Testers Needed for XLR Alpha
;D Alpha tests on XLR have started ;D
This is not a “public” mod… All aplications will be screened…
But feel free to PM me for XLR forum link and acess rights…Needing “semi” - “well” experienced pilots and modders to pick my “baby” to shreds with me…
she’s a BIG mod… we (XLR team) can’t test it all at once… so im sending out the call!!...Please include the following as a PM for your aplication
NAME: “Blah” <<– not ya “real” one lmao just your FL one hehe
RANK: “Blah” <<– If your a pilot, modder, server owner ect…
FLIGHT TIME: “Blah” <<– rough average… years will do!
AFFILIATION: “Blah” <<– Freelancer,Pirate,Trader ect… clan tags accepted!! just send a link to your clans site… multiple affiliations accepted
REASON FOR APPLICATION: “Blah, Blah…” <<-- make it as long or short as you’d like… longer is better… as this will be the decider on my final decision… no “i wanna join”… as that tells me nothing lol…Sorry for the heavy security… but i have my reasons (and they have nothing to do with the starport ;D ;D)
all applications will be given the same “scrutiny” ;D and fairness…
Good luck…
ok perhaps i was being a little too… stringent there… sry im a protective “dad”….
Im not looking for anyone to “work” on XLR … well if anyone want’s to offer thats cool… but this is just a call for all to
“play” the OSP… no server up as yet… Im not taking XLR “public” anytime soon and just thought i’d share the Alpha with u all
;D ;D ;D ;DThe “client base” im wishing for is mostly dev’s and “old timers”… Ive been playing FL… since it hit the shelves in AUS… modding for almost 3 years (self taught wee he that was fun!)… all of it learnt in the procees of making my “baby”…
and above all … " I IN NO WAY WISH TO COMPETE WITH ANY OTHER MOD/SERVER FOR PLAYERS/STATUS/ECT…" that just isn’t my way… a small “ish” client base with a few clans is perfect… hell i’ll even advertise your mods on those great “billboards” and in the news… a mod for modders… that’s my dream… lol and its not bad to play either hehe…
only reason im “not” plastering links/pics/ect… is due to certian internal problems with the “old” FL community i used to know… things just not the “same” … and security is needed in order to preserve a “safe” haven for the worthy… “ie:most of u guys hehe”… so please just even “stop by”… shout in the “box” and if you like what u see PM me and i’ll give you download rights ;D… nothing “personal”… just my way of “protecting” my baby till she’s fully grown…
Chow ya 'all
Hey Xarian, I asked around and I found out a who was the maker of a few of those ships you wanted. Go on the Shattered Worlds forums and PM Hobbes aka [RHM]Walker. He will let you know which ships are his, and which ones he will let you use. I still havent gotten ahold of Doc for permission on the others. I think he is stuck on EVE chokes
If you would agree, I would like to share the alpha testing post at our forums at www.station-network.de , might help you to find some testers (especially because the mod is SP compatible ^^)
but this is just a call for all to
“play” the OSPPS: Xarian, you might want to enter your HP adress into your signature and/or profile - Other wise every one have to look around a bit before he can find it.
Oh wow… life in the ol’ thread… ;D umm… lemme see here…
Yes… Fully SP… Kicks of as Open SP… but there’s an “addon” if ye want to kick it in the story mode
she’s not at all ready for the public yet though… many missing IDS and other alterations still in progress…But She’s getting there ;D
@Forsaken I’ll See to it after some sleep m8 ;D
For everyone else–>> http://www.smfweb.com/forums/xlrdev
Im gonna go open up the forum so ye all can dll the mod and patches
Links will break on the 30th… Don’t think i really need to explain why.
Cheers ;D
;D Here’s a little “teaser” demo i made for anyone who wants to see her in action… Watch it in HQ for way better View
Testers / New team members always welcome. Forum was “re-locked” due to a few lovely spam salespersons…