'88 Flak's FLHook
**Having a little trouble with the cloak part of Flak Hook…
Added FLHook.dll to [Libraries] in dacomsrv.ini, ignore the gls workaround, tried it with and without it…**
[Libraries] readfile.dll engbase.dll x86math.dll rendcomp.dll system.dll Thorn.dll DebugLib.dll rp8.dll shading.dll gls_workaround.dll FLHook.dll
New plyr ships start with cloak_nomad cloaking device, nothing changed in the weapon_equip.ini entry, it’s the stock FL cloaking device. Also, I don’t have a goods entry for it since the players aren’t allowed to mount or unmount it.
[CloakingDevice] nickname = cloak_nomad ids_name = 1 ids_info = 1 hit_pts = 1000000000 DA_archetype = Equipment\models\weapons\no_fighter_gun.cmp material_library = Equipment\models\hardware.mat HP_child = HPConnect mass = 1 volume = 2 power_usage = 0 cloakin_time = 4 cloakout_time = 4 cloakin_fx = no_cloakeffect05 cloakout_fx = no_cloakeffect05
Started server, ship is cloaked, when typing /uc it says I don’t have a cloaking device. Log into my main server which is running FLHook 1.6.0 by Wodka, it says ‘Uncloaking’ but I stay cloaked. That was just a test to see if it would at least do something. Here is the entries from Cloak.ini in the Data folder…
[CloakDevices] cloak_nomad = 30000,10000,4000 cloak_nomad_battleship = 60000,20000,8000 cloak_nomad_srtc = 30000,10000,4000 cloak_osiris = 60000,20000,8000 cloak_solurus = 90000,30000,12000 cloak_fighter = 30000,10000,4000 cloak_gunboat = 60000,20000,8000 cloak_cruiser = 60000,20000,8000 cloak_battleship = 60000,20000,8000 cloak_nomad_gunboat = 90000,30000,12000 cloak_shadows = 60000,20000,8000
Any ideas would be appreciated. I am testing this on my quad core Vista machine. I will test it later tonight on my main server which is a single core XP machine.
For the cloak feature you do actually need a client-side DLL, sorry about that. I can’t seem to find w0dk4’s original mod, but you can get the DLL in the plugin version’s cloak plugin.
Actually I realize now that this actually isn’t documented in the readme either, I’ll go update that as well.
**Thats what I needed to know, I was already using that dll in the 1.6.0 plugin version.
Appreciate it!**
**Still having a bit of trouble, any chance you could post a working dacom.ini and a dacomsrv.ini [Libraries] sections?
Sorry to be so much trouble ;)**
i’ve had the same problem with this version of FLHook since v1.6.1 (i think, might have been 1.6.2, worked fine before), no matter how many times i messed with the files. I can swap over to the plugin version works no problem
[Libraries] ;;;dosfile.dll ReadFile.dll ;optimized read-only version of dosfile.dll x86math.dll EngBase.dll system.dll RP8.dll SoundStreamer.dll SoundManager.dll Deformable2.dll Thorn.dll Shading.dll RendComp.dll alchemy.dll ximage.dll .\flmaterials.dll ;;;ClientHookTest.dll ;88 Flak Client Hook Test cloak.dll ;Cloaking MultiIntro.dll ;Multiple Intros DelayDisplay.dll ;Cooldown Display MultiCruise.dll ;Multiple Cruise Speeds 8waystrafe.dll ;Adoxa's 8-Way Strafe ;;;SwitchSys.dll ;Instant System Switch (for Mobile Docking) ;libcurl.dll ;GLS Workaround ;gls_workaround.dll ;GLS Workaround
[Libraries] readfile.dll engbase.dll x86math.dll rendcomp.dll system.dll Thorn.dll DebugLib.dll rp8.dll shading.dll FLHook.dll ;FLHook (required by 88 Flak) MultiCruise.dll ;Multiple Cruise Speeds (required by 88 Flak)
Both are taken from 88 Flak - feel free to download the entire mod if you need an example of a working config.
Thanks alot, I will try that. I believe that is one of the ways I already had tried it though. If it doesn’t work I will see about recompiling the source files since I really want to play with player ship docking. I have quite a few cap ships in my mod that I want to add that feature for
M0tah wrote:
Ooops, I forgot to change the socket connection password read file - it was trying to find them in the main config file instead of the general one. The latest 1.6.7 dev build fixes it.Also, I would not recommend using 1.6.6, since it has a nasty bug that can cause the server to randomly crash. Said bug should be fixed in the above dev build, however.
Thx M0tah! It works
Strange thing in 1.6.7:
rehash ```works like``` restartserver
That is odd. I just tested it and both commands seem to do what they’re supposed to. Could you try it with 1.6.7 dev build 19? Thanks.
Yep! Problem fixed, thx
Is it normal for cloak?
(Vertical and horisontal effect)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGgZZC5ycgE -
; MarketData: Server-side only market data INI ([Data]->markets in freelancer.ini).
Is this only Flak Mod feature?
fount a total weired bug by the way it easy to repraduce
wee are going to do a player wipe soon
when you have no players say like a new server
crate a account you get kicked by flservers anticheat
but get this if you use a old char and add it to the dir
and log on with that the server will crash
but after that you never get the bug againso there must be something up with the anticheat
patch in flhookenyways test it and let me know the fix
well i have the fix lol but its not covensionalstill i would like to know why
I did Сaps dockable on my Faw mod by FLHook 1.6.7 test 19 and later from RC131 and svn
when player1 undocks from other player2 Cap, player1 is invulnerable.
Someone know how to fix this problem?