Square of distance from the center of the system over which bases no longer wish you well when un-docking in multiplayer (note: same offset as NPC disappear distance). | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x086AF0 | 25000000f | Dev | Square of player disappear distance in MP. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x086AF4 | 100000000f | Dev | Square of grouped player disappear distance in MP. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x0173DA | 74 -> EB | Laz | Activate undock chatter in MP (redundants variable at server.dll 0x86AEC). | 3/10/2023 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x05B336 | 74 -> EB | FuryFreelancer | Don't print system arrival text. | 2/22/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x05B029 | 77 -> EB | M0tah | Force '%s System.' (IDS 1373 in resources.dll) to be used for all system arrival text (no house is displayed). | 2/24/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x05B021 | 83 FF FF FC FF 83 F8 -> AB 01 00 00 00 EB 2F | M0tah | Make the house in the system arrival text the system's IDS+1. | 2/24/2009 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x05B021 | 83 FF FF FC FF 83 F8 -> 9B 01 00 00 00 EB 2D | M0tah | Make the system arrival text the system's IDS+1 (be sure to also change IDS 1373 to just '%s'). | 2/24/2009 |
common.dll | 0x13DFDC | 1.74f | w0dk4, OutCast | Multiplier for fill_dist in CmnAsteroid::CAsteroidField::near_field_calculation, increase this to make FL render asteroid fields from greater distances. | 5/13/2009 |
common.dll | 0x0E698E | 7C -> EB | adoxa | Some planets keep on spinning. | 6/24/2010 |
common.dll | 0x0E79BD | 03 -> 02 | adoxa | Planets (and more) keep on spinning, needs patch at 0xE698E. | 1/9/2011 |
common.dll | 0x0D670F | C6 44 24 30 01 -> E9 47 FF FF FF | adoxa | Suns will honor visit flag (without having to add visit = 1 to revert to known suns, as long as the visit line appears after the star line). | 1/9/2011 |
common.dll common.dll common.dll | 0x0460A9 0x0460AC 0x0460AF | 07 07 07 | adoxa | Exponents for max distance from center of system (x,y,z-axes resp.) static asteroids will be spawned (07 = 130k, 08 = 260k, 09 = 520k, etc). | 2/23/2010 |
common.dll | 0x0460B0 | 81 F9 -> EB 15 | w0dk4 | Always render static asteroids (alternative to common.dll 0x460A9-F). | 2/23/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x122669 | 74 -> EB | Venemon | Turn off rendering of static debris. | 7/14/2024 |
content.dll content.dll | 0x04B101 0x04B183 | 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> 5B 31 C0 5E 83 04 E4 11 C2 08 00 5B 33 C0 5E C3 -> E9 79 FF FF FF | adoxa | Don't append dash to msg_id_prefix in mbases.ini. | 10/28/2010 |
content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll | 0x037148 0x039684 0x039AA3 0x039CE1 0x03AA92 0x03AE02 0x03BA22 0x03F0A6 0x041A74 0x041C75 | 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 64 -> 65 | adoxa | Don't append dash to msg_id_prefix in universe.ini. | 12/17/2017 |
content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll content.dll | 0x116324 0x036F5F 0x0385B1 0x03948E 0x03A123 0x03A42B 0x03D8DF 0x03E547 0x03EB48 0x03EC5C 0x0401C8 0x040C3B 0x04172C 0x045DB0 0x045EC4 0x116328 | 5F -> 00 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 2C -> 28 72 74 00 00 'gcs_refer_faction_player' 00 00 -> 'gcs_refer_faction_player_short' | adoxa | Don't append _short to gcs_refer_faction in faction_prop.ini. | 12/22/2017 |
server.dll | 0x00A552 | 44 24 20 B8 15 9C 42 D6 06 D8 32 -> 05 DE 97 42 00 8B 15 9C 42 01 05 | Venemon | Change zone damage from percentage to flat 100 per tick. | 12/22/2023 |
common.dll | 0x13FBD8 | 25000000f | Venemon | Square of distance over which you can't join formation. | 1/28/2024 |
server.dll | 0x0A8AF0 | 10000f | foxUnit01 | Range at which fuses for solars activate. | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0F86A3 | 1.0f | w0dk4 | Time in seconds for particle effects to stay after emitter died. | 6/16/2010 |
server.dll | 0x086AEC | 6250000f | FriendlyFire | Square of maximum effect draw distance (vis_beam)(note: same offset as MP NPC disappear distance). | Date Unknown |
Freelancer.exe | 0x111BA5 | 74 -> EB | adoxa | Display sun spines within tradelane. | 3/5/2014 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x111C3C 0x11C8FB 0x11C9BB | 74 -> EB 0D -> 00 0D -> 00 | adoxa | Display sun spines within nebula. | 1/13/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x111C80 | 74 -> EB | adoxa | Display sun spines within asteroid field. | 1/13/2011 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x12D132 0x12D052 0x12D0F6 0x12D0F9 0x12D100 | 5F 5E -> EB 6D 0F 84 49 01 00 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 5B -> 53 03 -> 02 CB -> CA | w0dk4 | Activate [gun] light_anim entries. | 2/25/2010 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x131D2B | 0F 94 C0 -> B0 01 90 | adoxa | Activate [light] lightsource_cone entries. | 6/8/2011 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1C8890 | 45 -> 00 | Dev | Prevent parser from reading EffectType from effect_types.ini, forcing the default values below; allows for vis_beam effects to appear beyond 2k. This applies to `eft_explosion_large`, `eft_weapon_large_proj` and `eft_damage_large_smoke` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212AF0 | 100f | Dev | On-screen radius of effects, affects size-on-screen-based cutoff (make larger to increase cutoff range). Applies to `eft_explosion_large` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212AF8 | 15f | Dev | Max run time of effects. Applies to `eft_explosion_large` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212B00 | 100f | Dev | Unknown, likely the first value of pbubble. Applies to `eft_explosion_large` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212B04 | 500f | Dev | Visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble). Applies to `eft_explosion_large` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212C58 | 100f | Dev | On-screen radius of effects, affects size-on-screen-based cutoff (make larger to increase cutoff range). Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212C60 | -1f | Dev | Max run time of effects. Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212C68 | 100f | Dev | Unknown, likely the first value of pbubble. Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212C6C | 500f | Dev | Visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble). Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x213158 | 15f | Dev | On-screen radius of vis_beam effects, affects size-on-screen-based cutoff (make larger to increase cutoff range). Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x213168 | 100f | Dev | Unknown, likely the first value of pbubble for vis_beam. Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x21316C | 500f | Dev | vis_beam cutoff range (second value of pbubble for vis_beam). Applies to `eft_weapon_large_proj` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212DE8 | 20f | Dev | On-screen radius of effects, affects size-on-screen-based cutoff (make larger to increase cutoff range). Applies to `eft_damage_large_smoke` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212DF0 | -1f | Dev | Max run time of effects. Applies to `eft_damage_large_smoke` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212DF8 | 100f | Dev | Unknown, likely the first value of pbubble. Applies to `eft_damage_large_smoke` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x212DFC | 500f | Dev | Visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble). Applies to `eft_damage_large_smoke` | 8/17/2006 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0C8864 | 75 -> EB | adoxa | Steering arrows always go to mouse. | 5/2/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0C885B 0x0C886A | DC 75 5C -> F8 1A 48 1.0f -> 1.8f | adoxa | Increase to 12 steering arrows. | 5/2/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0C8AE0 0x0C8674 | DC 6E 5D -> 74 86 4C 90 90 90 90 -> 0.15f | adoxa | Distance between steering arrows. | 5/2/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0C8A6F 0x0C8678 | E0 75 5C -> 78 86 4C 90 90 90 90 -> 0.5f | adoxa | Size multiplier for steering arrows. | 5/2/2010 |
common.dll | 0x13E548 | -0.6f | Gold_Sear | Hostile threshold for Closest Enemy. | 6/6/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0E3D09 | 0F 95 C1 -> B1 01 90 | Jeider | Camera of target wireframe on the top (like a playership wireframe). | 4/8/2020 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0CFE75 0x0E203E 0x0E20FF 0x0E3CE0 0x0E1F91 0x0E36DA | 01 -> 00 0F 84 -> 90 E9 74 -> EB 0F 85 8F 02 00 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 74 60 -> 90 90 08 -> 30 | WhiskasTM | Always show target wireframe. | 7/29/2019 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0DB6A5 0x0DB6B7 | 13 -> 07 EB 05 -> 6A 00 | WhiskasTM | Force 1st weapon group to be set on entering space. | 7/29/2019 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x0E7DF9 | B0 01 -> 30 C0 | WhiskasTM | Make target wireframe ignore all mouse events. | 7/12/2019 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x1DC130 | 10000000f | Gold_Sear | Max selection distance. | 6/6/2024 |
Freelancer.exe | 0x152E7C | 74 -> EB | Venemon | Turn off rendering background universe. | 7/14/2024 |
RemoteClient.dll RemoteClient.dll RemoteClient.dll remoteserver.dll | 0x0096B1 0x0096E8 0x009707 0x009AE5 | 00 28 -> D0 27 00 90 01 -> 30 20 03 90 01 -> 20 03 00 28 -> D0 27 | Jolly_Roger, adoxa | Make accounts less vulnerable to crashes due to too many cargo/base_cargo lines in character files. Double the size of Freelancer's 'visit' packet (for MP). | 10/1/2022 |
remoteserver.dll common.dll | 0x0249B1 0x0A9A21 | 8B 7D 38 8B C8 8B D1 -> BF 21 9A 30 06 FF D7 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> BF 71 9B 30 06 89 7D 38 8B C8 8B D1 C3 | Venemon | Bugfix for FLHook RequestSpaceScript, fixes server sided cutscene crashes. | 7/14/2024 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0BD8EC 0x0BD8F1 0x0BD8F6 | 43 61 70 | adoxa | RGB of tooltip background. | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x0BD933 0x0BD938 0x0BD90B 0x0BD92A | B9 -> B9 F7 -> F7 E0 -> FF 0E -> 0F | adoxa | RGB of tooltip text. | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x15B22C 0x15B231 0x15B236 0x15B2F6 | FF FF 00 FF | adoxa | RGBA of selected maneuver icon. | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x15B2CB 0x15B2D0 0x15B2D5 0x15B2F6 | FF FF 00 FF | adoxa | RGBA of selected neural net icon. | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x161BE6 0x161BED 0x161BF4 0x161BFB | 87 C3 E0 C0 | adoxa | RGBA of main text (aqua). | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x161C06 0x161C0D 0x161C14 0x161C1B | 87 C3 E0 FF | adoxa | RGBA of main color (aqua). | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x161C66 0x161C6D 0x161C74 0x161C7B | F5 EA 52 FF | adoxa | RGBA of selected color (yellow). | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x161CE1 0x161CE1 0x161CE1 0x161CF7 | 80 80 80 FF | adoxa | RGBA of disabled icons. | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x199DA6 0x199DAB | 87 C3 E0 87 C3 E0 | adoxa | RGB of some buttons. | 1/7/2010 |
Freelancer.exe Freelancer.exe | 0x199DC6 0x199DCB | 80 80 80 80 80 80 | adoxa | RGB of disabled buttons. | 1/7/2010 |
rendcomp.dll | 0x014053 | 1000000f | Adoxa | Multiplier for planet draw distance (so far can be safely increased). | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x002389 0x00238C | 83 FE 08 -> 90 90 7D 16 -> D8 C0 90 | adoxa | Double existing LODranges | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe freelancer.exe | 0x002389 0x00238C | 83 FE 08 -> D8 C0 90 7D 16 -> D8 C0 | adoxa | Quadruple existing LODranges | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x0244F5 | DC 05 -> EB 04 | Adoxa | Gamma ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, not 1.0 to 2.0. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x0244F7 | B8 89 -> E8 75 | Adoxa | Gamma ranges from 0.5 to 1.5, not 1.0 to 2.0. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x0244F7 | B8 89 5C -> F8 EB 5D | BC46 | Gamma ranges from 0.75 to 1.75, not 1.0 to 2.0. | Date Unknown |
freelancer.exe | 0x01AD6F | 80 00 -> 00 20 | Schmackbolzen | Gamma ranges from 0.75 to 1.75, not 1.0 to 2.0. | Date Unknown |
rendcomp.dll | 0x00C499 | 02 -> 00 | Adoxa | Always use high-quality sphere rendering. Makes planets look more round from far distances. | Date Unknown |
rp8.dll | 0x01A48C 0x01A4C5 0x01A4FE 0x01A5B8 | 2B -> 3B 2B -> 3B 1B -> 3B 1B -> 2B/4B/8B/16B | BC46 | Changes the magnification filtering mode from 'linear' to 'anisotropic'. Third offset changes the mipmap filtering mode from 'nearest' to 'anisotropic'. Final offset changes the maximum anisotropy from 1 to either 2, 4, 8, or 16, respectively | Date Unknown |
rendcomp.dll | 0x01A4FE | 1B -> 2B | BC46 | Changes the mipmap filtering mode from 'nearest' to 'linear'. Makes the textures appear better than with the default option, but worse than with 'anisotropic'. | Date Unknown |
server.dll | 0x00A551 | D9 44 24 20 8B 15 9C 42 E3 04 D8 32 8B 07 -> D9 05 DE 97 42 00 8B 15 9C 42 01 05 8B 07 | Venemon | Change zone damage from percentage to flat 100 per tick (higher the zone damage faster it applies). | Date Unknown |
content.dll | 0x118114 | 1500f | Gold_Sear | Minimum distance between waypoints for `behavior = wander` | 1/6/2025 |
content.dll | 0x118118 | 3000f | Gold_Sear | Maximum distance between waypoints for `behavior = wander` | 1/6/2025 |
content.dll | 0x0C14EB 0x0C1508 0x0C1520 | B9 D5 FF FF FF F7 F9 -> 8D 14 33 83 C6 0C 4D 8D 14 33 8D 34 86 D9 C0 D8 4E EC 4D F7 D8 EB 05 90 -> D8 4E EC D9 C1 D8 4E F0 D9 5C 24 24 D9 C9 D8 4E F4 1A D8 4E F0 D8 47 C4 D9 5A 04 D8 4E F4 D8 47 08 D9 5A 08 8D 34 86 83 C6 0C 85 ED EB 10 -> 5C 24 14 D9 44 24 24 8B 44 24 14 D8 47 04 D9 5C 24 18 D9 44 24 28 8B 4C 24 18 D8 47 08 | Gold_Sear | Randomize flight direction for `behavior = wander` | 1/6/2025 |
rp8.dll | 0x118118 | 0i | BC46 | Display adapter index, i.e. the monitor Freelancer will run on (0 = main adapter/monitor). | 3/2/2024 |
content.dll | 0x0CCFAD | C1 -> C2 | BC46 | Ignore gate locks (prevent access denied). | 8/8/2024 |
content.dll | 0x1195C0 | 0.2f | BC46 | Reputation needed for factions to offer missions on the job board. The player's reputation must be greater than or equal to the given value in order for the missions to show up. | 9/22/2024 |
content.dll | 0x1195BC | -0.2f | BC46 | Second minimum reputation needed for factions to show missions on the job board. This value is only tested if the minimum specified at `0x1195C0` is not met. The player's reputation must be greater than the given value in order for the missions to show up. | 9/22/2024 |
content.dll | 0x060D0F | 7F -> EB | BC46 | Faction NPCs will offer missions regardless of the player's reputation. | 8/8/2024 |
shading.dll | 0x00F94B | 0C -> 00 | BC46 | Fix color banding with 24-bit TGA textures (render them as 32-bit). | 1/13/2024 |
content.dll | 0x0C1F0B | 4C E4 14 C1 E9 07 EB 03 -> 0C C2 8B 7C C2 04 C1 E1 | Gold_Sear | Add vertical component to random spawns | 2/2/2025 |
content.dll | 0x0C2011 0x0C2022 0x0C2034 | 45 00 EB 02 -> 84 24 1C 0D 45 04 EB 02 -> 84 24 14 0D 45 08 EB 02 -> 84 24 18 0D | Gold_Sear | Use spawn position instead of player position for arrival = cruise (allows to safely increase spawn distances) | 2/2/2025 |