Add ships to npc encounters
Hallo to all,
My Homeserver-mod is very easy. with only one new system…
I added 3 ships (babylon5 shadows)And now i want to have this shadow ships using by nomads npcs in my new system, with hardest pilots, but without the normal nomads ships.
The normal nomad systems i want to have without changes. With only normal nomads ships like in vanilla.1.) I have to learn to create a complete new faction for this?
2.) Or can i add the shadow ships to the nomad faction without mix up the using ships in all areas?
I already try to understand the tread
“new faction - no show up”
but i cant see what is a easy way for me.
Please help me to choose between 1 or 2 or another way??
And witch ini´s I have to mod.
Then I will try it on myself and post the results.the tutorial “try to understand encounters” is to heavy for me, and my low English, by the way, sorry about this.
Thanks, Solaris Lem
In DATA/MISSIONS/faction_prop.ini, look at fc_n_grp (Nomads). You will see some npc_ship entries - these tell you which ships the nomads will be using. For example, here is what it could say:
npc_ship = fc_n_no_fighter_d19
npc_ship = fc_n_no_gunboat
npc_ship = fc_n_no_battleship
…So then you will look at npcships.ini (in the same folder) and find these ships. You will see this line for fc_n_no_fighter_d19:
ship_archetype = no_fighter
no_fighter is the ship they will use from DATA/SHIPS/Shiparch.ini. You will also see the loadout listed (it is in DATA/SHIPS/loadouts.ini). You can change both of these so that you can use the shadow ships. You will want to make sure that the hardpoints referenced in the loadout exist in shiparch.ini and also on the shadow ship models. That should get you going.
i have not tested this… but you could try this…
affiliation = fc_n_grp
legality = unlawful
nickname_plurality = plural
msg_id_prefix = ignore
jump_preference = jumpgate
npc_ship = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Populator <–USE THIS
npc_ship = fc_n_no_fighter_d19
mc_costume = mc_fc
firstname_male = 229608, 229608
firstname_female = 229608, 229608
lastname = 229608, 229608
rank_desig = 197140, 197140, 197140, 10, 15
formation_desig = 197808, 197820
formation = fighters, fighter_guildnpcships.ini:
nickname = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Populator
loadout = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Pop
level = d10 <–-ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY-(see zone in system.ini).
ship_archetype = no_fighter <–-YOUR SHIP CHOICE
pilot = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter <–-PILOT CHOICE
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, FIGHTER, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12any encounter with msn13 nomads will use this aslong as the ship and loadouts are correct… in theory
good luck…
I´ll taste it out. Thank you.
So i think all nomad npc load from the same [FactionProps]
In Unknown system same like in Omicron Alpha.
and so in my own system.
i can choose the ships or add some. I can add perhaps new loadouts with different pilot´s jobs and so on.But pop up regular nomads ships in Omicron Alpha without shadows and show up only shadows in my system I´ll need to create an own faction.
Is this right?If yes,
please list the ini´s I need to edit for creating a new faction.
I need only the ini names. because i want to copy-paste and rename the nomads parts, i dont need examples (i hope so).
in the meaning to save your time resource
Thank you! -
No, you do not need a new faction, do it with the difficulties.
affiliation = fc_n_grp
npc_ship = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Populator ;<– The ships the nomads use (Defined in npcships.ini)
npc_ship = fc_n_no_fighter_d19
nickname = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Populator ;<– used in sp only I think
loadout = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Pop
level = d10 ;<– the level shown in the game, should be within the difficulty range (see below)
ship_archetype = no_fighter
pilot = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, FIGHTER, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12 <– difficulty settings
nickname = fc_n_no_fighter_d19 ;<– used in the systems
loadout = no_fighter_loadout02
level = d19
ship_archetype = no_fighter
pilot = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, FIGHTER, d19
…As you see, d13 to d18 are not used. If you create the npcship entries for your new ships with one of the difficulties the nomads usually dont use, only the new ships will show up if you set this difficulty in the zone.
your_new_system.ini (example):
nickname = Zone_whatever
pos = 27325, 0, -7711
shape = SPHERE
size = 2200
sort = 99.500000
toughness = 14
density = 3 ;<– how many ships may appear
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
faction_weight = fc_n_grp, 10
encounter = area_nomads, 14, 0.250000 ;<– encounter, difficulty setting for that encounter, chance
faction = fc_n_grp, 1.000000 ;<– faction, nomads here
…In this zone only npcships which have the class d14 would show up.
If you still want to create a new faction, you would need to edit:
exe\mpnewcharacter.fl ;<-- for starting reputations, if you don’t do this the new faction will be neutral to the player
exe\newplayer.fl ;<-- same as abovealso don’t forget to delete the restart.fl savegame after adding the new factions
Did it work for you?
So did anything here help? Looks pretty good already.
Ahhh, that´s perfect help!!!
Thank you all very much!
On this Days I find no time to check it out, but I´ll try it soon.
And I have a feeling like understanding this code above.You like my Starsphere?
I only change the color from an existing one with Photoshop.
If you like, you can use it. Feel free. Only change colors. There is no need to thanks.
It is zip, to post it here.
In context, it looks so:[Background]
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_noband.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_br06_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_th02.cmp < the new oneAn other one is to big to upload it here. I try to use original Hubble pictures in that other starsphere. But the realize is not soo perfect. It is very difficult to resize a nice picture to 256 colors. In the future, I will work it out.
I also already beginning with a totorial to import real pictures in starsphere.cmp with photoshop or gimp.
But the biggest problem is, to resize a nice pictures to the 256 colors using in freelancer.
Or do you hear of a way to use true color in freelancer??
In this case, I have all the importend infos to build realistic backgrounds.
If you texture an object, you have small .tng ups, it must called TGA! shown up, if the object is far away. You have to use less contrast for a realistic optic. So you need very less contrast and less sharpness for starspheres! otherways it looks like a wall very close up to your cockpit….Solaris Lem
Huh? You don’t have to use 256 colors in FL…
This is a hubble picture import in one starsphere.cmp.
it is a supernova i guess in crab-nebula. -
In starsphere cmp we find tng ups, it must called TGA! pictures in indiziert modus… mmh i dont know indiziert in english…
if i save tng ups, it must called TGA! in true color, it will not show up in game.
and indiziert is a modus only use 256 colorsah, wiki helped…
indizierte Farben = Indexed color -
Save it as RGB Color TGA with I believe 24bpp or try DDS DXT1 (don’t remember if it works here).
mmh, it is a long time ago, i work with the starsphere.cmp.
I also mod my winXP and now, I mixed up the problems….
I don´t remember exact.
I only know, that it was an horror to find the right way to save the tng ups, it must called TGA! files. compressed with RLE codec?
something like this.
possible, it is easy to save textures in .mat files.
i don´t know. I can´t work with milkshape 3d or .mat files.if my system is already with missions and nomad-shadow-ships, I will have a new look on the sphere-problem.
And if you are right with it, and we can save the tng ups, it must called TGA! in true color, I will create lot of hubble pictures imported starspheres.
I don´t know about using this pictures on public servers cause the copyrights, but the pictures need to (how to say) changed, work on it, so they are at least not the same.
however, I´ll give my starsphere work to all who want it.Solaris Lem
PS.: And when it works, I don´t forget you, Bras.
What program are you using to make the images? 99% use Photoshop as that’s what works the best and easiest way.
I expect UTF Editor works properly and all that? Why do you keep speaking of “TNG” files, that format doesn’t even exist? And RLE encoding?…
i´m not sure understanding your question.
But I try.
yes, photoshop using- PS 3
I open cmp-files with UTF-editor and export in section texture libary the MIP0 as tgaOHHH sorry !! of cause TGA NOT TNG
sorryok there the mistake.
yes, ok , export the MIP0 data as TGA and work now with Photoshop.
most model in fl don´t have own texture in it. I guess ships for example have the texture in .mat files. but i can´t open this files and so, don´t know it realy.
In starsphere.cmp we can find texture data in TGA Format.
And on this time, I only know to save this files in following way:
change photoshop modus from RGB to Indexed color (256 selektiv) and save now as tga.
(I controled it, no compressed with RLE or else)
All my trying to save in true color failed in, the file I adding, is my beginning (beta) german tut (word dok.)
but with some pictures. perhaps it show you some interesting details.RLE… this was an other problem by modding winXP. this small animations if files copy or some else.
I try to change them with own creates animations. In the beginning, I guess that animations are gif. But these are avi files with RLE compressed or closed to that. My own animations never work at least. I given it up… -
Wolfie wrote:
So did anything here help? Looks pretty good already.oh my goodness… you mean the code looks good, and with my modesty I thought you react to the picture I post…
and so I start talk about the Starspheres…
oh, there is no way out…
you have to think, I am fishing for compliments…
no, please, oh, there is no way out…
:oops:Small Town Lem