.DLL help
So ive been inspired enough to pick up work again on my Andromeda mod. And one of the biggest complaints i always got was the errors the Freelancer Explorer made in its .DLLs. I would like to no if there are programs that will help you code the strings. And if not, can somebody give me a turital on how to do string code for the .DLL,
Also, a link to an empty .DLL would be helpfull.
I appreciate it.
O, and anybody who seems interested or likes Andromeda, i would love your help. You can send me a PM here, or on moddb.
Check out its profile.
couldnt recommend this enough tbh, does ID strings and moar!! why? BECAUSE MOAR!
cheesey, welcome to the crazy club
why dont u use FLEd-ids?
Thanks guys. I take it the FLE ids can be downloaded off of the starport?
I use a combination of Reshacker to add the individual lines to the string tables and FLIDReferrer to create the string tables and infocards.
Works well.
Still makes me wonder why people are so old-school sometimes ::)
(Sorry, Robo, I’m biased I know ;D )
Some of us actually are old. The older you get, the harder it is to try something new.