Global FL tournament !!
…… ;D …
an old tradition of every Freelancer is to setup his ship.
That’s an important part of that game.But - as Grey does - i think, there’s a not so small BUT in the tournament situation.
You r welcome to visit the WTS World and the admin team will supply
you with as much money as you want and we check together,
how long it will take, till you got a competitve ship meeting your personal taste.This might make transparent, if there is that but - or not.
See I really get no satisfaction from awaiting ill-prepared or ill-equipped freelancers to wonder into my sights as I lurk in a perfectly groomed killing machine.Â
I agree, which is why I want to fight other people’s perfectly groomed killing machines in my own perfectly groomed killing machine, not something that is unfamiliar or otherwise awkward. The time it takes to set a ship up is more or less a moot point - any global event would likely be held on an impartial server (sponsored, perhaps, by the lovely Starport administration, mayhap?), that could easily be configured in such a way so as to allow people to reconstruct their configuration of choice from their home server near instantly.
I am running out of ways to say the very same thing to you M8. Even with your desire to hold separate brackets to cling tightly to familiar environments and ships where obviously your very familiar and would have to learn nothing new or challenging, what do you suppose will happen when it reaches the finals? Your basically dooming the outcome to the stalemate you predicted…
Sion, why didn’t you just say you wanted a Freelancer Un-Modded Unlimited World Championship?
Your giving me the real feeling there is no interest in competing with the Global Freelancer Modded and Un-Modded Community.
Until someone shows real interest in a Global FL Tournament, I will stop debating this one point over and over with you any further.
See I really get no satisfaction from awaiting ill-prepared or ill-equipped freelancers to wonder into my sights as I lurk in a perfectly groomed killing machine.Â
I agree, which is why I want to fight other people’s perfectly groomed killing machines in my own perfectly groomed killing machine, not something that is unfamiliar or otherwise awkward. The time it takes to set a ship up is more or less a moot point - any global event would likely be held on an impartial server (sponsored, perhaps, by the lovely Starport administration, mayhap?), that could easily be configured in such a way so as to allow people to reconstruct their configuration of choice from their home server near instantly.
I apologize if you do not like the path that my train of thought travels upon - my participation in this thread has been solely for the purpose of pointing out what I consider to be massive glaring flaws in the idea behind the “one size fits all” approach to a “global” tournament, while at the same time pointing out a far more practical and less labor intensive alternative that is - as I see it - far more likely to actually be workable on a large scale.
This isn’t about modded vs unmodded, ether - so please do not suggest that to be the case… as I have mentioned, the differences between different mods X and Y are often times just as radical as the differences between unmodified Freelancer and mod Z so the same issues remain; I’ve only been focusing on unmodded Freelancer in my examples because that is what I personally prefer, and as such have the most knowledge about. Trying to draw examples using mods that I am often unfamiliar with does not make a terrible lot of sense, I think.
At any rate, I am still interested in hearing what the proponents of single ship setups have to say about some of the issues I’ve raised in regard to individual ship and weapon preferences.
Your always going to have some debate about what is the best on your server. But you can leave that up to each community to debate and decide on what one setup they will put forth for there individual battle.
As I said, I already covered this… But one last time to basically clarify the above, Nobody is getting there personal favorite ship or guns. Everyone adapts to what is provided. So how is this still a continuous point of issue? However, you still should have a voice in some manner at the server level on items that are to be chosen for the event on your server.
I would also guess you would be one of the “Sharks” I mentioned people should fear when they come to the event on your server, no matter what setup is voted on.
Nobody is getting there personal favorite ship or guns. Everyone adapts to what is provided.
Well, as I understand it, the point of such an idea is that it would help to eliminate some of the bias that would be inherent to such an event - what I’ve been trying to get at is that it wouldn’t work like that; instead it would introduce new sources of bias in the form of weapon configurations that would favor certain players while putting others at a disadvantage.
Consider the following:
Configuration 1 uses rapid fire weapons that, while each individual bolt is weak, with good aim will quickly eat away at the enemy’s hull.
Configuration 2 uses weapons with an average refire rate, with individual bolts that have a low velocity but that use little or no energy.
Configuration 3 uses weapons with an average refire rate, with individual bolts that have an extremely high velocity, that use large quantities of energy.
Configuration 4 uses weapons with a low refire rate, with individual bolts that travel at a low velocity that do enormous amounts of damage at a high energy cost.While I am quite proficient with the third loadout, and reasonable enough with the second, I am complete and utter rubbish with the first despite the fact that I’ve spent a fair deal of time trying to get my skill with such weapons up to a decent level… for some people I fly with, their situation is the exact opposite - thus, depending on what equipment is selected, one or both of us would be operating in an environment that would place us at a disadvantage.
Now, considering the tendancy for many pilots to complain at great length about absolutely nothing at all, I can see such a scenario prompting a great many people to bitch and moan beyond any form of measure currently available to the collective entirety of humanity.
I for one can already hear the wails of
Here… Is my Suggestion
To begin… wipe All systems from FL and create a ladder of Systems only reachable from one to the other via 1 jumphole.
Then… Balance everything (ships/weps/eq) into ranks for this example we’ll use a basic 3.
MasterA noob (or noobs) will start in the 1st system with only rank 1 eq available and the gate/hole to the next system locked via a pass. they will battle it out amongst the noobs for the “pass” to the next sector in pre-arranged matches.
On receiving the “pass” the noob goes into the Adept systems… SELLS THE PASS!! buys new gear at Adept level, then enters the Adept Torney… for the “Master Pass”… and so forth… till we have a winner!.. for the day… then he/she can wait it out for the next challenger… or start the torney again with a new char
Supreme winners could be decided monthly with a “royal rumble” quarterly
By doing it this way… you can have almost anything in the mod… just as long as it is placed at the right “level” even up to Battleships and larger VHF’s that can tear a BS apart in seconds…
of course you’d have to have many more levels than 3… to keep it spiced up
Well… if i was planning such an endeavor… this is probably how i’d go about it ;D
…. … putting others at a disadvantage. …
- and that point makes some sens, if we want fair chances.
And putting others at a disadvantage will definitive not be possible, if everyone got the same ship and setup.
The backdraw is, we might see complains like
And if we
Consider the following:Configuration 1 …
Configuration 2 …
Configuration 3 …
Configuration 4 …
…we couldn’t stop, but would have to consider some more points like
–- range - short / low energy - medium / medium energy - long / high energy - gives us 4 x 3 -> 12 configurations
— shield damage / hull damage - low / high - medium / medium - high / low - gives us 12 x 3 -> 36 configurations
And what’s about the different shield typs?
And talking about shields - you prefer high capacity? high regeneration? low offline time? low power draw? high resistance against some or most weapons?
And Missiles? Torpedos? Mines? CM?And what ship?
More something fast like this here?
Or better something bigger like that one?
(suppose you have to be logged in, to see the linked pictures here)
Or maybe better something in between?So setting up a certain number of configurations
will lead to nothing imho, but additional complains, that
–- still non of those configurations did meet the personal preferences,
— the ‘loosing configuration’ was worse
and still this one
- and that point makes some sens, if we want fair chances.
I was thinking along the lines of a continuing tourny, where each -eventually- would get the chance to perform in their own “perfect” environment. The idea of what’s fair and not fair for individual players could be stated in as many unique ways as there are players. Isn’t this the very idea behind all the mods out there? Everyone has their own idea of what they want out of their freelancer play. I realize as an admin that there are always players who will “take their ball and go home” if things aren’t exactly as they would like them to be. But I would like to play with these folks as well !
However…. I was also working under the idea that the IMPORTANT thing is to get the ball rolling. Putting up a rather simple dogfighting tourney mod to get things going, allowing votes for the next ( slightly more complex competition ) on a forum, and judging player reaction along the way. Mods take work…
Just watching this thread spells out why this idea has never worked. Does everyone need to be satisfied instantly, or is it possible we could all compete in a wide range of player experience?
I have been dragged into mods I was sure I wouldn’t like by friends, only to find the experience - while admittedly not my favorite config - rather enjoyable…
lets get together, get the play going, and work towards our " perfect environment " so we can frag all that oppose us… ;D -
Wow, Look at that Sion…
You and I stop debating on this thing and it goes from actively watched to completely silent in a number of days!
I have to ask everyone else,
Is this Global Freelancer Tournament concept something
you are willing to put even a small amount of effort into? -
I’ll Raise a hand! ;D
But only if im not the only one… Already dealing with my own personal mess… don’t need to own another… lol
I’ll help anywhere i can (and that’s a few areas) I would suggest though… that one of you “old school” modders
take the lead… for a few reasons…1. this will greatly speed up development… You guys know everyone… and that helps greatly with the whole what to use situation faced (and the wall firmly hit) by most new mods and ideas…
2. You’ve been there… done that… and understand whats required…
3. all of the above…
You would have my full support, and help… codeing… Traning, ect… but this project needs (as i can see it) a team of at least 3-6 Full time modders working hard to make it happen. IT can happen ppl… ;D… but it wont happen without a team first…
Now… were are those hands folks?..
Wow, Look at that Sion…
You and I stop debating on this thing and it goes from actively watched to completely silent in a number of days!
Well, i guess this is the best place to find out.
Just my 2 cents…
2 make it easyer u could set Weapon categorys like Beam based (Beams ONLY) and Missile based (CMs and stuff), in an old fashioned Dogfight between Fighters only, Torpedos are useless and should get lower -> zero priority.
Mines are another question but most ppl will feel good in 1 of those categorys.Boat categorys…Fighter vs Fighter, Whatever Big Cigar vs Whatever Big thingy (if needed, capship fights can be very boring) and a 6 vs 6 Team.
6 vs 6 could get a standart setup which clans or Teams MUST fulfill like … 1 Standart Capship (different look 2 choose from but same weaps and stuff), 1 standart Bomber and 4 standart Fighters.
Of course the number of players in each Team must be carefully restricted, maybe 4 Fighters is too much (personally i´d prefer a 5 vs 5 setup with 3 fighters).
Target should be 2 destroy the Enemy Capship, Red vs Blue style.So it could look like this:
**Beams Only!- 1 vs 1 Light Fighter
- 1 vs 1 Capitals
- ? vs ? Team Cup
**Missiles …!
- 1 vs 1 Light Fighter
- 1 vs 1 Capitals
- ? vs ? Team Cup
I´d prefer Light Fighter TNG 2.7.6 styled Physics for Missiles and stuff since i think for Dogfights its really good and fast.
The Damage output is a good question, if u mount 3 Doomsday Missiles and 1 Flurry for instance u make 1 hit kills possible and thats not cool…at least in a cup.
Make like 4 - 6 different Maps with a few traps and ads like Asteroid Fields (includin big arse rocks), Mine Fields, Suns 4 strategic use or whatever. Give them a cool look (not that standart Freelancer symetric block style) and it´ll be fine.
Whatever u have in mind…u gotta make decisions and some ppl always complain anyways.
Everythin has its downsides and since we have no global example…u´ll need just 2 try out a bit.
Keep it kinda simple and maybe it´ll work out.
And…serious, Freelancer is fadin away. Ppl should be awesome happy about ANYTHIN like the mentioned idea.As 4 a Server, i think it has 2 be somethin with an auto update function.
So that the server detects ur Freelancer install and corrects the wrong or adds missing Files, that way u prevent cheatin and its easy to be used 4 everyone (ppl nearly need 2 do nothin but redo their old install after the fights).
Still 7million questions unsolved after that. What about a Ladder and where 2 host it, what are the Rules, what about lag, what about referees, who will code that and will Admins always watch over the Games?Thats loads of guessin…ah i doubt that enuf ppl will be playin that.
But i love the Idea.
However if u need a logo, gimme a shout. Funny i ran into this, i was workin on somethin just 4 the heck of it anyways.
Sry 4 the English…Greetz,
Mörser outPs…these are just my ideas and i dont think its kinda perfect or the holy grale or even close 2 it, a few years ago i even believed we could have made it into electronic sports league lol… :P****
And…serious, Freelancer is fadin away. Ppl should be awesome happy about ANYTHIN like the mentioned idea.
my thoughts on the matter “exactly” ;D
a few years ago i even believed we could have made it into electronic sports league lol… Tongue
hehe… no lol…
I’ve always wondered myself… If FL was shipped as the game it was meant to be… It most probably would be. Really cannot think of a better candidate for a ESL deathmatch in space.
And that’s why i love this idea… aside from the 1v1 pvp… there’s also the “clan-off” possibility… like a real sport… each clan enters a “team” into the torney… just another idea…
Also… there’s alot of talk of the possibility certain players will boycott the mod because their “ship” or weapon isn’t there… well really… those are going to be the “I want my uberblaster Mk 4’s” players… and that’s not really in the spirit of “fair play” anyway… so a “no whining… its bad form” rule… could easy fix that… and that’s not a bad rule anyway… for any mod…
Really cannot think of a better candidate for a ESL deathmatch in space.
Also… there’s alot of talk of the possibility certain players will boycott the mod because their “ship” or weapon isn’t there
Hmm…play with ur preferred 400 dpi mouse against one with 3200 and loose, then go troll on forums and have ppl rofl on u.
Na really, just cause my favourite BF2142 Mod isnt supported by esl i dont go complainin.
It´s their standart and thats fair, fair neutral.
And who really needs ppl that boycott a great idea just cause of some personal likes at all?I for one can already hear the wails of
Yea and if i had 1zillion creds Mr.Bush and some other public faces known 4 bein arse would be toast, we´d be on Mars and i would have founded the starfleet in san fran just 4 the heck of it….i´d buy peace on Earth dude.
Thats bull and bull just generates more bull, no need 2 even think ´bout it.
I f ppl wanna do this idea, they should just do it without wastin too much Time/energy on thinkin ´bout bull.
Changes can be made l8er and things can be fixed l8er but before somebody can do, fix, think about or discuss anythin…there need 2 be somethin.
Somebody just has 2 pull the trigger, start somethin.Greetz,
Mörser outPs…shows real interest in a Global FL Tournament
I’ve got an Idea, but it would require a flhook coder, a database, a freelancer server and some work:
1. You can only have one char on server
2. Char will get added to the list of fighters and there are statistics stored3. to start a fight make something like /start and the other one types /accept or something
->this fights will be stored in databaseBut I’m no C++ coder, I only know PHP and would code some kind of statistics page, if my idea comes true
We really don’t have to have bracket or anything special like that. The interaction between servers itself will help cooperation between servers. Here is an example something easy.
- Shattered Worlds::WarTorn and Gibbons Phoenix server decide to have an event.
- 10 guys from the SW::WT server go to the Phoenix server and create characters tagged as [SW::WT] <player name=“”>3) Gibbon and/or staff provide these characters money.
- These [SW::WT] tagged character talk to other players on the mod and ask about what loadout/ship they prefer then get it (this provides for interaction between players, so they realize that FL is a global community)
- Two days later there is a free for all fight, and the last man standing gains notoriety in the community(results and screenshots are posted on The Starport).
- Repeat steps 2-5 with the exception of the Phoenix server guys visiting the SW::WT server.
A likely result of this will result in a path of communication between the leaders and players of both servers bringing both of them closer together than they were before.</player>