'88 Flak
the only drugs im on is coffee i cant afford anything else. its all in a good way brother. its cool though when i flew out of manhatten there were two escorts helping me out with my mission.
ur mom puts cardamine in ur coffee every day ;D
The latest beta, RC125, is currently on track to release tonight. Here’s the current working changelog:
– Slight reduction to Capital Ship spinning, thanks to Forsaken’s tips - I would have done a more aggressive “no-spin” fix, however this would cause Goto, Dock, and Formation functions to all exhibit “wag” issues. In addition, the steering became very unpredictable, and given the major role of steering rates in Capital Ship balancing, this was a problem. However, this less aggressive solution, combined with the Hook-side NPC push-away, makes piloting even the Sleeper Ship a little less irritating. Also, it is much harder for other players to spin your ship at all without getting killed.
– Sniper Turrets once again have 360 degree coverage, but only rotate at 15 degrees/sec.
– Missiles (especially high-class ones) now use much more energy to fire. Your ship’s engine must now be taken into account - the Kusari engine is no longer the best missile engine.
– Increased cloaking device warmup time to 15 seconds, up from 10.
– Reverted the commodity prices to previous values.
– Seeing as the Trade Lane Buoy WPs are so small (and hard to hit), their hitpoints have been decreased substantially. They are still a good object to retreat to, but pirating Trade Lanes is now at least possible.
– Capital Ships no longer flee as early from a fight.
– Due to TL Buoy WPs being somewhat easily killed now, they no longer drop any turrets on death. Find somewhere else to salvage WP turrets. =P
– LRMs have been tweaked - they now have a 5000m range and half the fire rate, but have a much higher initial velocity and deal 2.25x as much damage (now having 1.25x DPS as Primary Turrets). They essentially act much more like Torpeodes.
– Replaced the whole mishmash of huge “MOUSE FLIGHT”, “TURRET VIEW”, “REAR VIEW”, etc. text at the bottom of the screen with a small, unobtrusive “Mouse Flight” string when the mouse is active, to clean up the HUD a little.
– Pulse, Plasma, Particle, and Neutron weapons have had their rate-of-fire decreased to balance them with other weapon types. This is the first time normal weapons have been majorly tweaked like this since version 1.24, so please comment.
– New FLHook implemented, with various this-and-that features (refer to the FLHook Readme.txt in the EXE folder for more info).
– Added multiplayer support of the singleplayer storyline event system, making it possible to write scripted storyline missions for multiplayer. However, due to a myriad of bugs associated with this, only very simple scripting is being used for now.
– NPC player-targeting clamp and hostile spawn weighting are now both set to false, thanks to the above change. No more targeting priority nonsense - NPCs will now divide themselves up equally among the targets.
– The “AI Bots Killed” stat now functions correctly. It also counts AI Wingmen killed now.
– Maximum number of lines in chat history raised to 127, from 32.
– Extra debris from ship explosions is now only thrown if the lighting/debris option is selected.
– TL Buoy WPs are now permenantly disabled when killed. They lose all turrets, as well as some/all of the lights and directional flares. Active player pirates on a server can make a Trade Lane considerably less safe now.
– Small optimization to system structure (got rid of 102 un-needed AI Bot paths per system, and rewrote the density control code for zones). May slightly improve system memory usage/load times.
– Small AI tweaks to prevent fights from getting too spread apart; AI should try a little harder to concentrate fighting instead of breaking off into small duels 10km away from other ships.
– Alaska has been rebuilt - it now acts as the central PvP hub linking to all the PvP/NPC Arenas, and can now be accessed from any house via purchasing that house’s PvP Token. For example, if you have the Kusari PvP Token, you may only enter/exit Alaska via Kusari; Alaska can not be used for travel.
– Fixed an issue with the AI Companion Bot - if multiple bots of the same name were selected for a squad, the squad would never appear.
– Repair Ship can no longer dock on mobile player-carrier bases.
– Set Best Path now functions across systems, as it should (thanks FriendlyFire!). Alaska is excluded from this scheme, as it now acts as the central PvP hub and would give bad path info, since Alaska can not be used for travel.
– AI Bots in the PvP Arenas should no longer attack the random WPs scattered about, and instead focus on other ships.
– Rare ships have been cleaned up. They no longer require a special Power Supply, but the token used to retrieve the ship is now permenantly expended upon docking with the rare ship’s base.
– Reduction in debris thrown by the debris tosser, which should make the “explosion debris” option more stable.
– Fixed up the solar object hitpoints - now all system-placed station hitpoints match up with corrosponding flown station hitpoints (solar objects did not get the 1.5x HP buff from a few RCs ago; other stations mysteriously had too much health)
– System chat is now routed to universe chat, so that everyone does not have to be in the same group to talk to one-another.
– Reputation with pirates is no longer as quickly gained for picking on Xenos, and both the IMG and Zoners are now slightly empathetic towards their cause.
– Xenos are now armed to deal with Capital Ship threats.
– Removed the tiny dynamic asteroids. Due to their low placement radius, this solves issues with Capital Ship spinning in fields. Also, they were intrusive to aiming (particularly with Capital Ships). Materials can still be mined from the full-size asteroids.
– Fixed some misc errors relating to asteroid fields (“empty cube” errors). Small optimizations done to asteroid fields as well.
– “Toranto Depot” is now correctly spelled “Toronto Depot”Of note is the active storyline mission scripting for multiplayer. Yes, this means it is possible to write scripted story missions for multiplayer. Yes, it is filled with bugs left and right (but we’re working on fixing these). None the less, it is an exciting new front, with myself, Why485, and KillerJaguar already writing new scripts (commandable AI wingmen, a basic defense script (video below), and a complex mission involving invading Rheinland patrols, respectively). This was all discovered back in the beginning of February, and I apologize for not posting anything on it sooner; however, I plan to write a full tutorial covering these techniques, in a similar format to my AI Wingmen Tutorial, which will both include how to get scripting to function in multiplayer, and a few sample scripts.
But anyways, be sure to look out for the RC125 release if you’re interested in Flak (links at top of topic).
(script example by Why485 as discussed above, in Itano Circus)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA0Oa3dSs9Y&fmt=18 -
w00t new rc tonight!! hope to see some new players there.
And it’s up. Taste the wrath that is RC125.
Edit: Alright, small upload issue that has been corrected. The download should work now.
I love this mod to death. Haven’t played on the MP server just yet but I’m hoping to join up fairly soon. Blame WoW for my tardiness. ^_^
This is the best community (and I’ve visited several of them), the most open and helpful people you’ll ever meet in Freelancer (aside from Louvra-Dues of the EOA forums).
Many kudos to you fox, you rock!
I’ll say this about Flak88… It made me rethink my ENTIRE mod…
Took me about 12 hours to get my jaw back off the floor and get to workIt introduced me to the wonderful world of ENB, Reptokens & Wingmen as well as many other
excellent refinements to the FL basecode (like WHY’s FX).It’s just a shame i live in a crap timezone… MP was lonley for me… but thats only becuse of my loacation (AUS)…
But that said… Im a huge Fan of Flak88 ;D and urge anyone who’s never seen it to go and Dll it now!! I had a blast in the SP
and the ideas i got whilst playing this mod were … dare i say Priceless!..“This mod has the potential to change FL as we know it” <<-- Xarian_Prime
Thanks guys. I’ve been toying with the idea of renting a professional hosting service for the server, since as awesome as the 24/7 is (that’s been running for a few years now no less), it is on a residential line and starts breaking down pretty quick when more than 10 people are on at a time. Alternatively, money could be pooled together to simply upgrade Jay’s line, however it’d probably turn out cheaper to just rent a service, so I dunno.
The issue is nobody’s really sure if it’s worth it - the server has averaged roughly 0.8 players over the last 7 days, with only 4-5 players on during the peak hours (http://freelancer.servegame.org/flstat2-online.html). While plans are being made for the eventual full, non-beta release of 88 Flak 1.27, which will probably see an increase in activity due to distribution across multiple sites, it’s tough to see how much this will push server activity - pretty much the #1 fear is that the avg. peak time population will explode to 15+, which would cause the current server to just hit the redlag button and take a smoke break.Any thoughts?
PS: Xarian_Prime, in regard to wingmen, have you seen the AI Wingmen Tutorial topic, correct? That should help in implementing wingmen into your mod, if desired. M0tah’s also published all his Hook work seperately of 88 Flak, though to be honest I’m not quite sure where he puts it. lol
M0tah’s also published all his Hook work seperately of 88 Flak, though to be honest I’m not quite sure where he puts it. lol
All FLHook releases can be found here.
It’s been over a month since the release of RC125, which contained some pretty large show-stopping bugs - like getting stuck in Alaska when purchasing a new ship, or receiving a “You have attacked a friendly object. Mission Failed.” message when attacking friendlies, which caused a crash upon clicking “Load Game”. So what’s the deal?
Unfortunately, these bugs were just plain missed in the testing, and I apologize. However, M0tah and I are at work to fix these issues, and here’s the changes so far:
(See below post for full change-log)As always, progress (and downloads) of the 88 Flak Betas can be found here: http://www.memes.no/88flak/forum/viewtopic.php?t=114
Also, I’ve done massive updates to the ModDB page, at http://www.moddb.com/mods/88-flak - not that it matters much, but hey. -
I can’t understand what’s the “– Removed the red damage indicator, in an effort to further clean up the HUD a little (besides, it’s obvious enough as it is that you’re getting shot at).” meaning, may you can tell me that (or give me some pictures)?
Thanks for you and M0tah of help.
The red damage indicator is the red “circle” around the center of the screen that displays according to where you’re being hit from. For example, in this picture, I am being attacked from the left, and thus a left-pointing red damage indicator is displaying.
The reason I removed this in 88 Flak is that you are nearly always getting shot, so the red damage indicator was a bit obtrusive.
Edit: Also, this was removed by setting the “damage indicator sensitivity” to 0 - see the Limit Breaking 101 Thead for more details (it’s under “Misc” I believe)
Edit2: It’s fair to mention the RC126 release camping has started in the FlakChat. Join the fun! http://www.memes.no/88flak/phpfreechat-1.2/ =P
Thanks Fox, now I know what’s your meaning.
Great mod and great work, hehe.
Sounds even better than the last version… wow…
will DLL and come on in in a few days Fox ;DGreat stuff
RC126 has been released, and can be found as always at http://www.memes.no/88flak/forum/viewtopic.php?t=114
Here’s a full changelog:
RC126 (05/16/09):
– Universe Chat is now blue (same color as old system chat). System Chat is now yellow.
– Capital Ship Full-Tilt Camera Steering is now much wider. This nearly eliminates the need for Turret View / Rear View altogether.
– Removed the red damage indicator, in an effort to further clean up the HUD a little (besides, it’s obvious enough as it is that you’re getting shot at).
– Arena Tokens are now sold in every house system, instead of just the core house systems.
– Alaska Jump Holes now have correct orientation.
– Removed most of the Hazard Buoys leading to the Alaska gate in NY. There are still buoys that mark either end of the tunnel, for easy access - just got rid of the clutter in the middle.
– Standard Scanners now have a 10k tracking distance, to assist in keeping track of distant fights. Scanners ramp up 1k tracking distance per scanner. Cargo Scan ranges are unchanged.
– Rare Ship bases, and other assorted bases, are no longer stored on the NavMap. This prevents issues with accidentally targeting the bases using the NavMap.
– New version of the AI Companion Bot Generator, which correctly generates AI Bot types.
– Title screen system re-written via a MultiIntro client hook from M0tah. 12 Title Screens are now picked at random (3 are new to RC126).
– Fixed a rare occurance of “You have attacked a friendly object. Mission failed.” messages, which would cause a client crash if the user selected “Load Game”.
– Freighters now support Full-Tilt Camera Steering, similar to Capital Ships. This increases their efficiency in combat, allowing players to take advantage of their wide turret coverage.
– Cargo space on Capital Ships has been halved - Small Caps now have 80 cargo; Large Caps now have 100 cargo; Stations now have 100 cargo. WPs have not been changed, as they already had 80 cargo, curiously enough.
– Cruise charge-up times on Capital Ships, Stations, and WPs have been doubled.
– Narrowed the Kusari Gunboat firing arcs a small amount. It has even less rear coverage now, to help compensate for its tiny size.
– Widened the Bretonia Destroyer firing arc on the lower central mount to full 360* coverage, to help compensate for its large size.
– Lowered the additional global firing arc allowance to 22.5*, from 35*.
– Sniper Turrets now inflict 5000 hull damage (up from 4000). Updated the infocards on them as well.
– Lowered mass on Freighters to that of Heavy Fighters.
– Raised Nanobot and Shield Battery count of Freighters to 45, up from 35.
– Fixed the issue where players would get stuck in Alaska when purchasing a new ship at the Prison Station Mitchell Complex, due to the Arena Token being unmounted. This is currently a work-around solution (an Emergency Arena Token comes pre-installed on the ships); a more direct fix to the problem will be worked out later, but this will do in the meantime.
– Lowered Anti-PvP time after undock to 20 seconds, from 30.
– w0dk4’s Global Server Workaround has been integrated into 88 Flak, to ease up the process of connecting to servers.
– Gave the Trajectory Disruptor a lot more “oomph.”
– Optimizations to the 88 Flak, 88 Flak AI Companion, and 88 Flak ST FLMM scripts; this should stop nearly all of the deactivation issues associated with 88 Flak. No more mutiliating your vanilla FL installation!
– /ignoreuniverse command added to ignore Universe chat from other players
– /ignore now ignores chat from a player sent through the Universe Chat channel -
fox, PM (again)
Well, the Reaper, Hydra, and Harlequin just got new models: http://the-starport.net/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=1810.0
I’ll post more details of the upcoming RC127 update shortly.
I thought I’d wank on the boards a bit by posting RC127’s current working changelog:
Edit: See below
It’s big. And it’ll be released in either a few hours, or a few days at most, depending on when I next see M0tah. =P -
Moar stuff:
Edit: See belowThe full anti-spin solution should function exactly as shown in Why485 and KJ’s Anti-Spin POC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKgWNcpXCA8&fmt=18
Alrighty, RC127 will go live at 8:00PM EST. It can be grabbed as always at http://www.memes.no/88flak/forum/viewtopic.php?t=114 when it’s up.
Here’s the big cheese:
– Repaired the AI chase behaviors; AI now chase targets in cruise again.
– NPC persistance range raised, to help fix issues with random disappearances due to wingmen teleportation etc.
– Player view distance raised to 25km, from 15km.
– Global firing arcs reverted to RC125’s 35*.
– Re-added auto-strafe to all ships. This may help formation flight be a bit less stupid.
– Fixed issue where AI-piloted Heavy Lifters would not eject their cargo.
– AI-piloted Transports, Trains, and Lifters now eject cargo in an effort to fend off pirates much earlier.
– Fixed an issue where Player-Purchasable Base defenders would bail out of a fight at 40% hull. They now fight until they die.
– Beta RC builds are now tracked internally by Freelancer. This means you will be unable to join a server not running your current Beta RC (it will be grayed out). For the client, this is displayed as “Version 88.27 Build (xx)” in the lower-right of the title screen; for the server, this is displayed as “Version 88.27 Build (xx)” in the title bar. I realize this will lead to confusion among new people joining with the wrong RC (“why can’t I join the server?”), but it’s better than them joining and crashing themselves (or the server) out.
– Scanner ranges have been increased to utilize the new AI persistance ranges.
– Wingmen squads no longer spawn right at your doorstep, unless you are launching from a base or have just logged into space.
– Shot-attached muzzle flashes are a little smaller to make using cockpit view not as annoying.
– New Kusari Capital Ship turret effect, because the vanilla one stinks.
– Downsized the Bretonia Destroyer and Kusari Destroyer turret models, which were too large when fitted on smaller capitals like the Kusari Gunboat and covered too much of the ship.
– New Covenanter (previously Reaper), Hydra, and Harlequin models - http://the-starport.net/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=1810.0 for more information.
– HF steering rates have been increased by ~10%.
– Freighter steering rates have been increased by 100%.
– Cruise charge-up times on Liners have been doubled (now that of a Capital Ship).
– Starflier (n00b LF) and Starblazer (n00b HF) now have a full armament of 4 and 6 guns, respectively - now, they only lack a Cruise Disruptor / Torpedo Launcher.
– Slightly reduced the global spawning rate of NPCs. Greatly reduced the spawning rate of random battlegroups.
– FLMM should no longer leave 88 Flak’s universe/system files (or any other misc files) laying about once 88 Flak is deactivated.
– Difficulty of the AI has been slightly toned down; they are a little more converative with their firing. AI Wingmen are unchanged, and still furiously attempt to annihilate foes.
– AI Wingmen are a little better at repairing themselves.
– Changing the AI difficulty level now changes missile and repair usage - AI are quicker with repairs and missiles on hard, and lax on repairs and missiles on easy.
– Bretonia “Reaper” VHF has been renamed to the “Covenanter”, after the British A13 “Covenanter” Cruiser Tank. For reference, the “Crusader” was the A15 Cruiser Tank, so it made sense to name the VHF this given that the HF is named the Crusader.
– Signifigantly raised chance of random Nanobot / Shield Battery loot off NPCs killed by a player.
– All costs of all items have been doubled - as such, all sell values of all items have been doubled as well.
– Longblade renamed to Stealthblade Mk I; the former Mk I and Mk II are now Mk II and Mk III, respectively.
– Small tweaks done to Homing missiles. Their FOV has been increased from 70* to 90*.
– Small tweaks done to EMP missiles. Their in-flight turning rates and FOV are now in-between Power missiles and Homing missiles.
– In-flight turning rates for Capital Ship Missiles and Torpedoes halved.
– Capital Ship Missile Turrets now rotate twice as quickly.
– Suggested usage roles for a ship class are now displayed in the ship stats.
– VHFs have been re-built from the ground up. A hybrid of the old VHF design and the pending Stealth HF Bomber design, they now function as a Heavy Bomber with stealth capabilities. They now feature a Twin Torpedo, with 3 Turrets (one of which will have full 360* rotation) as support weapons, and the same twin shield setup that they had before - however, they only have 50 Nanobots, and can not carry any Shield Batteries. In addition, cruise charge-up time has been increased to 8 seconds (that of a Capital Ship), and when the cloak is engaged, your shields will be knocked out. They retain the same characteristic slow movement, however turn 75% faster.
– w0dk4’s Global Server Workaround now defaults to off. The GLS Workaround is more reliable, however can sometimes ignore manual direct connects specified with the -s parameter when launching Freelancer.
– Sniper Turrets are no longer a VHF-exclusive item, and are now dropped as rare items.
– Sniper Turret power usage lowered from 5000 to 4500 per shot, to allow use on a LF at the expense of the LF’s entire power supply.
– Fixed issues (again) with Repair Ship dropping items on death, and fixed issues with Kusari Hydra dropping items on death.
– Houses now have a “security” rating that affects spawns, displayed when you enter the system or launch from a base. Core house systems - New York, New London, etc. are now “Maximum Security”, and here you will see a lot of friendly help (provided you’re not a pirate). This works all the way down to “Minimum Security,” for certain systems like Chugoku, home of the Blood Dragons, or Omicron Alpha, home of the Outcasts, where you will find large pirate battlegroups. For reference, “Low Security” systems behave like systems from previous 88 Flak releases, where you’d get an equal chance for anything to spawn randomly. Fighting in a system with a security rating that is not in your favor will result in more rare item drops, since there won’t be as much AI help (as you only get rares from un-assisted kills). All in all, this makes the starting systems (core house systems) much safer, so starting out should no longer be as brutal as before.
– Shields now only ramp up 1.1x per level, with 2500 capacity / 55 regen as a base for light shields and 3000 capacity / 60 regen as a base for heavy shields - this means lower-class shields are far more efficient, while higher-class shields are a little less efficient. Power usage still ramps up 1.4x per level.
– Rare items are now automatically marked when dropped, to make them easier to see.
– Operative Tokens and Wingmen Licenses are no longer dropped on death, and can no longer be traded. Want to help your friend get easy wingmen? Give them cash for the faction bribe instead.
– Kill Tokens are no longer dropped on death, and can no longer be traded. If you die, you lose your kill streak.
– Arena Tokens are now properly mounted when purchasing a new ship in Alaska.
– Cleaned up “important information” displayed when installing the mod via FLMM. The afterburner notice in particular is a little more visible now.
– Roll controls have finally been added, after sitting on the todo list for like a year (oops, sorry Son’a). =P
– Partial camera swing (“Half-Tilt”) can now be selected for Capital Ships.
– Wide camera swing (“Full-Tilt”) removed from Freighters, as they now turn much quicker.
– Capital Ships now properly dodge incoming ordinance, including Torpedoes.
– Counter-Measures are now slightly more effective (by 10% each).
– Pulse Gun energy damages have been increased by 1.5x.
– Cruise Disruptor cargo space usage halved.
– Missiles have been rebalanced. While their behavior hasn’t changed much, the damage gap between missiles was greatly reduced, using the Catapult as a base - essentially, a Javelin will only do slightly less damage, while a Cannonball will only do slightly more - since the Catapult is the staple of PvP combat, I figured that’d be a good base. From there you can fork out some (lots) of cash for a slight damage increase. Refire rates have not been changed; a Cannonball will still be slower-firing than a Catapult. This change also applies to Homing/EMP missiles, and Normal/EMP mines.
– Missiles now range from Class 1-5, instead of Class 1-9 (a Catapult is now Class 3 instead of 5, Cannonball now Class 5 instead of 9), so that all missiles may be fitted on a LF.
– Fixed an issue where AI would randomly wander off to attack a far-away base during a fight (fine out of combat, but kill stuff near you first!).
– Added 0.1* to all inaccuracy cones. A Class 1 weapon now has a 0.2* (best possible) inaccuracy cone, a Class 3 has a 0.4*, etc.
– Removed the dummy-dw15 crash-restart protection for FLServer, which prevented the error popup and allowed FLServer to be easily restarted. It’s not like 88 Flak causes FLServer to crash much anyways, so I dunno why I had it in there to begin with.
– New “Toggle Auto-Level Camera” control, which must be toggled to allow roll maneuvers in chase-cam. It’s also for that more space-y feel when dogfighting (why does everything have to be right-side up all the time?).
– Fixed issue with AI Bot handling code that caused Grim’s Green and Outsider’s Followers to not appear in the NPC Arenas (Arena Bot handler didn’t support bots that flew in pairs).
– Fighters now have a small window of time (about 4/10 of a second) to utilize Nanobots to recover from an instant-kill attack (such as twin torpedoes, chain-linked power missiles, etc.).
– Better death effects for fighters (a bit more like oldschool Flak).
– Added contrails to the lower fins of the Starblazer and Starstinger HFs.
– Weapon cooldowns (number of seconds until the weapon can be fired again) are now displayed in the Weapons List - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Other/CooldownTimers.jpg
– Fixed up a bad OpenSP mission trigger that caused OpenSP games to crash.
– Capital / WP / Station weapons renamed to use military hull designations (BB, DD, CA, PG for Battleship, Destroyer, Cruiser, and Gunboat) to save space on the Weapons List due to the inclusion of weapon cooldown stats.
– AI Fighters are no longer untargeted and marked as dead when they enter their death fuses - it now waits for the ship to actually die. This was especially annoying as fighters can now pull themselves out of a death fuse via well-timed Nanobot usage.
– Improved the player-purchasable base defense NPC. It should undock from the station quicker than before to provide assistance.
– Major rebalances to prices of ammo for missiles/mines. There is much less penalty for using higher class missiles/mines (especially with the new missile/mine balance).
– Both types of torpedoes are a little cheaper. A Starkiller Torpedo is still substantially cheaper than a Sunslayer, however.
– New descriptions for EMP mines. Added IFF warning (or lack thereof) for all mines.
– Cruise Disruptor ammo is now a bit cheaper.
– Nanobots and Shield Batteries now drop at a slightly higher rate than before.
– Ammo drop rates tweaked.
– Retooled a few AI Bot loadouts to be more sensible and to bring them in line with new balancing.
– Nomad ships (both AI and player-flown) now regenerate very small amounts of armor over time. It will take a Nomad Fighter approximately 4 minutes to regenerate its entire hull; it will take a Nomad Battleship approximately an hour. Mountable items that have more meaningful armor regneration (perhaps at a cost to total armor) will be introduced later.
– Re-added in the OpenSP support option to allow piloting of ships with cloaks in SP.
– Starting reputations tweaked. You now start out with higher overall reputation. It should also be a little easier to become a pirate.
– AI Bots now drop cargo on death.
– Stationary Storage Depots (un-related to the player-flown Storage Depot) are now much weaker and correctly dump all cargo when destroyed. They also carry much more stuff.
– All factions now offer all of their equipment at each of their bases. If you stop by a Rogues base, they will offer you everything in their arsenal; this means that you can now get decent equipment in Liberty, whereas before you could only buy low-class equipment, and could not buy Torpedoes, CDs, etc. This works both ways as well, allowing you to purchase lower-class equipment (like Javelins) in previously high-class only areas, like the Omicrons (this is essential due to the new rebalances). All equipment market data was completely rewritten from the ground up for this change; the old equipment markets file had 28,922 lines of code (1.62MB) - the new equipment markets file has 37,206 lines of code (2.09MB).
– Armored Transport now only totes 6 Class 5 weapons, instead of 9.
– Armored Transport now only carries 300 cargo, instead of 350.
– Corrected some reputation issues with Xenos. On the whole, killing Xenos is now a little rougher on your reputation, with very little gain from it. Don’t pick on them unless you’re desperate for cash.
– Small tweak to the AI Companion Bot system to be more compatible with OpenSP. If your bots aren’t shooting anything in OpenSP, make a new game and they should work fine.
– Small tweaks to Bounty Hunters Guild operation. They now attack targets of interest to local police and corporations - basically, if you piss off a corporation, expect the Bounty Hunters to show up at your doorstep looking to collect on a bounty.
– You now get a little more Zoner rep for killing Nomads.
– Capital Ships and AI Bots now have twice the chance to drop a rare item.
– Upgraded asteroid fields. They no longer look as ugly when you shoot them, and the explosion color now matches the color of the asteroid. Also, the asteroid field in the bottom unknown Nomad system now features previously unused Nomad asteroids.
– Added a new title screen, and replaced one of the existing repetitive ones.
– Full anti-spin protection implemented for Battleships and Stations. If enabled, Battleships and Stations will be protected against “spinning”, which occurs when another ship collides with you in Multiplayer (Singleplayer does not suffer this bug). However, this solution causes Battleships and Stations to violently “wag” back and forth during autopilot; if this bothers you, there is an option to disable the anti-spin protection. Autopilot will be completely restored, and you will still be partially protected from spinning, however NPCs may still spin you once and a while (even though AI are designed to avoid ramming ships).
– New Capital Ship explosion effects.
– Decreased the firing delay on the Trajectory Disruptor from 30 seconds to 10, to allow it to be actually viable as a disorientation weapon in PvP.
– Fixed an NPC loadout for the Anubis; one loadout carried a Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher, but Starkiller Torpedo ammo (and was thus unable to attack Capitals).Edit: Also, for anyone waiting for the 8PM launch, head on over to http://www.memes.no/88flak/phpfreechat-1.2/ (uses your forum account) - maybe you can even get your paws on it early. =3