Encounter problem
Hi, thanks for asking.
We have tried everything and followed all leads and still a crash anytime up to 2.5 hours after start. We have altered all settings, coded things in and out and eventually still a crash. Everything else works in other systems and all encounters etc. work so we are stumped.We have noticed 1 thing. One of the NPC’s drop sunslayer ammo and when tractored in they do not show in cargo. We are looking at this but other than this slim chance nothing else seems amiss.
If that fails we will recode the system and hope and write it off as one of those things.
Are all entries for the weapon/ammo present and correct in the weapon good and equip files? Does the good files properly reference the equip files. Just an immediate thought… you would no doubt get errors in pretty much all the checkers out there and a line(s) in the flserver log file thought, so i’m inclined to think this isn’t your prob.
In regards to the sunslayer all the coding lines are present and where they should be, the only thing changed recently was just after i added why485’s effects. Tiger put a new torpedo model in for the SS and moved the flame effect hardpoint back a little so you see the torp and then the flame.
Shortly after this the sunslayer ammo failed to show on any of the bases its coded on, i tried reverting it back the way it was and back to an earlier version of on eof the earlier mods and no joy.
Similarly we have a nomad capship encounter containing a nomad battleship and 6 gunboats. The battleship appears fine the gunboats vanished.
Personally i didnt actually think there was an error with encounters in the system for which Tuni has been talking about here.
The one id been working on is in nomadia and found one of the encounters to cause a crash and removed it, a day later and it was crashing again so checked them all again and i now belive it is a loadout erre on the base that te encounter is around. Tiger is working on that now.
If coding for any of the above is required just give us a shout and we’ll post it up.
ps. no errors flagged for any of the above on FLEC, FLIA, FLSCAN, datastorm.
Does jumping into that system and flying around that base/encounter for a bit, and then filtering the flspew log with FLEC reveal anything remotely useful?
It tends to give zone info to some extent if there is an issue…
To be honest i havent actually tried but thanks for the suggestion ill give it a go.