every one of us do know, that interface editing is impossible with out source code, I am talking about creating new buttons with new features and so on. But here’s the idea: Is it possible to do this with a hooking process? I mean, like Xfire, you get some kind of overlay ingame, where the buttons do appear. Is this possible? - Just a thought.
Should be possible
What kind of new functions you thought about ? -
Dunno, didn’t thought over it xD
Just first an idea about the possibilityWith this we might can eject costum buttons and options, which aren’t integrated in freelancer. For instance, we could create buttons for FLHook-Commands, such as local chat, player cloaking….
yes ;D a “cloak” hotkey would be awsome
also (i’ve mentioned this b4 but…) some way to change the chars costume like in the /setrobot command.
- (and yes i already know why we can’t at present) a way to change gender… for the ladys amongst us all…
here’s one… a player “warp” command that uses $$ and or power… but like the others… hooked to the ships only… so only
certian ships can warp… and at a high cost to … something?.. oh and a button for it…Roll… yes… the “Experiment” works nice… but i and many others wanna roll when our mouse is engaged… not shure if hook could help at all there… but its on the “wishlist” of essential fixes…
and finally… Jamming… we have our lovely cloaks… now we need cloak Jammers or at least a message when a cloaked ship is near… just for balance sake.
and as Bas said… the ability to hotkey Hook commands… that’s be awsome as well. anything to make Freelancer better is a great thing
The does
something like that.And this might also be interesting: besides
@Xarian_Prime:… and finally… Jamming… we have our lovely cloaks… now we need cloak Jammers …
also radar jammers.
Maybe something like the weaponsmoddb.ini for weapons and shields
for scanners and cloaks/radar jammers with a certain chance for each scanner typ to detect a specific cloak typ for a (ore more) certain range(s).
;D ;D ;D ;D -
please dont forgett the extend wings
So any one interested in programming such an overlay interface? ^^
The only one in our community I know of who could do such a thing is LS as this is a directX thing I believe… the most I ever did with “overlays” was making custom text appear on the screen of the client lmao, the code for that was insane as it was lol
It should be possible to include new buttons to the HUD and menus without doing something as advanced as you speak of guys… You can remove alot (I’ve done that with some buttons) and from what I can see in some ini’s you can add what you want too…
I’ll try to play with it and if it works the way I think I’ll make a tut
You know in a steam game when you push ALT+TAB I think that is what the guys (and gals :P) are on about - adding buttons in FL is possible but is running custom code off those buttons allowed? Can they be hotkeyed? Or can you only do what FL “let’s” you, I honestly don’t know myself, I deal little with modding but I think an overlay would have better expandability and possibility for features
A “new character selection addition to create character page” would be awesome! and also could possibly open the door to multiplayer scripts.
Erm… like they have on procyon.
at least for features that can be configured, such as the 4 way strafe, rolling and animation triggering that would be already cool enough. hook features i guess are somewhat more difficult to organise rather than to program…