Problem with CD??
Hi Ladies and Gentlmen,
has anyone a clue what can be the reason for the following error message?
03.09.09-12:43:17:542>ERR: MyCapture.cpp, 446: packet_handler: corrupt packet dropped
I think it has something to do with CD as this uses winpcap and packet_handler is a function in winpcap - but without any source code i cannot look deeper in this error myself (besides the fact that debugging won’t help me either).
There is already winpcap v 4.01 and CD 1.3 (same error message with CD 1.31) version running.
OS : win2008 server (64 bit)I would appreciate any hint what can be reasons or even solutions to solve this prob.
Thanks in advance
Huor -
Latley i have the same problem, and it als creating a very big log.
I have the idea that it’s happen with special players and files. But i can’t figure out who or what it exactly is, and what the problem is than.
Don’t know if it has something to do with winpcap.
It even happens short after a server reboot.
And than it’s okay at once, than it happens again.OS: Windows XP pro - SP3
No one else has an idea? Sorry for bumping…
Huor wrote:
No one else has an idea? Sorry for bumping…Maybe we are the only two with this problem
Oh, why you do not use search?
This question was already discussed: from Cannon: -
Thanks Helloween
And the same time, thanks cannon for the patch
yeah Halloween i tried the search already - but for some reason i am not allowed to read both thread, neither now, nor before i started the thread. So I decided to ask again without knowing what was the question in those threads - due to limited access rights.
So if anyone with access could write me a PM i would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance and also for your efforts to help!
With best regards
Thanks for the download link - going to test it and report if it was working… Again - thx a lot. -
Huor wrote:
03.09.09-12:43:17:542>ERR: MyCapture.cpp, 446: packet_handler: corrupt packet dropped
Hi Huor,
What happen after this? Is this problem been resolved?
The URL above telling me stories about 403 and 404.
We had same problem here on a Windows Server 2008 server, The CD is up with that error and not picking up any online players.
One thing also bad is, the Anit-Cheat plugin made for FLHook is not support FLHook 2.0+, and there is no source code for it.
Sorry, no idea anymore, that topic is way too old for me to remember.
Well, It’s fine.
So the Firewall driver is not working with 64 bit system.
But I noticed it only causes problem in kick function, Ban on the other hand is working.
But Ban… had problem (BUG?) in my Windows 7, my admin’s Server 2008 and my virtual XP (English) testing machine. (So let’s say it’s not working at all)
I guess that’s because it uses [c]LBN_SETCURSEL[/c] to select items in Listbox on Account list window, which will not trigger [c]LBN_SELCHANGE[/c] (MSDN said that) and other crucial calling ….
So I managed to nailed this problem, by manually call those missing stuff and get BAN function back to work.
In case anyone else need it too, I attached my buggy path with this reply. Add it to [Libraries] in dacomsrv.ini.