Creating Items from materials?
ATM M0tah’s FlHook 1.63 supports docking restrictions with
–- certain amount of items
— which can be taken away on docking.So if you put your “Inferno I” on a base with docking restrictions like
base_selling_Inferno1=SteelAlloyx2, -1000 , You need 1000 pieces of Steel Alloy to dock here and buy the ‘Inferno I’.
base_selling_Inferno1=PlasmaCore, -3 , You need 3 Plasma Cores to dock here and buy the ‘Inferno I’.
you should be basically able to force the players 2 get those items,
before they can get that shipy.That might not be exactly, what you are looking for, but it might get the job done.
Editing cargo (and equipped items) can be done real-time, however I’m not as sure about changing ships. However, with what has currently been implemented into FLHook, I can’t see why this wouldn’t be possible.
Edit: Currently, the DockingRestrictions function only supports one restricting item per base (the PlasmaCore entry would be ignored). He could probably fix this though.
I apologize, I seem to fail at explaining.
What I want to be able to do is have players fly around and find scrap materials, then create weapons/equipment out of those items. It won’t be changing a players ship, just the cargo inside. laughs Sorry, is THAT possible?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
…… YEA! - and please add a alternative “or” function:base_selling_Inferno1=PlasmaCore, -3 <or>WarpCore, -5 , You need 3 Plasma Cores or 5 Warp Cores to dock here and buy the ‘Inferno I’.
What I want to be able to do is have players fly around and find scrap materials, then create weapons/equipment out of those items. It won’t be changing a players ship, just the cargo inside.
Yeah, and that’s definitely possible via FLHook. As I’ve stated, cargo and equipment can be changed in real-time (thus allowing instant item creation from other items); I just wasn’t as sure about ships (for if you wanted several items to come together to give a player a special ship).
Ships would be an interesting idea, but that might be getting a LITTLE ambitious (though you’ve now gotten me thinking. Curse you Fox. Cures you.) for our initial plans. Cool. It’s good to know it’s possible. Now, to see if I’ve got to start coding it myself, or if we have an over-ambitious coder who wants to get into it. laughs
lol, this concept has been a around for a while now FYI
(can it still be called a concept? lol)
i divert your attention too Freelancer Cargo Exchanger
zOMG, what is this? I’m going to have to toy around with this little thing here, and see if it’ll do what I want it to! Awesome, thanks Cheese!
zOMG, what is this? I’m going to have to toy around with this little thing here, and see if it’ll do what I want it to! Awesome, thanks Cheese!
dont mention it lol
Hehe, its a pretty basic program. It only works once they log off as well (no hooking used). It also supports single rep changes as well & ship exchanging if IIRC. I had intended on extending it but unfortunately a HD crash wiped out the code….
Hehe, its a pretty basic program. It only works once they log off as well (no hooking used). It also supports single rep changes as well & ship exchanging if IIRC. I had intended on extending it but unfortunately a HD crash wiped out the code….
i know man sucks majorly, i personally hope you try and rebuild it …. but dreams were made to not come true =P
goes off to make own ^^
Editing cargo (and equipped items) can be done real-time, however I’m not as sure about changing ships.
Changing ships is possible in real time as long as you are docked at a base.
Also, a basic system to do what you are describing would be fairly easy to implement with FLHook assuming you have someone that knows what they’re doing.